Interpersonal relationships 2024, July

How to Divorce a Violent Husband: 6 Steps

How to Divorce a Violent Husband: 6 Steps

The psychological aspect of abuse is insidious. If your husband is abusive, you don't need to have his permission to get a divorce. What you need to do is learn to separate his power and control over you from the reality of the facts, be very attentive to your physical and mental safety, and be ready to give up some security.

How to Meet Your Girlfriend's Parents

How to Meet Your Girlfriend's Parents

Here, it's time to meet your girlfriend's parents. You probably feel a mixture of nervousness, excitement and fear. You want them to be happy with you, but you also want to show you who you really are. You can make your first meeting a success by making a good impression, showing interest in the conversation, and preparing yourself properly.

How to start a romantic relationship

How to start a romantic relationship

Love stories can generate a strong sense of confusion mixed with joy. Sometimes the hardest part is starting a relationship - it takes patience to find a good person, get to know them, and start a relationship with them. The good news is that if you start off on the right foot, you have the opportunity to build a happy and healthy relationship.

11 Ways to Forget a Guy Who Doesn't Care

11 Ways to Forget a Guy Who Doesn't Care

While being rejected in love is quite common, it can be difficult and painful to overcome this experience. Whether you have a crush on someone who doesn't love you back, or your boyfriend doesn't love you the way you thought, it can take time to heal from a broken heart.

How to Forget an Important Person: 14 Steps

How to Forget an Important Person: 14 Steps

It is very difficult to forget a person who has played a key role in your life. However, if you can't live in the present because of this loss, you need to find a way to move on. To begin, allow yourself to feel all the sadness of the breakup, work to stop thinking about this person, and actively work to move forward.

How to Overcome One Person Obsession: 13 Steps

How to Overcome One Person Obsession: 13 Steps

Overcoming obsession with someone is really difficult, but there are ways to keep obsessive thoughts and behaviors in check. Whenever your mind is fixed on that person or you feel the urge to check their social profiles, take steps to rein in your thoughts, try to distract yourself by doing something pleasant or productive, or let off steam through writing.

How to deal with impossible people

How to deal with impossible people

Almost everyone knows at least one person with the rare ability to ruin the atmosphere on every occasion and make it unsustainable. Unfortunately, it is useless to point out the heavy and complicated side of her character because she probably won't even be able to understand that she has a problem.

How to Forget an Ex: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Forget an Ex: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

Ending a relationship is always painful and leads to negativity or arguments. Even if you have lost interest in your partner and you no longer love him, it may still be difficult to move on as he was an integral part of your life. Add in the complications of seeing your ex start new relationships and the inevitable loss of mutual friendships, and it's not hard to see why breakups are avoided as much as possible.

4 Ways to Deal With a Parent Trying to Control the Lives of Their Children

4 Ways to Deal With a Parent Trying to Control the Lives of Their Children

Many kids think their parents are too reluctant to let them live freely. The causes are different. In some cases, children try to cross certain limits and grow up a little faster than their parents realize. In other cases, parents try to control their children's lives.

How to be strong after a breakup (with pictures)

How to be strong after a breakup (with pictures)

We've all been there. A breakup is devastating and emotions are confused, in full turmoil. It's hard to be strong at first, so that's when you should let go of the pain. But soon you will realize that time heals wounds. You will be happier than ever and even stronger than before.

3 Ways to Close an Authoritarian and Manipulatory Relationship

3 Ways to Close an Authoritarian and Manipulatory Relationship

Ending an authoritarian and manipulative relationship isn't easy. If you think you don't have the courage to shut it down or that your partner won't make it without you, even if it hurts you, you won't be able to live on your terms. Here's how to prepare for the breakup, execute the plan, and not fall back on it.

How to stop being too accommodating with others

How to stop being too accommodating with others

If you are too accommodating, you probably tend to put the needs of others before your own. Maybe you want their approval or you have been taught more to give than to receive. It will take some time to change the habit, but start saying "

How to Help a Depressed Friend: 11 Steps

How to Help a Depressed Friend: 11 Steps

Depression is a serious illness that affects many people. If you have a friend who suffers from this mood disorder, you will probably have a thousand doubts about how to help him. There are several ways to assist a friend with these conditions, from encouraging him to heal himself to supporting him with kind words.

3 Ways to Find Conversation Topics

3 Ways to Find Conversation Topics

It can be difficult to talk to strangers, girls you invite out and people you meet at parties. What are you supposed to say? Prepare fun and interesting conversation topics, then listen carefully to your interlocutor to feel more comfortable (and not embarrass others).

4 Ways to Cope With Loneliness

4 Ways to Cope With Loneliness

People can feel lonely for a variety of different reasons, including simple social distress or voluntary isolation. Some may even feel lonely when surrounded by other people, because they have no meaningful connections. Everyone experiences loneliness in one way or another, and it's never pleasant.

3 Ways to Make Friends

3 Ways to Make Friends

Meeting new people and making friends can seem like a difficult undertaking, but with a little effort and the willingness to break away from your protective shell, you can do it. Start dating by going to places where you have the opportunity to socialize, like a local in town or a charity.

How to Identify Bad Friends: 13 Steps

How to Identify Bad Friends: 13 Steps

Sometimes friendship is confusing - you can't be totally sure of a friend's loyalty, sincerity, and support. If you have any inkling that your friendship isn't that great, it might be time to find out if she's really right for you and if it's worth fighting for.

How to deal with the fact of not having friends

How to deal with the fact of not having friends

Deep friendships are an important resource in everyone's life, but in some periods you can find yourself without close friends. In these cases, you can manage yourself by learning to be understanding with yourself and getting used to accepting moments of loneliness.

How to find out if a girl loves you or is just a good friend

How to find out if a girl loves you or is just a good friend

Romantic relationships often arise from great friendships. However, as you seek the courage to reveal your feelings, it's nerve-wracking to wait to find out if a girl likes you or if she just wants to be your friend. It is difficult to understand what she is feeling without confessing your love, but by learning to recognize some signs, you will be able to distinguish mere friends from potential partners.

How to Revive a Friendship: 13 Steps

How to Revive a Friendship: 13 Steps

Whether it's a change in lifestyle, a quarrel or a difference of interest, anyone can get away from a friend. Maybe you have changed your mind and want to resolve an old disagreement or you simply intend to decrease the distance that has slowly crept between you and an old acquaintance.

3 Ways to Have Fun with Your Best Friend

3 Ways to Have Fun with Your Best Friend

After a stressful week or day, sometimes the best way to unwind is to spend time with your best friend. Try some of the activities suggested in this article with your closest confidant; your relationship will become even more solid and enjoyable.

How to tell if your friend is a true friend

How to tell if your friend is a true friend

If you can't tell if a person is a true friend, your relationship is probably already in trouble. You will have many friends in life, but the real ones can be counted on the fingers of one hand and give great satisfaction. Fortunately, they are not difficult to spot.

How to Make Peace with a Friend after a Quarrel

How to Make Peace with a Friend after a Quarrel

It is terrible to argue with a friend. Maybe you feel disappointed and angry or you just want to reconcile with him. Even if you feel like nothing is going back, you can mend the relationship by contacting him and listening to what he has to say.

How to tell if a person is a true friend

How to tell if a person is a true friend

If you wonder if a person is a true friend, it usually means that something has happened that made you suspicious. The fact that you have doubts indicates that your relationship needs to be evaluated and you need to understand if your instincts are right before deciding if the relationship is worth continuing.

How to Raise a Friend's Morale after a Breakup

How to Raise a Friend's Morale after a Breakup

We all feel helpless in the face of a separation, especially when we have to help a friend who is suffering for love. One of the most important aspects of being able to help a friend during a breakup is understanding that you simply cannot change or resolve the situation.

5 Ways to Get Rid of an Unwanted Friend

5 Ways to Get Rid of an Unwanted Friend

It is not easy, nor pleasant, to find yourself turning away an unwanted friend. To find the courage to do this, think about how much better you will be once you get rid of it. There are so many ways to end a friendship that doesn't work: slowly detach by decreasing contact, confront it or just start ignoring it, if you weren't able to deal with the choice in a more mature way.

How to Make Someone Stop Ignoring You

How to Make Someone Stop Ignoring You

Being ignored is a bad feeling, whether it's a friend, your partner or your brother who keeps his distance. While it may be tempting to keep looking for the other person until they answer you, it's actually wiser to take a step back. Continue with your everyday life as she processes her feelings.

How to Reconnect a Relationship with a Child who Has Gone Away

How to Reconnect a Relationship with a Child who Has Gone Away

The removal of an adult son or daughter can be extremely painful. It is possible to recover the relationship, but it takes time and patience. As a parent, realize that the first step in remedying the situation is up to you. Regardless of whether or not you believe you made a mistake by causing him to be estranged, you need to try to re-establish a dialogue.

How to Stop a Verbally Violent Husband

How to Stop a Verbally Violent Husband

If your husband is verbally abusive, the situation is extremely damaging to your mental and emotional health, although the affection you feel for him can also make it quite complicated. Remember that you cannot change his behavior: only he can decide to stop being violent.

How to be a good friend (with pictures)

How to be a good friend (with pictures)

It is always worth taking the time to cultivate a friendship. As the years go by, some people will stay by your side, while others won't and you will understand that any lasting friendship is a gift of incalculable value. Of course, in order to have a good friend, it is essential to be as well, devoting efforts and attention to the person in question.

How to Create a Great Name for a Club: 10 Steps

How to Create a Great Name for a Club: 10 Steps

If you have decided to create a spectacular club for you and your friends, then you will also have to choose a beautiful name. Whether you want a secret club or one that everyone will have to talk about, you can follow these tips to pick the best possible name.

How to Refuse a Drink: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Refuse a Drink: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

In a social setting, you may be offered a drink. Once you get into the party mood, you may be reluctant to answer "No thanks," but you have your reasons. How do you decline the offer without looking like a party pooper? Steps Step 1.

How to Get Out of an Abusive Relationship (with Pictures)

How to Get Out of an Abusive Relationship (with Pictures)

Abuse can take many forms, but both mental and physical abuse must be tackled quickly and safely. If you are in a relationship based on abuse, you need to take immediate action to protect your well-being and find a direct path to recovery. Plan a worthy conclusion for this report, keep yourself safe and move on.

How to Deal with Negative People (with Pictures)

How to Deal with Negative People (with Pictures)

Everyone has that friend or co-worker who sucks up energy as if he were a vampire, convinced that he is the victim of countless conspiracies and that the whole world is angry with him. Unfortunately, you have to deal with a lot of pessimistic people in your life.

3 Ways To React If You Pee In Public Laughing

3 Ways To React If You Pee In Public Laughing

Have you ever laughed at someone's joke and ended up peeing on yourself in public? It's embarrassing, but it has happened to a lot of people. There is a scientific name for episodes of this type: "stress incontinence". Fortunately, strategies exist to make this potentially mortifying situation much less tragic.

How to Be a Good Husband: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Be a Good Husband: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

There is no single magic formula for being a wonderful husband. Every partner and every marriage is different, however there are some common problems that many married couples face and part of being a great husband is being able to cope with these problems.

How to Restore Your Trust in Humanity

How to Restore Your Trust in Humanity

We are all born receptive to love, kindness and hope. Growing up, we encounter the less hopeful and more complex aspects of the human being, including discovering that sometimes human gestures can be full of hatred, calculation and rudeness.

3 Ways to Give Your Best Friend a Gift She Won't Forget

3 Ways to Give Your Best Friend a Gift She Won't Forget

Finding the perfect gift is never easy, especially if the recipient is someone you care about a lot, like your best friend. When a special occasion approaches, you should give her a unique gift that she will always remember and show her how much you care about her.

How to give your girlfriend an unforgettable birthday

How to give your girlfriend an unforgettable birthday

Celebrating the people we care about most comes down to one thing: paying attention to them. There is no secret decoder on the Internet to know what exactly a girl wants… let alone what your girlfriend wants. Searching for the perfect gift or throwing the perfect party can be stressful, so when it comes time to plan an unforgettable birthday for your girlfriend, we hope the tips in this article will give you the boost you need.

How to Tell a Guy You Don't Like It: 15 Steps

How to Tell a Guy You Don't Like It: 15 Steps

If a guy expresses his interest in you, but you don't reciprocate his feelings, you can feel like you're in a difficult situation. Don't you want to deceive him, but neither do you want to hurt him? The best way to solve the problem is to talk to him.