Many dream of becoming celebrities, especially teenagers. Some intend to cultivate a full-fledged career in the entertainment industry, while others simply wish to have a peek into this world. Whatever your purpose, you can try several tricks to start acting like a real celebrity.
Method 1 of 3: Have the Right Attitude

Step 1. Believe in yourself
To behave like a celebrity, you first need to be confident. What do almost all famous people have in common? Charisma, which usually comes from self-esteem. Believing in yourself and being self-confident are two key factors in becoming well-known characters.
- To immediately feel more confident, make a list of your talents, the goals you have achieved and your character strengths. Write concrete examples on a piece of paper and stick it in a strategic point, where you will see it every day (such as your desk or the door of your room). Whenever you see this list, read two or three points in a low voice.
- Take a cue from your strengths to make positive affirmations. Whenever you start doubting yourself, think or say out loud phrases like "I'm smart", "I'm kind" and / or "I'm beautiful".
- Try to be more sociable. Don't expect others to always speak to you first. Hit up a conversation with strangers while standing in line at the supermarket. Don't be afraid to introduce yourself.

Step 2. Try to look confident even when you feel the other way around
Belief in yourself is often a difficult skill to master. Even celebrities and successful people can have self-esteem issues. When trying to act like a famous person, it's important to look confident, however different you feel.
- Try to have good posture - others interpret this as a sign of self-esteem. Always keep your back straight and shoulders relaxed, both when sitting and standing. Try to distribute the weight evenly and don't hunch over.
- Control negative thoughts and words. Try not to be overly critical of yourself and others. Don't gossip.
- When you talk to someone, look them in the eye. Avoiding eye contact or looking away too quickly can be a sign of nervousness or even dishonesty. Instead, knowing how to hold the gaze of your interlocutor is considered a sign of self-esteem.
- Try to make small gestures to help others, such as holding the door open for someone or offering coffee to a stranger. Give heartfelt compliments more often.
- Many of these tactics can help you gain more confidence as you try to at least seemingly demonstrate it.

Step 3. Smile more often
If you want to look like a celebrity, you have to look like a contented person. Smiling also helps you feel more confident and instantly increases your charisma.
If you think you don't have a beautiful smile, try to improve it. Stand in front of a mirror and make several attempts

Step 4. Pose for photos
Try to look sophisticated and composed, however informal the photo is. Relax your muscles to avoid looking tense. If you are calm, you will be natural and spontaneous. Each person is best enhanced by a particular pose, so experiment in front of a full-length mirror to find the right one. Here are some classic poses you can try:
- If you want to highlight your legs and a nice pair of shoes, try keeping one leg straight and the other slightly bent. Since this pose allows you to get good shots from different angles, it's great when you don't know for sure how the camera will be positioned relative to your body.
- Another versatile pose is to place one hand on your hip, with your shoulders relaxed. It is elegant, but not too artificial. If you don't have a problem with less natural poses, try placing both hands on your hips instead. Instead of relaxing your shoulders, spread them out and straighten them.
- If you prefer a more jaunty pose, stand next to the lens, facing only your face towards the camera. Raise one leg as much as possible by bending the knee, with the torso straight and balanced. Keep your hands busy by grabbing a handbag and / or playing with your hair.

Step 5. Support a charity or volunteer
Many celebrities are notoriously philanthropic people and give substantial donations or set up associations. You may not have the same financial means as they do, but you can emulate them in many other ways. Volunteer at an organization in your city, such as a homeless or animal shelter. You can also organize a school fundraiser for a cause you believe in.

Step 6. Try to stand out
By definition, celebrities get a lot of attention from people. Try to get noticed in a positive way.
- Cultivate an artistic talent. Many celebrities have achieved fame thanks to the visual arts, such as music, theater or fashion. Choose one or more arts of your interest and cultivate them consistently.
- When someone needs help, offer to help right away. For example, if your teachers or other students are looking for volunteers for an event, go ahead.
- At social events, when everyone is waiting for someone to break the ice, get involved. Hit the dance floor. Plan activities. Take the initiative to sing karaoke.

Step 7. Be yourself
Many celebrities don't try to behave a certain way. They became famous doing what they love, whether it be acting, singing or pursuing another high-profile career. People love genuine and authentic celebrities. You can certainly do a lot of things to act like a celebrity, but don't lose sight of yourself.
Method 2 of 3: Look like a Celebrity

Step 1. Follow a healthy lifestyle
Staying healthy affects your physical appearance. Many celebrities (especially those who work with the body) follow a strict diet and train hard. To be healthy, try to move for at least half an hour a day by combining cardiovascular and strength activities. Eat fresh fruit, green leafy vegetables, and lean proteins. Hydrate yourself by drinking about 8 8-ounce glasses of water per day.
- Avoid diets that are in vogue - they can be dangerous. Many celebrities promote detoxifying or cleansing diets that promise to eliminate toxins. They usually involve fasting, associated with certain types of fruit, vegetables, herbs or supplements. Despite the great popularity of these regimens, little evidence confirms their effectiveness, and they can cause serious side effects.
- Many celebrities are known to succumb heavily to addictions such as drugs and alcohol, but you certainly shouldn't imitate them in that sense. Several of these famous people end up consuming or even dying young. Don't ruin your health, especially before you've even left a mark on the world.

Step 2. Surround yourself with friends
Many celebrities are often seen together with a group or with an entourage. If you want to imitate them in this respect, try doing everything with a group of close friends. Offer to coordinate clothes or hairstyles. The main advantage of having a party is to support each other.

Step 3. Dress to flatter yourself, but also to be comfortable
You shouldn't have to spend a fortune buying loads of expensive clothes. Instead, try to match the garments correctly. The most effective way to look well-groomed is to wear clothes that fit you perfectly. They should also be comfortable, so you will feel more relaxed and confident.
- Try to imitate the style of your favorite celebrities. Take a closer look at how they dress and make up. Do they have an eccentric or sophisticated style? Do they almost always wear a certain color or do they prefer certain models of clothing? You may decide to completely copy an outfit or just take a cue.
- Make your own style look like that of a celebrity. Instead of taking inspiration from other people, try to value your personal style more. Do you have a jacket or a pair of shoes that you reserve for special occasions? Put them on more often. Do you usually dress in jeans and a T-shirt? Make sure you always wear clothes that are clean and look new.
- Don't get dressed up to go shopping. Between a suit and a dressed up customer, the clerk of a luxury store will probably think that the celebrity is the first person, that is, the one with the relaxed look. In fact, famous people are less likely to feel the need to flaunt their status.

Step 4. Put on goggles
Many celebrities choose thicker frames for two reasons: sunglasses hide dark circles (so you won't need to have flawless makeup), but also physiognomy (so a person can instantly become less recognizable). With such an accessory, not only will you look more like a celebrity - you'll also have a better chance of actually being one.

Step 5. Remember that a celebrity needs a real team of professionals to look their best
Almost all the photos published around are more than evident proof of this. Don't be discouraged if you can't be as perfect as your favorite singer. In everyday life, he doesn't even have a red carpet look.
Celebrities also often hire chefs, personal trainers, and assistants to manage their daily lives. If you have a hard time getting through all of your busy schedules, remember that even your favorite celebrities would find it hard to do it all on their own
Method 3 of 3: Pretend to be a Celebrity

Step 1. Trick some people for a few hours into thinking you are a real celebrity
If you want to get a taste of the same attention that celebrities receive every day, try playing a joke. You need accomplices and the right attitude. Just make sure you prepare some explanations to give in case they catch you red-handed!

Step 2. Involve a large group of friends and family
Reach out to people of all ages, not just your peers. Ask for help from older brothers or sisters, parents, even teachers. The staging, in this way, will be more credible.
If an adult raises an objection, explain that this is an innocent joke and that you will not cause any problems. You can also turn it into a sociology or psychology project (if you study these subjects)

Step 3. Go to a busy public place, such as a shopping mall
For the joke to be successful, you need to surround yourself with people, but not enough to risk not being noticed. You can try this on a Saturday afternoon, except during the holidays, when everyone goes to buy gifts.
If you live in a small town and others may recognize you, better try elsewhere

Step 4. Invite a few accomplices to line up to take a picture with you
To start, your "fans" will ask you for a photo together. Do not take pictures of yourself with more than one or two people at a time: if you take a group photo, you will look like a very simple group having fun. Instead, invite them to take turns. If strangers who are unaware of the staging come up, play the game.
If you are a boy, ask your younger "fans" to jump enthusiastically, in order to fool passersby even better

Step 5. Invite other accomplices to advertise you
If you can get a lot of people to help you (or you end up attracting a lot during the staging), others will start to get curious. Someone will likely ask those present what is happening. As soon as your "fans" are asked such a question, they can explain that you are a celebrity and why you are known.
- Prepare a story in advance and invite your "fans" to be consistent. Decide which name to use, be it true or an alias. Establish why you are "famous" by staying a little vague. If you want to play an actor, you could say you've recently been in a big production, but don't specify your role. If you want to say that you are a pop singer, choose a famous song by an up and coming artist and little known, or invent your own.
- If you look like a real celebrity and want to be a little more daring, pretend to be this character.

Step 6. Invite the rest of the participants to stand next to you or follow you at a "decent" distance
Ask your "fans" to crowd around you as much as possible. When people see a crowd, many begin to instinctively follow it. As the group will attract more and more people, you will look and feel more and more like a real celebrity.

Step 7. Do everything normally
Keep your face neutral and try to act as if this is business as usual for you. Wearing sunglasses will help you both indoors and out. If you're in the mall, shop around and shop as usual. Try to move often to get even more noticed, otherwise relax and enjoy the show.
Ask one of your "fans" to film everything. You will likely miss out on a lot of reactions as you try to maintain aplomb. The video will allow you to see what you missed, plus you will have a tangible memory of this experience
- Don't seem too full of yourself. Celebrities are ordinary people who have become famous.
- Remember that pretending to be famous will not actually make you famous, unless you have a good money or a talent that will appeal to others.
- Don't be presumptuous. Nobody is perfect and everyone knows it.