You meet a handsome guy and things seem to be going great, you give him your number and you don't hear from him for a week. Then he cancels at the last minute without a valid reason. He asks you to hang out with him and his friends and you find yourself in a sports bar watching a game. He doesn't write to you anymore and doesn't call you when he says he would. Men play weird, and this article will help you understand them a little better.

Step 1. Men and women are completely different creatures
They think, eat and talk differently. Once this is done, things will be much simpler. Don't read too much between the lines - it's usually not complicated.

Step 2. Often men will test you to see how you react
If you remain calm, indifferent and composed, you will win. If you get emotional, he will win and can tell all his friends that you are psycho. Surprise him and show him that you can control your emotions. Most women can't, and he'll respect you a lot more if you don't yell at him slamming doors. If he puts you in a situation that makes you uncomfortable, let him know.

Step 3. Men like to push a little, then pull back
When you accept it, things will be a lot easier for you. At first it will remove all obstacles. He'll open the door for you, pay for your dinner, and let you choose which movie to watch. Then he will get bored. He will want to change the routine, and if he doesn't answer you right away it will be to see your reaction. If you freak out by giving him the attention he wants, you will only give him a rope. Do the same with him. Don't always be available. Keep having your life and your interests.

Step 4. Think before you speak
Men like to think they are logical while women are emotional. And while that may well be true, it isn't always the case. You can't take care of someone else if you don't take care of yourself first. Don't give up your life for a guy. Never! The number one cause of complaint for men is that women let their routine completely revolve around a guy. Don't be that kind of woman. Keep having hobbies, hanging out with friends, cooking, doing whatever makes you happy and keeps you busy. If you find a guy special enough, make time for him. This is what men do. They live their own lives and if they meet a girl they like they bring her into their lives.

Step 5. Sometimes a man will look at another woman to make you jealous
Most of the time it's not because he doesn't love you, but because he wants a reaction. If you give him the classic female reaction, you will fall into his trap. If you catch him staring at another woman, recognize him and move on. Say something like "She's very pretty" and then change the subject. He won't know how to react.

Step 6. Most men are sincere
They say what they think and they think what they say. If you do this as a woman, communication will be on a completely different level. Don't say anything halfway through and don't expect it to read your mind. If you want something, ask for it. If you are angry about something he said to you, discuss it and move on. Pouting and angry is no use and he won't know what he did wrong unless you tell him.

Step 7. A man will avoid you so as not to appear too impatient or desperate
He won't respond to your messages right away because he will want you to realize he has his life. It is important that you have yours too. Imitate him apologetically. Don't answer her phone calls right away; if you already have plans and he asks you out, don't change your plans for him! It may sound shocking, but many women would give up on anything for a guy, while a guy wouldn't. He will be logical, will keep his original plans and postpone for another time.

Step 8. If he's always late or doesn't show up, ask him to give you the same consideration he would give a customer
This will put you on the plane of a business transaction, which is a logical thing. Then let it go and move on. Women tend to mull over everything, which is very irritating. If you cancel again, plan something else.

Step 9. Men love challenges
They want what they cannot have. That's why they try so hard to make an impression at first and once they have you, it's like they don't have any incentives anymore. You have to be the one to give him that incentive. If you are going out with friends or running errands, dress well and wear makeup. Don't let yourself go. Make him always see you as the beautiful woman you are. Make him think he might lose you, so he works harder to keep you close.
- Be strong and independent. Many men are attracted to women who know how to live without them, and who are not looking for a savior or a guardian angel.
- If you don't usually wear makeup, don't just start to impress; if it's not your style, don't pretend.
- Think about how men react. Then think about how you reacted to a bad situation. Do you notice any differences?
- When a man does something to you that you don't like, don't react until you think about why he did it that way. Be calm and logical. Take the time to formulate an answer.
- Don't hate the game or the player. Learn the rules if you want to win!
- Don't talk bad about men and don't say things like "all men are idiots". He will make opinions based on your behavior. You wouldn't like to be with a man who hates women, right?
- Don't be too distant. Show him some interest and then back off, he'll keep him attached to the hook. That's how men do it.
- Don't be too clingy and in need of affection. Calling him constantly to check how he is is up to the mothers.