Perhaps you have seen it at the cinema or you have read a description of it in a book: it is the French kiss, an eternal and passionate gesture of romantic love. Wherever you live, you can learn how French people kiss without running into embarrassing problems! Read this article to learn how to French kiss.
Part 1 of 3: Step Forward

Step 1. Keep your lips soft
A soft, soft and well hydrated mouth is ideal for kissing. Before you jump in, make sure they're not chapped and dry with these tricks:
- Apply cocoa butter. Spread some on your lips and rub them together (if you're a girl, you can choose a colorful and flavored one!). To avoid greasing your partner, you should apply cocoa butter or gloss at least an hour before kissing them.
- Drink lots of water. Dry lips are a symptom of dehydration. With a glass or two of water you should start noticing lip rehydration within 20-30 minutes.
- Lick your lips. If you're really in a hurry, quickly run your tongue over your lips and rub them together. This should only slightly moisten them, without making them look slobbery or greasy.

Step 2. Freshen your breath
It's not nice to have heavy breath when you're about to kiss someone, whether it's a French kiss or not. Since you will have to keep your mouth open, fresh breath is especially important. Practice good dental hygiene regularly. If you know you're going to kiss someone, take a moment to brush your teeth or at least rinse your mouth with water.
- If you think there is a possibility of kissing someone, bring mints or peppermint-flavored chewing gum with you to keep your breath fresh.
- Avoid food that leaves a bad aftertaste or unpleasant residue, such as garlic, coffee, onions, milk, and corn. If you are invited to a romantic dinner, choose the dishes strategically.

Step 3. Find the right time
A good kiss - especially if it is the first kiss - is the culmination of a growing tension of a gradually built intimacy. Pick the right time to make sure you and your partner are both ready to get carried away and get lost in the kiss. When is the right time? It depends on the specific situation, but there are some signs to keep in mind:
- You have complete privacy. Whether you are on the balcony or sitting on a park bench, you don't have to worry about someone interrupting you.
- The other person sends specific signals, such as closing their eyes, staring at your lips, or getting progressively closer to you. Whether you're kissing a boy or a girl, their body language should give you the certainty of the exact moment you need to act.
- The appointment went very well. The car or the porch are both good places to kiss goodnight, away from prying eyes.
- It just seems like the right thing to do. If you feel the urge to kiss someone, don't be too scared and go for it. However, you must be prepared for any awkward or uncomfortable situations if you find that the other person does not share your feelings.
- Ask. If you're not sure if the other person has feelings for you, open up the topic. It's better to get permission for the first kiss, albeit clumsily, and continue confidently, rather than risk missing the opportunity to kiss that special someone (at the risk that she won't be interested).

Step 4. Make eye contact
Intensely stare at your partner. If you want to make your intentions more than obvious, slowly move your gaze to his lips, then return to look him in the eye. You could also look down for a few seconds, before returning to get lost in his eyes: it's a sweet way to show him that you are overwhelmed by the feelings you have at his sight.
Girls who want to look more flirtatious can lower their gaze and then slowly raise it up with a gentle movement of the eyelashes

Step 5. Smile
If you are really excited at the prospect of kissing whoever stands in front of you, prove it! A smile makes the situation light-hearted and fun, helping you create a calm and relaxed atmosphere. Make sure your smile is sweet and sincere, not too forced, pulled or creepy. Be happy when you are in this person's company. While smiling, try to catch her gaze or lower your eyes for just a few seconds before looking back at her.
You can opt for a parted-lipped smile rather than showing your teeth, as it may seem more of a friendly attitude than a romantic one
Step 6. Relieve the embarrassment of physical contact
After the smile and romantic looks, you can decide whether to kiss this person without ever having touched them before or establish physical contact first. Maybe when you sit next to her, you can casually brush her leg with yours, hold her hand, rest your hand on her knee, pat her arm, or just show affection. If you've kissed her on the lips before, then breaking the physical barrier between you might feel natural: you should make an effort to touch her before kissing her so that both of you feel comfortable.
You can also break through the physical barrier as you approach to kiss the other person. If you are standing, you can touch her arms, neck or shoulders. If you are sitting, you can put your hand on her back. Remember, girls really like being taken by the waist
Step 7. Step forward
When the time seems right, go for it! In general, you should move so slowly that you - eventually - allow the other person to say no, but not so much that the mood of the moment dwindles. When you feel like the time is right, start getting closer and when your face is inches from hers, you can bend your head slightly to kiss her softly.
Take it easy. A soft approach releases tension and is a prelude to the sequel. Let the other person have the opportunity to agree or not. When he notices you approaching, he may come towards you, so you will need to make sure to move gently to prevent your heads from colliding
Step 8. Slowly tilt your head to one side so the noses don't collide
Tilt her away from the other person. Even if you want everything to be perfect, don't get too excited. You will be able to find a comfortable position instinctively, without getting in the way of your nose.
Unlike what you can tell from the movies, it doesn't have to happen in slow motion. Don't worry about doing it perfectly - you'll have plenty of time to find the most comfortable position for both of you

Step 9. Close your eyes just before contact
Day kissing is generally associated with dishonesty and deceit. Instead, keep them closed to focus on your partner and enjoy the contact between the lips. Closing your eyes also helps you live in the moment, instead of distracting yourself with what's going on around you: by opening them, you could break the atmosphere.
You can reopen them later, at the end of the kiss

Step 10. Keep your mouth in a kissable position
Avoid poking your lips forward, rigid, as if you were about to kiss your grandmother; in addition to communicating unromantic feelings, you would be preventing your partner from being available for a French kiss. On the other hand, keeping your mouth completely closed and immobile still communicates a lack of interest. Here's a good middle ground:
- Pout your lips just a little. Push them forward slightly, with the slightest hint of muscle tension.
- Open your mouth slightly. Instead of aggressively throwing yourself on a wide open mouth kiss, keep your lips slightly parted so your tongue can slip between them.
Part 2 of 3: French Kissing Like a Real Expert
Step 1. Place your lips on your partner's imagining your mouth is a feather:
so you will increase the excitement and his expectations before launching into the French kiss. You will also let him know that you want more than just a kiss without being too direct.
Keep your movements slow. Exchanging quick and light kisses does not have the same sensuality as the more relaxed ones. Act like you have all the time in the world. The pace should be increasing
Step 2. Probe the ground
After kissing without using your tongue, you can let the other person know that you are willing to go further. In general, if this is your first kiss, you should take it easy to make sure you are not ahead of schedule. To make sure the time is right for a French kiss, test your partner's willingness by checking the following signs:
- Open your mouth wider to invite the other person to make a first attempt at tongue contact.
- Squeeze the other person's lower lip between your lips and lightly run the tip of your tongue over it. The movement must be smooth and rapid, so that the contact lasts less than a second. If the other person is interested, they will be able to reciprocate.
- Know when to back out. If your partner doesn't reciprocate, go back to regular kissing. Don't get angry and don't make him feel guilty.
Step 3. Explore with the language
If the other person seems interested, go ahead and start with the real French kiss. Remember: tongue in motion and light touches. Slowly slide your tongue into your partner's mouth, moving it a little if you feel like it. You can start by resting it on or under his tongue, perhaps moving it in circular motions if you're feeling fearless. However, in order not to break the mood, make sure the other person reacts positively and indulges you in turn. Here are some things to keep in mind as you explore the French kiss:
- Plays. Move your tongue forward to lightly touch the other person's, then pull it back, inviting them to make the next move.
- Tongues are loaded with nerve endings, so the simple touch is very pleasant.
- Don't go too deep. In the beginning, stay on the surface. Follow your partner's pace.

Step 4. Breathe
When the kiss lasts for a long time, it can happen that you hold your breath. However, wheezing isn't very romantic. Try to breathe regularly. Once you have found the right rhythm, you will need to be able to find that particular combination that will allow you to breathe without interrupting the flow of kisses. Here's how to do it:
- Take small breaths with your nose as you kiss.
- Don't be afraid to stop for a few seconds, looking the other person in the eye and smiling at them. Even a break can be very sexy. Move away so your foreheads touch, keep eye contact and smile.
- By gaining confidence, you can also try to breathe through your mouth. Sharing the breath can be romantic (but not everyone likes it).
Part 3 of 3: Advanced Techniques
Step 1. Make a mix
Kisses are like snowflakes: no two are identical. Once you have learned to kiss like this, you will be tempted to do the same every time, but you should avoid it to make it more interesting. You should try to change something from time to time, so as not to fall into monotony. Add variations when you feel more comfortable. Here are some ideas:
- Speed. Changing the kissing speed is a great way to try something different without intimidating your partner. After you've mastered slow kissing, try speeding up for a few seconds - you'll both be out of breath!
- Depth. Switch from the surface to the deeper kisses or, if you want to play a little, back to the more superficial kisses.
- Pressure. Practice more with your tongue, just insisting and continuing to move it, if you know your partner well and know you don't bother him.
- Teeth. You might nibble on the other person's lips, but remember to try gently and understand their reaction before doing it again. However, be aware that not everyone loves bites.
Step 2. Use your hands gently, especially during the first kiss
But avoid keeping them rigid on your sides. By touching your partner you can create greater intimacy between you. Here's what you need to know about using your hands during the French kiss:
- As a general rule, start by placing your hands on her hips and then slowly move them over her face and through her hair.
- Pat the other person's back to let them know that you feel comfortable around them.
- Support her face with your hands by resting them on her cheeks and neck.
- If you want to go classic, you can also hug her.

Step 3. Interpret his body language
Everyone kisses differently and not everyone likes the same things. A good kiss happens when you feel involved, give and receive, pay attention to the other person's expectations. The most important thing is to make sure your partner is comfortable with kissing and affectionate gestures.
- Not everyone likes to be kissed in the same way, so if your previous partner might have a preference, your current partner may prefer something else. You have to learn to read the signs and adapt to that style that puts both of you at ease.
- If your partner rejects you or doesn't seem comfortable, you need to slow down and try something else.
- Let the other person kiss you in turn, always respecting the well-being and comfort of both of you.
- Pay attention to the signs that they can reveal to you if your partner likes a particular gesture. If he sighs or groans, if he responds to your kisses increasingly, then you are on the right track.
Step 4. Practice
A good French kiss, like any kiss, takes practice. The more you kiss a person, the more you will be able to find a style that will suit both of you. Just because the first kiss wasn't great doesn't mean you can't patiently find a rhythm that satisfies both of you.
- Also try not to take yourself too seriously. If something went wrong, it's okay to laugh, maybe apologize and try again. If you are desperate, however, you risk making the situation worse and there is no reason to do it.
- The first kisses, as well as the first few times you make love, are usually not exciting. Part of the fun is getting better - together.

Step 5. Communicate what you feel, give feedback to your partner
If you don't like what he does, tell him, but with a gentle approach: offer constructive criticism and balance it with a compliment. Likewise, if your partner is honest and sincere, you don't have to react badly or get angry, otherwise you risk avoiding communicating with you in the future.
- Even if the kiss goes wrong, laughing together about what happened will still be a gesture of great intimacy. The important thing is that you are honest about how you feel and what you want to improve.
- You should also communicate, telling your partner how attractive you find him, how much you like him. If you can make them feel how happy you are to be with him, French kissing will become even more natural.
- There are no rules on the duration of the kiss either. Continue until you are tired! In between kisses, introduce something new by sucking on your lip. Maybe you'll find yourself kissing after taking a breath.
- Be active. Respond to your partner's actions and take the "lead" as well as regards the movements of the lips and tongue. If you feel uncomfortable, don't be afraid to pull back or close your lips. Your partner will understand if they care about you.
- If your salivation is heavy, swallow periodically without interrupting the kiss. Can't you? Stand back for a moment. Smile to reassure your partner, take a break and kiss them passionately.
- Be firm in the face of requests that don't convince you. It is safe to say no!
- French kissing can cause the transmission of infectious diseases such as herpes and mononucleosis.
- If you both wear braces, you can still kiss each other, but be careful not to get hurt.