How to Win a Guy in 10 Days: 15 Steps

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How to Win a Guy in 10 Days: 15 Steps
How to Win a Guy in 10 Days: 15 Steps

If you're planning on getting a guy in just 10 days, you'll need to work hard, not afraid to make the first move and show off. It's not impossible, but it's certainly not an easy feat. But you love challenges, right? Read on to find out how!


Part 1 of 3: First Part: Make a Good Impression Starting with the Look

Get a Guy in 10 Days Step 1
Get a Guy in 10 Days Step 1

Step 1. Wear your best clothes for 10 days

Maintain a certain balance between casual and formal wear, going from being a bombshell to the girl next door in a totally amazing and subtly sexy way. Don't be afraid to play with different styles, but create outfits that flatter you.

  • Open the closet and choose whatever suits you best. If you want to treat yourself to something, buy new clothes that make you look cool.
  • If you know what kind of girl he likes, put yourself in his shoes. You don't have to transform yourself into another one, but introduce elements into your wardrobe that recall the style of her preference.

Step 2. Take care of your personal hygiene

Shower every day so you always smell good. Bring your toothbrush, toothpaste, refreshing wipes and some perfume with you. If you really can't take a shower, rinse the parts of your body that tend to sweat and therefore give off a bad smell with soap and water.

Make sure your hair isn't dirty, as it won't look very attractive. If you have very oily hair, you should shampoo at least once every two days (or even every day if the situation is really critical)

Get a Guy in 10 Days Step 3
Get a Guy in 10 Days Step 3

Step 3. Your face is the first thing she will see of you, so you need to be very pretty

It's hard to make big changes in 10 days, but something can be done.

  • Eliminate blemishes by following a proper routine and using products suitable for your skin type. Don't forget to wash your face twice a day and moisturize it immediately afterwards. If you get a pimple, opt for a home remedy, such as baking soda, to dry it out.
  • Make up to cover blemishes and redness. Guys like the natural look, so don't go overboard with your make-up.
  • Eliminate unwanted facial hair, especially on the lips, and give a pleasant shape to the eyebrows.
  • Exfoliate your lips. Make them shiny and inviting by applying a conditioner and gloss, so they're ready for a kiss.
Get a Guy in 10 Days Step 4
Get a Guy in 10 Days Step 4

Step 4. Use the hairstyles that suit you best

It is important to find a hairstyle that suits you and that highlights your face.

Get a Guy in 10 Days Step 5
Get a Guy in 10 Days Step 5

Step 5. Exercise

In 10 days it is difficult to get back in shape if you have weight problems, but it is a good start. Treat your body with love and try one of the following options to stay active and achieve your goal:

  • Join a team to practice your favorite sport and feel motivated to train;
  • Go to the gym to do cardio equipment and exercises, but if you prefer you can also swim or try your hand at spinning;
  • Too lazy? Walk for 30 minutes a day, it won't be the most effective exercise in the world, but it helps.

Part 2 of 3: Start Flirting

Get a Guy in 10 Days Step 6
Get a Guy in 10 Days Step 6

Step 1. Get noticed

You need to make a good impression right from the start. Show off your best outfit, fix your hair, make-up, nails and find a way to introduce yourself to him. Here are some suggestions:

  • Accidentally collide. Maybe you can pretend you're in a hurry and run into him. When your eyes meet, introduce yourself.
  • Ask a friend to introduce you to him.
  • Go straight to him and ask him a few questions. Find out if you have something in common, make jokes.
Get a Guy in 10 Days Step 7
Get a Guy in 10 Days Step 7

Step 2. Smile and laugh at his jokes, even if they're not funny

Use your body language to flirt and let him know you like him. Show him a gorgeous smile that will brighten the room and actually make you happier. If he makes a joke, remember to laugh even if it's not very funny. Small precautions are enough to flirt with the body:

  • Make eye contact when you speak.
  • Do not cross your arms or legs to maintain an open position and make yourself available for dialogue.
  • Curl your hair.
Get a Guy in 10 Days Step 8
Get a Guy in 10 Days Step 8

Step 3. Talk about interesting things

Guys like beautiful girls, but they get bored easily, so try to entertain him with conversational talk, avoiding platitudes.

  • How to have a good conversation:
    • Ask good questions. “Where did you live before you moved here?”Is an example. To prove you're a good listener, opt for phrases like “Earlier you said you don't like action movies. So what do you watch in the cinema? ".
    • Tell him about yourself. He'll want to get to know you too, so don't keep asking him questions, but tell him something about yourself.
    • Get out of an uncomfortable situation by joking about it: “Sorry, I'm the queen of fools! ". You will immediately lighten the atmosphere.
    Get a Guy in 10 Days Step 9
    Get a Guy in 10 Days Step 9

    Step 4. Begin to physically get closer to him after a few days

    Touch his arm or shoulder. If the right situation arises, tickle him. As you speak, touch their hand to emphasize a concept.

    Get a Guy in 10 Days Step 10
    Get a Guy in 10 Days Step 10

    Step 5. Start flirting openly

    There are so many ways to choose from to flirt with a guy:

    • Send him text messages, e-mails or write him in chat.
      • Text him that says, “Hey, I had a good time the other night. I hope to see you soon ".
      • You can also cheerfully tease him.
    • Flirt with your body.
      • Curl your hair, blink and laugh softly.
      • Stroke his chest or thighs, but not too often.
    • Flirt with compliments.
      • Try something like “Tell me the truth, how many girls hit on you every time you go out? ".
      • Or something like “You're so funny. Why doesn't such a special guy have a girlfriend? ".

      Part 3 of 3: Attract him to you

      Get a Guy in 10 Days Step 11
      Get a Guy in 10 Days Step 11

      Step 1. Ask him out if he hasn't come forward yet

      Push it in the right direction using the attitude of your choice:

      • You can be direct if you want, telling him “Why haven't you asked me out yet? ". If he likes you, he'll invite you out right away.
      • If you'd rather be subtle, try telling him "Tomorrow night I should have gone to the cinema with my friend, but she pulled back at the last moment and I don't know what to do". He might suggest that you spend the evening with him.
      Get a Guy in 10 Days Step 12
      Get a Guy in 10 Days Step 12

      Step 2. Is the boy enigmatic?

      Ask a friend of yours to "let" slip a few informal words about your interest in him in front of him. If you want to get a man in 10 days, you need to be bolder than usual. Because?

      • He may like you, but he doesn't know how to behave and is afraid of rejection. Knowing that he already has the road cleared, he would probably be more direct and would take the first step.
      • However, sometimes it can also happen that someone doesn't like you. If he doesn't make any moves, you can't force him. Don't feel downhearted - an unrequited interest shouldn't hurt your self-esteem.
      Get a Guy in 10 Days Step 13
      Get a Guy in 10 Days Step 13

      Step 3. Does he like you and do you have any plans to go out together?

      It doesn't matter what the destination is: during the date, let him know that you like him, but keep him a little on the tightrope. Guys love to hunt, so be precious, but smile sweetly at him and let him get a little closer.

      Get a Guy in 10 Days Step 14
      Get a Guy in 10 Days Step 14

      Step 4. If you've been out together a couple of times, wait for him to kiss you (always carry mints

      ). Don't you try it yet? Give him some signals:

      • Get close to him, especially the facial area, and see how he reacts.
      • Look him deeply in the eye.
      • Seductively moisten your lips (but not too often, once is enough!).
      Get a Guy in 10 Days Step 15
      Get a Guy in 10 Days Step 15

      Step 5. You have to be patient

      Winning a guy in 10 days is possible, but maybe it's too early to talk about love. After the first kiss, you are on the right path, even if you don't necessarily feel the same way.

      • Maybe he doesn't want a relationship and prefers to have fun.
      • He may not be very expressive, so it will be difficult to understand how he feels.
      • He may be acting macho in front of his friends just to make a good impression on you.
      • He may not understand the idea of romance, but he may be willing to learn.


      • Don't be clingy, or she'll run away.
      • Don't be nervous around him and quietly tell him about you and your days.
      • Have dinner together every now and then.
