4 Ways to Give Thanks

4 Ways to Give Thanks
4 Ways to Give Thanks

Have you ever experienced a pleasant, indistinct feeling when a person sincerely thanks you for something you have done for them? You are not the only one, because everyone loves to be appreciated. Imagine how pleasant it is to make another person feel that feeling with your gratitude. Saying "thank you" in an open and honest way not only makes you a happier person, but also a healthier and more dynamic person. So the next time someone does a nice gesture for you - big or small - take the time to say thank you.


Method 1 of 4: Give Thanks the Easy Way

Thank Someone Step 1
Thank Someone Step 1

Step 1. Smile and maintain eye contact

If you want to say thank you in person, remember to smile and look your partner in the eye. These little gestures make your words much more credible.

Thank Someone Step 2
Thank Someone Step 2

Step 2. Choose something simple

Showing gratitude towards another person is wonderful. Flattering her excessively and going out of her way to say "thank you" is an exaggerated attitude, which could embarrass her. Express your gratitude in a simple, direct, and pleasant way.

Thank Someone Step 3
Thank Someone Step 3

Step 3. Sincerely thank you

You should thank a person because you are truly grateful for what they have done, not because someone suggested it to you or because you feel compelled. It's easy to tell when gratitude isn't genuine and no one appreciates it in that case.

This advice is especially important for those who work in the sales industry and often feel compelled to express gratitude towards customers. People understand when you are not sincere. Even if it is your job to give thanks, you can still do it from the heart

Thank Someone Step 4
Thank Someone Step 4

Step 4. Write a thank you note

For some situations, a "thank you" in person is not enough, for example if you have been offered a dinner, if you have received a gift, etc. In those cases, a written thank you is very important. Anyone who has done a very special act of kindness towards you deserves the same treatment in return; writing a "thank you" card is the best way to show how much you appreciate what he has done for you.

  • If you decide to use a card, those without decorations are best suited in these cases. On simple paper you have the opportunity to write a short and personal thought.
  • Whatever shape you choose for your thank you card, remember to explicitly explain why you are saying "thank you".
  • While it is possible to personalize an email, avoid sending an email message in these situations. Emails are not heard and welcome when a real ticket.
Thank Someone Step 5
Thank Someone Step 5

Step 5. Avoid delegating

Don't ask another person to thank someone for you, do it yourself. A "thank you" is not sincere unless it comes directly from you.

If you are really busy and don't have free time, prepare some personalized thank you cards and keep them available. Or you can buy a pack of blank cards to keep on your desk

Method 2 of 4: Plan Your Thanksgiving

Thank Someone Step 6
Thank Someone Step 6

Step 1. To thank someone, use a pattern to follow

If you don't know exactly how to thank someone or what to write on a thank you card, try answering the following questions: who, what and when.

Thank Someone Step 7
Thank Someone Step 7

Step 2. Write a list of the people you need to thank

Start by making a list of all the people you need to send a thank you card to. For example, if you have received a lot of gifts for your birthday, write down a list of everyone who has given you something. The list should also include the names of those who helped you plan the party.

Thank Someone Step 8
Thank Someone Step 8

Step 3. Explain what you are grateful for

Each thank you card is made up of six parts: opening greetings, thanks, details, plans for the future, repeat and final greetings.

  • Initial greetings are simple. Start the card with the names of the people you want to thank. If it is a formal card, use an appropriate greeting (eg "Dear Mr. Rossi"), if you are writing to a relative or close friend, use an informal greeting (eg "Hello Mom").
  • Thanksgiving is the part where you express your gratitude for the gesture that was done. The easiest way to start this part is to say "Thank you". If you wish, however, you can be more creative (eg "Opening your birthday present was the best surprise of the day").
  • The details are the part where you get specific. Explain why you are thanking this person for making the card more sincere and personal. You could mention the gift you received or how you spent the money that was given to you, etc.
  • Future plans are the part where you talk about the next time you will meet this person. For example, if you are writing a card for your grandparents and you know you will see them shortly for the Christmas holidays, mention this fact.
  • In the repetition part, end your card with another thank you message. You can write a sentence (for example "Thank you again for your generosity, I can't wait to go to university and this money will help me a lot to realize my dream") or simply say "thank you" a second time.
  • The final greetings are similar to the initial greetings, with your name added as a signature. Depending on the recipient of the ticket, you can decide to be more formal (for example "Yours sincerely") or less (for example "With love").
Thank Someone Step 9
Thank Someone Step 9

Step 4. Decide when to send your thanks

You should ship your tickets within a month of the event they refer to, but the sooner you get them to the recipients the better. If you missed the deadline, start your message with an apology for being late.

If you want to send thank-you cards to a big event that a lot of people attended, take some time each day to write them until you have completed them all

Method 3 of 4: Perfecting Good Manners

Thank Someone Step 10
Thank Someone Step 10

Step 1. Learn the label of thanks

Every event and every occasion requires a different attitude. While there is no rule that requires you to follow these guidelines, they have become commonplace anyway. Typically, a thank you card is required for the following reasons:

  • You have received a gift of any kind, including cash. You may have received it for a birthday, anniversary, graduation, move, holiday, etc.
  • You attended a special dinner or event (such as Christmas celebrations) as a guest at someone else's home.
Thank Someone Step 11
Thank Someone Step 11

Step 2. Send thank you cards for your wedding within 3 months of the event

It is traditional to send a handwritten card to thank everyone who attended your wedding. You should send them within three months of the event, although it is easier to send the messages as soon as you have received the gifts rather than waiting for the wedding date, so as not to be too late. Here are some examples of people you shouldn't forget:

  • Who sent you an engagement or wedding gift, including cash.
  • Who was part of the organization of the wedding (e.g. bridesmaid, witnesses, wedding rings, etc.).
  • Who has organized a party in your honor (engagement party, etc.).
  • Who helped you organize or put in place the wedding, including the merchants and suppliers who made the event a success (for example, pastry chef, florist, decorator, chef, etc.).
  • Who helped you prepare and plan the wedding (the neighbor who cut your lawn, etc.).
Thank Someone Step 12
Thank Someone Step 12

Step 3. Write a thank you note for a job interview as soon as possible

If you've just interviewed for a job, internship, or volunteer position, you should send a thank you note to the examiner immediately after your meeting.

  • Make sure you personalize the card, make specific reference to the job you interviewed for, and maybe try to quote something that was said during the meeting.
  • Make sure you spell the names of the people mentioned correctly. There is nothing worse than sending a ticket after a job interview and making a mistake in writing the name of the person evaluating your application.
  • Use formal greetings on the card if the examiner did not show up with the first name and did not insist that I call him by name.
  • It is not uncommon to send thanks for an interview by email and not in a handwritten letter. This is a great logistical solution, especially if getting the ticket physically to the examiner is not easy or takes too long.
Thank Someone Step 13
Thank Someone Step 13

Step 4. Give special thanks to those who donated you a scholarship or grant

Receiving financial help for your education is an exceptional privilege. Many of the scholarships offered to students come from donations. Whether you've received yours from a person, family, investment fund, or company, sending a thank-you note is a great way to show your appreciation.

  • If the scholarship has been granted to you by your school, you can ask the department that deals with the choice of beneficiaries for information, to find out the address to which to send your thank you note.
  • Since you don't know the recipients in person, write the card in a formal and elegant tone.
  • Before sending a ticket, be sure to check several times for spelling and grammar errors. You might even ask someone to read it for you, to make sure you find all the errors.
  • Thank you cards of this type are often mailed as official letters on quality paper and are not handwritten.

Method 4 of 4: Expressing Gratitude

Thank Someone Step 14
Thank Someone Step 14

Step 1. Learn to understand what gratitude is

This is not a simple "thank you". It means being grateful and polite, but also courteous, generous and grateful. It means caring for other people and not just thinking about yourself. Expressing your gratitude towards others can positively influence a situation and even change the attitudes of others.

Thank Someone Step 15
Thank Someone Step 15

Step 2. Keep a Thanks Journal

The first step in learning to express gratitude to others is to be able to understand what you are truly grateful for. Journaling everything you feel like saying thank you for is a great way to better understand what you think about yourself and others. It can take a few minutes a day to list three things you feel grateful for.

You can use the journaling idea to help your kids better understand how to be grateful. Help them write down three things they want to say thank you for every night before bed. If they are very young and cannot write, ask them to draw what they are grateful for

Thank Someone Step 16
Thank Someone Step 16

Step 3. Express gratitude at least five times a day

Commit to doing it every day, towards everyone, not just towards friends and relatives. If you think about it, many people who help you on a daily basis have never heard words of thanks from you, such as the bus driver, the concierge, the customer services employees, the people who keep the door open for you, who gets up. to get you to sit on the train, who washes the places you frequent, etc.

  • When expressing your gratitude in this way, remember to use the name of the person you are addressing (if you know them), then explain what you are thanking them for and why. For example: "Thank you for not closing the lift Laura. I was worried about being late for the meeting, but now I'll be there just in time!".
  • If there is a practical reason why you cannot thank in person, express gratitude mentally or in writing.
Thank Someone Step 17
Thank Someone Step 17

Step 4. Look for original ways to show your gratitude

You don't have to express this feeling in traditional ways only (say thank you, for example), but you can do so much more. From time to time, try to thank people with gestures you've never done before or haven't done in a while.

For example: prepare dinner when you notice that your partner is really very tired; take care of your children for one evening to allow your partner to go out with friends; take on the role of designated driver; propose to your relatives to host Christmas lunch in your home, etc

Thank Someone Step 18
Thank Someone Step 18

Step 5. Teach your children to be grateful

You probably have many memories of mom and dad inviting you to say "thank you" as a child when they gave you a candy. Giving thanks isn't always the first thing that springs to children's minds, but it's important that they learn how to do it. The following method can be very helpful in teaching your children to be grateful:

  • Tell your children what gratitude is, what it means, and why it is important. Use your own words and offer examples.
  • Give your children a demonstration of how you can express your gratitude. You can do this as an exercise or with a real-life example.
  • Help your children express their gratitude towards another person. If you have more than one child, ask each child to find examples and help them understand exactly what it means to be grateful.
  • Don't stop encouraging your kids to be grateful. When they behave well, offer them positive reinforcement.
Thank Someone Step 19
Thank Someone Step 19

Step 6. Avoid showing your gratitude only to people who are nice to you

As difficult as it is, you must also say thank you to those who make you angry. Remember to be patient and avoid using a sarcastic tone.

  • People who make you angry may have completely different perspectives on some topics than yours. Even if you disagree with these views, remember that they are still valid opinions. Thank anyone who shares their ideas with you and teaches you to expand your horizons.
  • Probably, there is something you admire even in people who drive you crazy. Maybe they are annoying, but maybe they are always on time or well organized. Focus on these positives when talking to them.
  • Realize that by dealing with annoying people you are learning a new skill. Be grateful that you are learning to be patient and calm in frustrating situations.
Thank Someone Step 20
Thank Someone Step 20

Step 7. Remember that gratitude offers benefits

Being grateful and able to express this feeling can have a truly wonderful effect on you and those around you. Gratitude is linked to happiness: Happier people have a tendency to feel more grateful, and thanking others can make you feel very good. Thinking about the things you are grateful for also helps you focus on the positives in life.

  • Taking the time to write down what you are thankful for right before bed can help you sleep better. Not only will you spend the last few moments before falling asleep thinking about positive things, but you will be able to get your thoughts out of your head and put them on paper.
  • Being grateful allows you to become more empathetic. People with a habit of thanking can focus more on positive emotions than negative ones, so they don't feel so upset when someone mistreats them.

wikiHow Video: How To Give Thanks

