Interpersonal relationships 2024, October

How to French Kiss (with Pictures)

How to French Kiss (with Pictures)

Perhaps you have seen it at the cinema or you have read a description of it in a book: it is the French kiss, an eternal and passionate gesture of romantic love. Wherever you live, you can learn how French people kiss without running into embarrassing problems!

How to Make a Pacifier: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Make a Pacifier: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

Giving your partner a hickey in the middle of a passionate moment is ideal for leaving a “brand of belonging”. Not to mention that receiving it is extremely pleasant, if done well. Here's how to impress this sign of love properly. Steps Part 1 of 3:

How to Turn a Girl On (with Pictures)

How to Turn a Girl On (with Pictures)

Girls always seem to know how to turn you on … but are you capable of doing the same? Whether you are a beginner or want to refine your technique, wikiHow can help you ignite your girlfriend's passion. Keep reading. Steps Part 1 of 4:

How to Kiss Well (with Pictures)

How to Kiss Well (with Pictures)

From a friendly kiss on the cheek to a passionate French kiss, kissing is one of life's finest pleasures, and it costs nothing. While a good kiss can increase the intimacy and love you feel for your partner, a bad kiss has the potential to break up a relationship in the bud and undo all the romance.

How to Seduce a Man: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Seduce a Man: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

The secret of seduction is ease. To pique a man's interest, you need to show yourself who you really are, create the right opportunity, and gradually establish physical contact. Steps Part 1 of 3: Arousing Your Interest Step 1. Show that you are a person with great confidence Men are attracted to this aspect of character.

How to Win a Guy in 10 Days: 15 Steps

How to Win a Guy in 10 Days: 15 Steps

If you're planning on getting a guy in just 10 days, you'll need to work hard, not afraid to make the first move and show off. It's not impossible, but it's certainly not an easy feat. But you love challenges, right? Read on to find out how!

How to Seduce a Woman: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Seduce a Woman: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

Seduction is about paying attention to another person's needs and behaving accordingly. If you want to seduce a woman, take your time to get to know her, create the right atmosphere and move slowly to get intimate with her. Steps Part 1 of 3:

How to Know What Game Men Play: 9 Steps

How to Know What Game Men Play: 9 Steps

You meet a handsome guy and things seem to be going great, you give him your number and you don't hear from him for a week. Then he cancels at the last minute without a valid reason. He asks you to hang out with him and his friends and you find yourself in a sports bar watching a game.

How to Pick Up a Girl (with Pictures)

How to Pick Up a Girl (with Pictures)

There are many boys who have the innate, often unconscious gift of conquering girls. This guide is designed to help even the most clumsy guy understand some of the basics of the game of seduction and to develop an approach that will help him hear the word "

How to Make a Boy Jealous (with Pictures)

How to Make a Boy Jealous (with Pictures)

In war and in love, everything is allowed - at least so they say - and, in the field of love, there are few weapons more powerful than jealousy. If you hit the right strings, you can use this weakness to your advantage. Whether you want to play around being unreachable with a new person you care about, make your boyfriend more passionate about you, or just win back an ex who dumped you, follow these steps to make any man, or nearly so, hang on to.

How to Communicate Assertively (with Pictures)

How to Communicate Assertively (with Pictures)

Assertiveness is a form of direct and honest communication, but also respectful. An assertive person knows what he thinks and wants and is not afraid to state it openly. However, he does not get angry or get dominated by emotions. Learning an assertive communication style takes time, but if you practice expressing your needs and expectations based on facts rather than blaming others and showing respect for the other person, you can acquire this powerful form of communication.

How to Recognize a Potentially Violent Relationship

How to Recognize a Potentially Violent Relationship

Have you had an alarming experience in your current relationship? An experience that prompted you to wonder what could happen in the future if such a fight happens again? Or do you feel some fear when you think about how your partner might react in a nervous situation?

How to Make a Woman Melt (with Pictures)

How to Make a Woman Melt (with Pictures)

Few men have the script with the perfect words to seduce a woman. To know what to say and do to win a woman's heart, you need to listen, trust your instincts and get to know the fair sex in every aspect. In this article, you will learn some methods of making a woman melt.

How to Touch a Girl (with Pictures)

How to Touch a Girl (with Pictures)

How do you break the "contact barrier" with a girl you like? It's hard to know when you can touch it and when you are too daring. If you like a girl and the attraction is mutual, you need to start by breaking the contact barrier, then gradually increase the range of physical contact.

How to Meet Your Soul Mate (with Pictures)

How to Meet Your Soul Mate (with Pictures)

Sometimes finding a soul mate is a matter of luck. But if you work hard to improve attitudes towards yourself, love, dating and relationships, the chances of finding a partner will grow exponentially. Resist the temptation to leave everything in the hands of fate.

How to Excite Your Partner (with Pictures)

How to Excite Your Partner (with Pictures)

Do you feel like it? Are you hot? Do you want to excite your partner and make him feel great? Do you just want to let off steam a bit and let yourself go or do you need pampering? Well: here are some proven ways to make your partner feel that you love him.

How to Recognize a Manipulatory and Authoritarian Relationship

How to Recognize a Manipulatory and Authoritarian Relationship

If you spend less time in the company of your friends since your relationship began, and your family often points out that you no longer seem like yourself, you have probably become entangled in a destructive relationship that has led you to give up your individuality.

How to behave after the first appointment

How to behave after the first appointment

Being around someone can be embarrassing, especially after the first date. To know how to behave, you must first understand your state of mind. Ask yourself if you'd like to go out again, and if so, tell the other person. While dating can sometimes make you a little uncomfortable, a few small rules will help you manage smoothly in the days following the first date.

How to Kiss a Girl (with Pictures)

How to Kiss a Girl (with Pictures)

So, there's this girl you like but you don't know how to kiss her or figure out if she feels like it. Read this article to learn everything you need to do to increase your chances of getting a kiss. Steps Part 1 of 2: Creating the Right Atmosphere Step 1.

3 Ways to Ask a Girl Out

3 Ways to Ask a Girl Out

Asking a girl out should be easy. All you have to do is ask, right? Unfortunately, if you're shy or nervous, it may not be that simple. At some point, however, you will necessarily have to overcome it and dare, or you will always keep wondering how it would go.

How to Talk to a Girl (with Pictures)

How to Talk to a Girl (with Pictures)

Do you start stammering and even forget your name every time you talk to a girl? If so, then it's time to change the way you flirt to be able to control yourself during a conversation and get a woman's attention in no time. To talk to a girl, you simply need to show that you are genuinely interested in her and tell her something she has never heard before.

How to Be a Good Boyfriend: 14 Steps

How to Be a Good Boyfriend: 14 Steps

Being a good boyfriend? It's not always easy, even if you have a wonderful girlfriend by your side. A good boyfriend knows when to talk, listen, offer advice, support, fill his girlfriend with attention and give her space. His girlfriend must trust him and admire him, even feel motivated to become a better girlfriend.

How to Know if You and Your Partner Are Compatible

How to Know if You and Your Partner Are Compatible

What does the person you love think about sex, religion, professional life, housework, children, money, the future and so on? Do you really think you know him? Before you commit, you should know what questions to ask him. Steps Step 1.

How to Have an Open Mind (with Pictures)

How to Have an Open Mind (with Pictures)

Are you tired of looking at the world the same old way? Did they tell you that you never consider more than one side of the story? If so, now is the time to broaden your horizons and improve your life so you can develop a more open mindset. Those with an open mind live an exciting, balanced life and are curious to know;

How to Have a Successful Relationship with a Gemini Person

How to Have a Successful Relationship with a Gemini Person

Being with a Gemini person can be fun and fulfilling, provided you know how to handle their unique character traits. You will need to be willing to turn your routine upside down, stimulate it, and let it be neurotic and unreliable, without losing patience.

How to Get Your Ex Back (with Pictures)

How to Get Your Ex Back (with Pictures)

Have you just gotten out of a relationship that meant a lot to you, are you not ready to go further and believe you can recover the relationship with your ex? People often regret after a breakup and decide to get back together, so even if it seems impossible now, you may be able to mend the relationship in the future.

3 Ways To Get Your Ex Boyfriend To Get Back With You

3 Ways To Get Your Ex Boyfriend To Get Back With You

It's not easy to win back your ex boyfriend, but it's not impossible either. If you go away for a while, identify the cause of your breakup and try to improve yourself, you will have a lot of chances. Steps Method 1 of 3: Step away Step 1.

How to Forget an Ex You Still Love (with Pictures)

How to Forget an Ex You Still Love (with Pictures)

It's hard to get over the end of a romance, but it's hard especially if you still love your ex. The most important step in moving forward is to limit contact with the person who left you. Find a way to keep yourself busy with constructive activities instead of thinking about her.

How to understand that he is not the right person for you

How to understand that he is not the right person for you

To understand whether the man you are dating is the right person for you or not, the best choice is to listen to your instincts. Sometimes, however, your spontaneous feelings may not be enough and you will need to look into various clues that may indicate whether it is best to escape from a relationship as soon as possible or carry it on until marriage.

How to Reply to a Girl's Monosyllabic Messages

How to Reply to a Girl's Monosyllabic Messages

Have you ever written to a girl you wanted to get to know better while she only replied in monosyllables? A few short responses at the right moments are natural, but it can be frustrating to carry on a conversation on your own. Here are some tips to get her to answer you in full sentences.

How to Deal With Who Gossip About You: 13 Steps

How to Deal With Who Gossip About You: 13 Steps

It is never pleasant when people talk behind their backs. Since rumors can be ambiguous, it is often difficult to pinpoint the source. For this reason, you risk making the situation worse if you try to deal with gossips directly. The best course of action is to ignore them.

How to Find a Boyfriend in Three Weeks: 15 Steps

How to Find a Boyfriend in Three Weeks: 15 Steps

Do you need an escort for the prom? Or maybe you'd like to have a boyfriend who can take you to an upcoming family reunion. There are many reasons why you may want to find a boyfriend quickly. Fortunately, there are methods to meet a Nice Guy and start dating him in a few weeks, but of course you'll have to put in the effort.

4 Ways to Kiss in Many Different Ways

4 Ways to Kiss in Many Different Ways

Are you tired of the French kiss? Do you want to spice up your love life? Whether you are an experienced kisser, or in the process of becoming one, here are a number of new and exciting ways to kiss your partner. Follow our advice! Steps Method 1 of 4:

How to Overcome Loneliness When Surrounded by People

How to Overcome Loneliness When Surrounded by People

Are you one of those people who can go anywhere and find someone to talk to in five minutes, but are always feeling lonely? It can break your heart! Studies have shown that people (especially women) who feel lonely even in the company of others are much more at risk of heart disease.

3 Ways to Understand the Difference Between Love, Infatuation and Desire

3 Ways to Understand the Difference Between Love, Infatuation and Desire

Understanding your feelings can be a real challenge, whether you are in a stable relationship or wanting someone from afar. While there is no clear and foolproof way to decipher your feelings, it is possible to make a certain distinction. These tips will help you understand the difference between love, infatuation, and desire.

How to Decide Whether to Break Friendship After a Quarrel

How to Decide Whether to Break Friendship After a Quarrel

In all friendships, sooner or later it happens to argue and have problems. However, while some quarrels are forgivable and even strengthen the relationship once resolved, other behaviors are unforgivable and lead to the end of the friendship.

How not to be nostalgic for someone: 5 steps

How not to be nostalgic for someone: 5 steps

In our lives, people come and go all the time. Some people touch your heart, others your soul. At some point, everyone goes away. You have to know how to accept it. It is part of life. Here is a guide to not be homesick for someone. Steps Step 1.

How to Comfort a Man: 9 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Comfort a Man: 9 Steps (with Pictures)

All men need a woman's human warmth while keeping their self-esteem intact. Always keep in mind that this is an adult and not a child, although sometimes he can be a very convincing baby! Steps Step 1. Don't make jokes Saying "

5 Ways to Hug Someone

5 Ways to Hug Someone

A hug is a great way to show your affection to someone, to let him or her know that you care and that you are caring for this person through thick and thin. The fact remains that it is desirable to know how to hug the person with whom you are in love, lover or a family member in a different way.

How to Get Someone to Trust You Again

How to Get Someone to Trust You Again

If you have betrayed someone's trust, you may be wondering what you can do to remedy your mistake. Trust is one of the most important components of all relationships, whether they are a couple, a friendship or a professional one. It is possible to get someone to trust you again, and there are ways to make your apology more effective.