How to Kiss a Girl (with Pictures)

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How to Kiss a Girl (with Pictures)
How to Kiss a Girl (with Pictures)

So, there's this girl you like but you don't know how to kiss her or figure out if she feels like it. Read this article to learn everything you need to do to increase your chances of getting a kiss.


Part 1 of 2: Creating the Right Atmosphere

Kiss a Girl Step 1
Kiss a Girl Step 1

Step 1. Try to be alone with her to give her a romantic kiss

If you try to do this in front of your friends, she will think she is considered a trophy. The moment must be intimate and special. Here are some tactics for spending time alone with her:

  • Clasp her hands in yours, take her away from the rest and look into her eyes;
  • If you are with other people, ask them if you can get away for a minute;
  • If you're at a party, ask her to go outside and get some fresh air.
  • If you are at school, ask her if she would like to take a walk around the area; it will be romantic.
  • Offer to drive her home from school or a party.
  • Otherwise, ask her to go out with you! This way, you will know for sure that you will be alone.
Kiss a Girl Step 2
Kiss a Girl Step 2

Step 2. Create the right mood

Make sure the atmosphere is romantic and you're half done! Striving to create an enchanting scene will allow you to communicate what you feel and will put you in a good light in his eyes:

  • Find a dimly lit place;
  • You can try to kiss her at sunset, especially after admiring it from a panoramic point of the city;
  • Under the full moon;
  • If it rains, under a porch or in a car;
  • On the campsite, in front of the fire. To recreate the same effect at home, turn off the lights and light some candles.
Kiss a Girl Step 3
Kiss a Girl Step 3

Step 3. Focus the conversation on her

If you want to kiss her, avoid topics she might find revolting:

  • Avoid talking about:

    • How fascinated you are with other girls. Really, never dare to do that!
    • Everything you hate about your life. Complaining isn't sexy;
    • Topics you would talk about with your male friends;
    • Bodily functions. Absolutely Never!
  • Things you can talk about:

    • How great do you think she is.
    • His interests and his thoughts. If you don't know what to say, ask her what she thinks about anything at random or just tell her you like her hair.
    • Things you have in common, like experiences and hobbies.
    Kiss a Girl Step 4
    Kiss a Girl Step 4

    Step 4. Give her a compliment she can't resist

    Everyone likes to get compliments and girls are no exception. It's the perfect way to let her know you want to kiss her and make her feel special.

    • Focus on something you like about her, genuinely. If you can, try to choose a trait that is special and unique compared to other people you know. A sincere compliment will always sound better than a fake one, so choose your words carefully.

      Avoid basing the compliment on physical characteristics like her butt, shape, weight, and so on. If you really want to compliment her on her appearance, stick with her eyes, hair and smile; do not go beyond these three elements for now

    • Think about how to say it. You could just say something like, "Hey, I love your smile," but that's not a memorable expression. You'll have to make sure she remembers it verbatim, because it made her smile. Here are some examples:

      • "Your smile is dazzling"
      • "Your laugh is my absolute favorite sound in the world"
      • "Honestly, your eyes are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen"
    • Say it in a romantic way. How you say it is important - even the best compliment can lose meaning if you speak quickly or stutter. Try these methods:

      • Slightly lower the tone of your voice; it will convey a greater sense of intimacy.
      • Lean a little towards her when you compliment her. If you do, you can even lower your voice - another trick to make it sound more intimate.
      • If you really want to be daring, whisper it in his ear. This, by the way, is a test to understand how she reacts when you approach her face. If she responds well, you probably have an open field to try the kiss.

      Part 2 of 2: Try Kissing her

      Kiss a Girl Step 5
      Kiss a Girl Step 5

      Step 1. Try to be spontaneous

      Spontaneity is something that many girls love. An example could be this: you are walking together and there are not many people around. Stop her suddenly, wrap her in a hug, push her against you and kiss her. If she rejects you, don't be too angry; after all, he's still with you, right? Try again at another time, perhaps trying a different approach.

      Kiss a Girl Step 6
      Kiss a Girl Step 6

      Step 2. Feel the ground

      If you're not sure if she wants to kiss you, try touching her first. If she seems to like having you in her personal space, you can go further. Here are some possible "moves" you could try, in order of intensity.

      Kiss a Girl Step 7
      Kiss a Girl Step 7

      Step 3. Hold her hand

      If you are walking beside her and she is holding her hands to the side, "casually" take one. Or, if you are sitting next to each other and she is not keeping her arms crossed, give it a try.

      Kiss a Girl Step 8
      Kiss a Girl Step 8

      Step 4. Put your arm around her shoulders

      It doesn't need to be striking - if she's sitting next to you, try placing your arm gently on her shoulders. If she hugs you further, you can "weld" your grip.

      Kiss a Girl Step 9
      Kiss a Girl Step 9

      Step 5. Embrace her

      Hold her close to you for a few seconds before letting go. If she seems to like it, you can try the kiss move.

      Kiss a Girl Step 10
      Kiss a Girl Step 10

      Step 6. Try to catch signs of interest from him

      It's not easy to understand them with all girls: some are really shy and don't show their feelings, even if they are really interested in a guy. In general, however, here are the most common signs that can tell you that you are in the right direction:

      • Start conversations, make jokes or try to get your attention in some way;
      • He looks at you and then looks away when you notice it;
      • She blushes when you talk to her;
      • He bites his lips;
      • She often pulls her hair back;
      • She tends to lean towards you looking for more contact when you touch her.
      • Her breathing and heartbeat speed up as you get close to her.
      Kiss a Girl Step 11
      Kiss a Girl Step 11

      Step 7. Break the kiss barrier

      If switching from a hug to kissing her on the mouth seems like an impossible thing to do, you might want to try a little kiss first.

      • Slowly bring his hand to your mouth and gently kiss the back. It sounds like an old-fashioned chivalry gesture, but most girls love it.
      • Kiss her on the cheek. Not like you would a relative, but linger with soft lips, applying some pressure. If you are in the mood to be daring, you can angle him so that you are close to his mouth or ear.
      Kiss a Girl Step 12
      Kiss a Girl Step 12

      Step 8. Look her in the eye

      Before kissing her, make eye contact with her. This is a clear message of your intentions to kiss her. If she pulls back, or changes the subject abruptly, she puts it off. If she seems receptive, keep approaching.

      Kiss a Girl Step 13
      Kiss a Girl Step 13

      Step 9. Approach slowly and pause for a second

      Slowly bring your face closer to hers, so you'll give her time to back off. Tilt your head away from hers to keep your noses from fluttering. Stop just before touching her lips.

      • If she pulls back or starts talking, she doesn't want to be kissed. Don't be mad, try again one more time.
      • If it doesn't move, that could be the "green light". (Or even better, she might be the one to take the last little step and kiss you).
      Kiss a Girl Step 14
      Kiss a Girl Step 14

      Step 10. Keep kisses short and soft (in the beginning)

      Especially important if it's your first kiss - you don't want to sound aggressive or inexperienced. Gently brush her lips and kiss her gently for a few times. Having done this a couple of times, focus on your lower lip so that it is in the middle of yours.

      Avoid smacking your lips - this sound can be distracting. If you do, stretch your lips or swallow some saliva

      Kiss a Girl Step 15
      Kiss a Girl Step 15

      Step 11. Know where to put your hands

      Don't leave them dangling like salami - use them to emphasize the kiss. Here are some suggestions:

      • On the sides of his face, so as to hold his jaw in your hands;
      • On the nape of her neck, so that they can wrap around her hair;
      • On his shoulders;
      • On his hips;
      • If she seems eager to kiss you, but is too shy, grab her hands and guide them over your shoulders onto your shoulders. It's a quick and easy way to allow her to get close to you and let her know that you are risking her possible rejection - saving her from potential embarrassment.
      Kiss a Girl Step 16
      Kiss a Girl Step 16

      Step 12. Try French kissing (optional) - after she has accepted long, normal kisses

      If you are ready to move on to a more passionate kiss, you can give it a try. Gently swipe your tongue over her lower lip a couple of times. She will understand the message and open her lips a little more if she is interested. You can also try kissing her on the neck.

      Kiss a Girl Step 17
      Kiss a Girl Step 17

      Step 13. Take a break to breathe, but do it in a romantic way

      As incredible as it sounds, you will need to catch your breath at some point. Instead of stopping abruptly, you can still do it in such a way that it still looks nice.

      • Push your lips away, but leave your forehead against his. Stay in this position for a few seconds while you catch your breath.
      • Step away and rest your cheek on his; your mouth will be close to her ear (so you might want to take this opportunity to compliment her).
      Kiss a Girl Step 18
      Kiss a Girl Step 18

      Step 14. End the kiss with a caress

      Run your fingers through his hair, stroke his cheek or kiss the back of his hand. It seems like a small gesture, but it can help end the kiss on a positive note and make sure she can't wait to repeat the experience.


      • Kiss gently and with soft lips.
      • Before your appointment, brush your teeth, floss, and use mouthwash. Bring some mints with you to freshen your breath. Take a shower, shave and spray a light perfume. If you bring the appliance, make sure it is clean.
      • If she doesn't want to kiss you or stops during the kiss, be careful and don't insist.
      • If it's cold outside, you'll have a valid excuse to get close to her.
      • Make eye contact before kissing her to make it even more romantic.
      • Do not rush the stages: you must both be ready.
      • Don't expect to go straight to the French kiss, which can scare a girl or make her feel pressured.
      • Be brave. She is probably at least as nervous as you are and you can pick up on signs that indicate closure on her part (cross her arms or look away). Be kind and go slowly. If this attitude of yours warms her up, your moves are correct, otherwise don't insist.

        Being nervous or not confident is normal, which is why you will need courage to overcome your fears and doubts. However, then you'll feel good about this bold choice of yours. This doesn't mean you have to throw yourself into every opportunity that comes your way, but to create a pleasant environment for both of you

      • If she doesn't want to kiss you, compliment her sincerely, flirt with her, and try again when she's ready.


      • Remember to tilt your head a little, or the noses will collide, creating an awkward moment (but it's not the end of the world, huh!).
      • Be careful not to drool. Swallow often.
      • A no should not be taken as a personal affront. Unrequited interest doesn't mean you won't meet anyone who will appreciate you for who you are. It happens to everyone to receive a rejection. On the other hand, she may say no to you because she may not feel ready to kiss someone. Put yourself in her shoes to understand her better.
      • Do not lower your hands under his stomach or hips and do not place them in the area of his bust: overcoming some limits requires greater intimacy.
