From a friendly kiss on the cheek to a passionate French kiss, kissing is one of life's finest pleasures, and it costs nothing. While a good kiss can increase the intimacy and love you feel for your partner, a bad kiss has the potential to break up a relationship in the bud and undo all the romance. Don't panic, though: even the most inexperienced are capable of becoming true masters in the art of kissing. Read this article to find out how.
Part 1 of 4: Prepare for the Kiss

Step 1. Prepare your lips
Keep them relaxed and slightly open to let your partner know you're ready to kiss her.
- Avoid wrinkling or curling them, as this will send the wrong message and kissing will be physically difficult.
- Combat dryness with lip balm or by slightly moistening your lips. If you are a girl, try to prefer classic lip balm to lip gloss, as the latter can be sticky. The lip balm, on the other hand, makes the lips irresistibly soft, shiny and pleasant.

Step 2. Freshen your breath
The importance of good oral hygiene should not be overlooked for the purpose of a kiss. In fact, if you don't take care of it, you risk immediately discouraging your partner. To avoid getting bad breath when you want to kiss someone, remember to floss and brush your teeth before your appointment. Keep a pack of mints in your pocket over the course of the evening so you can chew on one as soon as the atmosphere starts to heat up.
- If you go out for dinner with your partner, try to strictly stay away from pungent or annoying smelling foods. Avoid dishes with cheese, fish, raw onions, or dishes with plenty of garlic.
- However, don't go overboard with mints either. Of course, your breath needs to be fresh, but without feeling like you've just swallowed a whole tube of toothpaste!
- If mint isn't your favorite flavor, you can also chew on a fruity-flavored gum.
- If you don't have mints or chewing gum, go to the bathroom and rinse your mouth to freshen your breath at least a little.

Step 3. Create the right mood
Let your partner know that you want to kiss her by looking into her eyes and smiling. Try to flirt lightly and break the barrier of physical contact. This barrier exists because so far your relationship has been purely platonic. Overcome this limitation by brushing her arm when you laugh, grabbing her hand or rubbing your knee with hers while sitting.
- If you find yourself in the middle of a conversation, then slow down and lower your voice slightly to indicate that you are ready to stop talking and start kissing her.
- Ahead of the first kiss with a new partner, some guys get so nervous that they end up talking too much to avoid awkward silences. Avoid doing this, as it could ruin the moment and cause your partner to lose interest.

Step 4. Believe in yourself
Being calm and confident can improve the way you kiss. Self-esteem is very attractive, so tell yourself that you are on the verge of giving a wonderful kiss. Do it even if it should be the first ever.
- Don't be afraid to practice your techniques on the hand or a pillow. You can also try licking a lollipop or ice cream cone, so that the muscles and nerves of the lips and mouth get used to the movement required for the French kiss.
- You need a bit of audacity to challenge yourself and step forward for the kiss, so appeal to your courage as much as possible.

Step 5. Get close to your partner to kiss her
If you are ready and think the time has come, take a step forward towards your woman and bend over to kiss her. Want to add a hint of romance? You can do an intimate gesture, like touching her face or pulling her hair out of her eyes just before you lean over.
- As you lean forward, look at your partner to determine whether to tilt your head left or right. Remember to move her in the opposite direction from your girlfriend. However, don't stare, you just have to discreetly check which side the garment folds.
- You should also lean your head back slightly and point your lips and chin forward to avoid hitting your forehead against hers.

Step 6. Close your eyes
Sometimes, with all the nervousness that goes around the first kiss experience, you risk forgetting to close your eyes. This is wrong for two reasons. First, it generally feels like you're overthinking it. Closing your eyes helps you relax, let go of inhibitions and savor the moment.
- Secondly, if your partner opens her eyes during the kiss and realizes you're staring at her, this moment would be quite creepy, and will likely kill the romance.
- However, remember this caution: don't close your eyes until your lips have met your girlfriend's. Otherwise, you risk colliding with your forehead, nose or chin.
Part 2 of 4: Perfecting a Closed Lips Kiss

Step 1. Start slowly
When you start kissing her, keep your mouth shut. You certainly don't want to rush your partner or look desperate. Start with a few slow and sweet kisses, lingering on his lips.
Prevent moments of boredom by changing the position of your lips between kisses. Tilt your head slightly to the left or right, or switch sides entirely, so that the head tilts in the opposite direction from the previous one

Step 2. Between kisses, look your partner in the eye
After the first kiss, pull back very slightly and meet your girlfriend's gaze. This allows you to do two actions. First, you will be able to gauge if she liked it and if you should continue.
Secondly, you can take a moment to make the atmosphere even more romantic. Like? Looking your partner in the eye and making a small gesture, like placing your hand on the back of her neck and pushing her to you for another kiss (if you feel like you want to)

Step 3. Try hugging your partner
Kissing is an intimate experience. Leaning towards your girlfriend for a kiss is normal the first time. However, over time, staying apart and letting only your lips touch each other can feel a little weird. Once your partner is willing to kiss you, approach her and make deeper physical contact. Here are some ways to do it:
- Hug her at shoulder or waist height.
- Place your hand on the back of his neck to deepen the kiss.
- Run your fingers through her hair.
- Press your body against his so that there is very little space between you.

Step 4. Don't forget to breathe
Since the mouth is engaged, you need to breathe through your nose during the kiss. If you can't get enough air this way, then occasionally pull your face away from your girlfriend's to catch your breath.
Part 3 of 4: Perfecting a French Kiss

Step 1. Open your mouth slightly
If you have been kissing without a tongue for some time, now is the time to intensify the kissing. Join your lips with your partner's so that her lower lip is between your lips. Then, gently open your mouth to let her know that you are ready for a French kiss.
Of course, don't open your mouth so wide that it looks like you want to devour your partner's face. Instead, open it discreetly and seductively

Step 2. For a while, keep kissing your partner with your mouth open, but without a tongue
Before the French kiss, pause to kiss her with your mouth open, so that you gradually get closer to a more passionate exchange.
If you have trouble finding a good rhythm during the kiss, try mimicking the word "peach" with your mouth (although, of course, don't say it out loud). This can help you keep pace with your partner. You can also try to mimic the word "but"

Step 3. Use your tongue lightly
At first, start off gently: move your tongue to the front of your partner's mouth. Avoid shoving it too deeply into her mouth immediately, as this could put her off quite a bit. Bind your tongue to hers in slow, free movements, and let your partner reciprocate before you go any further.
- Start by lightly touching the tip of your tongue with your girlfriend's.
- Pay attention to your partner's movements. Knowing how to kiss well means being in tune with the other person and finding a rhythm that works for both of you. If it starts to drift away, retract your tongue.

Step 4. Use a little more language
If both of you are comfortable with more intimate kisses, you can stick your tongue deeper into your partner's mouth and start using it to massage her tongue. The slow and playful movements performed with the tongue are exciting and will help you make the kiss more passionate. Let your tongue explore your partner's mouth and wrap it circularly around hers. Either way, there are aspects that should definitely be avoided as the kiss gets deeper.
- Don't try to stick your tongue too deep into your partner's mouth. This could make her feel uncomfortable, as if she were choking.
- Don't push your tongue sharply in and out of your partner's mouth. Slow, gentle movements will be much more intimate than poorly controlled, fast, and turbine-like ones.
- Don't use your tongue so much that you practically end up licking your partner's face. Wet kisses usually feel sloppy and inattentive, so try not to get saliva on your girlfriend's lips or face.

Step 5. Adapt to your girlfriend's style
To kiss well, you also need to be able to get used to the way your girlfriend prefers to be kissed. As you kiss her, try different movements and see how she reacts. For example, you might try to use a little more language or play "wrestling" against his.
It is important to remember that everyone has a different style when it comes to the art of kissing. It may take you a while to find a rhythm with your girlfriend, but just remember that she also pays attention to your movements. A kiss is a duet, not a solo

Step 6. Try not to get your teeth banging against his
This movement can slightly spoil the atmosphere that is created with the kiss. When you kiss someone, check their teeth so they don't cause any problems. You can do this by bending your head to different angles. Don't open your mouth wide, otherwise it may be easier to cause an accident.

Step 7. You could suck your partner's lower lip
Try gently biting or sucking (the key word is delicacy) your girlfriend's lower lip, but you can do it with her upper lip as well. If done correctly, this movement can turn her on a lot.
If you notice while sucking your lip that you are pulling it excessively towards you, you are probably doing it too aggressively. Try to perform this movement in a gentle and playful way, not aggressive or intense

Step 8. Use your hands
Gently place your hands on your partner's waist, shoulders, face or neck; if she hasn't touched you yet, take the initiative. Does the atmosphere heat up? Squeeze your girlfriend tighter and let your hands slide from one part of the body to the other. Stroking your partner's shoulders or neck can tell her that you want to get closer to her, that you like to kiss her, or that you want more.
- Increase the intensity of the moment by placing your hands on the back of your partner's head and grabbing her hair. You can also let your hands run down his back.
- Either way, don't squeeze your partner so tightly that you choke her. If it starts to pull back or move, let it go. Never touch her without her permission. Stay away from private parts until you are sure she wants to be touched in these areas.

Step 9. Do something different
Knowing how to kiss well does not mean doing everything perfectly, otherwise the exchange risks becoming mechanical. While pummeling, it is sometimes stimulating to introduce something new, in order to surprise your partner (positively) and make you want more.
- When your partner has her lips parted, try licking the middle part, or use your tongue to briefly stroke the roof of her mouth. She might find it unusual, but very sexy.
- When your lips are together, try to inhale with your mouth instead of your nose, as if you were incorporating his breath. It can be an extremely intimate gesture, as long as you don't overdo it.
- Try kissing your partner following a sort of trail from mouth to ears, then gently suck her earlobe (if she's wearing earrings, be careful!).

Step 10. Kiss other parts of your partner's body
Knowing how to kiss well also means going beyond the mouth and exploring other areas. After a few French kisses, let your mouth wander. Make real kissing trails starting from your girlfriend's face and continuing up to her neck or shoulder (if she's naked).
Make sure you don't leave any traces of saliva on your partner's neck. These kisses should be intimate but dry

Step 11. Show all your passion
If you are good at kissing, your partner will feel more involved. You should be fully present in the moment and try to avoid letting your mind wander elsewhere. Allow yourself to relax and not ask yourself for the duration of the kiss what the other person will ever be thinking. Go with the flow and have fun.
If the phone rings, do not answer. For your partner, it would indicate little interest. Focus entirely on her and what's going on between you
Part 4 of 4: Kissing Chastely

Step 1. Decide where and when to kiss this person
Chaste kisses should be reserved for friends and relatives you love very much. They are suitable for the cheek and, in some cases, for the hand and forehead.
In many cultures, such as Italy, it is appropriate to kiss a friend or family member once or twice on the cheek when meeting or saying goodbye before leaving. Forehead kisses generally have a more romantic nature, and are good for your partners, close friends, and / or exes

Step 2. Pucker your lips
For a friendly kiss, you should always poke your lips forward and keep them completely dry. Wet kisses can be extremely unpleasant, so be sure to pat your mouth first if necessary.
If you are a girl and have applied lipstick or lip gloss, it would be best to dab any excess with a wipe (unless, of course, you are deliberately trying to make your mark on a person's cheek)

Step 3. Kiss the other person
The kiss should be short and dry to avoid sending the wrong message or making her uncomfortable.
Avoid lingering too long unless you're hoping a chaste kiss will turn into a more intimate exchange
- Take it easy. Kissing should be an enjoyable activity. The more relaxed and confident you feel, the better the kisses will be.
- Be fully present. If you are bored, distracted or overly nervous, it will be difficult to create the right atmosphere for a passionate kiss. If you're caught up in the situation, your partner will be too.
- As with all other skills, French kissing takes practice. The more experience you have, the less nervous you will feel. Also, if you are casual, it will be easier to learn how to please your partner.
- Mints are your best friends. Chew one for about 10 minutes before your appointment ends. Avoid chewing gum, as it will be annoying to your partner while you kiss.
- The best way to have soft, kissable lips all year round is to maintain good hydration and occasionally exfoliate them with a toothbrush or loofah.