Have you ever laughed at someone's joke and ended up peeing on yourself in public? It's embarrassing, but it has happened to a lot of people. There is a scientific name for episodes of this type: "stress incontinence". Fortunately, strategies exist to make this potentially mortifying situation much less tragic.
Method 1 of 3: Hide the Evidence

Step 1. Wrap something around your waist
After you pee on yourself in public, one of the ways to fix the situation is to simply hide the evidence. There is a good chance that no one will notice and you will be able to avoid humiliation. It's also easier than you might think - if you have a sweater or other long piece of clothing, try tying it around the waist to hide urine stains.
- If you have a sweater or a jacket, both will work just fine, just tie them at the waist. With a sweater you will be less conspicuous, because many people have a habit of keeping it alive.
- If you don't have a sweater on hand, you can always buy one at a nearby store. You should only get there if you are about to meet someone you want to impress or have a business relationship with.
- If you don't have a sweater, you can always borrow it from a friend. In fairness, tell him why you need help.

Step 2. Dry as much as possible
You should make sure the urine dries, at least enough to avoid attracting attention. Get rid of stains and bad smells. Moisture can also cause skin irritation, so it is very important that you clean yourself after such an accident.
- Go to the bathroom as soon as you get the chance. If necessary, walk into a coffee shop or shop and ask if you can use the bathroom for customers.
- At best, you should clean your skin with a cotton cloth. Afterward, you should use a wipe. Applying a moisturizer to areas that have become wet is a good idea, as it can create a protective barrier against irritation.
- If you are in a supermarket, or if there is one in the area, you can buy these products before going to the bathroom. However, in most cases, you will not be able to clean yourself properly, so you will have to improvise. Use toilet paper or paper towels to dry yourself. If you have cream in your bag, use it to create a barrier against irritation. A scented cream can also help hide the bad smell.

Step 3. Change yourself if you have the chance
The simplest solution is to change your pants. If you have a change available, put it on as quickly as possible. One of the downsides to this strategy is that you will have to explain to everyone why you changed clothing.
- Many people keep their gym clothes in their car or in a locker at work. If it is clothing that is suitable for the situation you are in, you may want to retrieve some shorts and put them on.
- If there are many clothes shops in the area, you may want to buy a new pair of pants and put them on right away. For example, if you are in a tourist area, you will probably have plenty of clothing stores where you can buy clothes at relatively low prices.
- If you are in the company of a friend or colleague, you can ask him to lend you some clothes. If you have frequent bladder control problems, you may want to keep a change of clothes in the car. You can also call someone, such as a roommate or your partner, and ask them to bring you something to wear.
Method 2 of 3: React the Right Way

Step 1. Don't lose your cool
Remember this is not the end of the world; everything is relative. If your worst problem is a little embarrassment, consider yourself lucky. If you panic and overreact, you can cause negative feelings in other people as well, creating an unpleasant situation for everyone present. Instead, try to stay calm.
- It is possible that no one notices the episode. You will feel wet, but the urine stains may barely be visible to the people present, due to their location. Try to stay relaxed and walk away without attracting attention.
- If anyone notices the incident, keep calm. People often react to embarrassment by fidgeting, crying, stammering, and being upset. This also makes everyone present uncomfortable, causing great tension. Having such an accident can be incredibly embarrassing, but if you keep your cool, everything will be for the best.
- If someone notices what has happened, react by smiling and without making a drama out of it. Later, you will think of ways to make the situation less awkward.

Step 2. Have a laugh
Your reaction to the incident can affect the attitudes of those present, so work to make the situation less embarrassing. Be confident and try to laugh at your misfortune.
- In hindsight it's easy to laugh at embarrassing episodes. People often tell the most absurd stories they have lived. However, at the moment, laughing won't be easy. Try to remember that you will survive and this will make you feel more comfortable.
- Even if you feel uncomfortable, try to laugh. Try saying, "Can you believe what just happened? Apparently your joke was really great." Speak confidently and downplay the importance of what happened.
- Ask a friend for help. If you feel vulnerable, it is not easy to laugh at your misadventures. Talk to a trusted friend and encourage them to laugh with you. You make a joke at your own expense and end with "Isn't it?". If he joins you, the conversation will go from unpleasant to fun and lighthearted.

Step 3. Stay in the present
To overcome the embarrassment, try to leave the episode behind. Don't dwell on what just happened and focus on the present. You peed on yourself and now you have to fix the situation. It is not by looking back on your embarrassment that you will be able to deal with the accident in the best way.
- Try to silence the voices in your head. You may be thinking, "I can't believe I did this. What a humiliation." Ignore these judgmental words, and instead focus on what you can do to deal with the situation.
- Keep drawing attention to what you need to do. Remember to go to the bathroom, cover the stain, or laugh with the people around you.

Step 4. Think back to embarrassing situations from your past
You may be thinking that you will never be able to survive this accident. However, try to remember other incidents in which you felt embarrassed. This is probably not the first time you have felt sinking: by looking back on the past, you will be able to consider what happened in the right perspective. You didn't think you could overcome some style lapses, but in the end you did.
- List all the most embarrassing moments you've been through. Relive a bad first date, a stupid comment you made at school, and so on. Try to remember five moments when you were very ashamed. He thinks: "I was able to overcome those accidents, I will do it again".
- Ask friends for help by inviting them to share their most embarrassing experiences. You may feel better considering everyone in their life has felt a great shame.
Method 3 of 3: Prevent It From Happening Again

Step 1. Strengthen the pelvic muscles
Many bladder control problems are caused by weak pelvic muscles that have stretched due to pregnancy. As a result, the bladder descends and stretches the opening of the urethra. If you feel your incontinence problems are due to pregnancy, do some Kegel exercises to strengthen your pelvic muscles.
- To perform these exercises, you must first identify the pelvic floor muscles, stopping urination during the act. The muscles you use to make that gesture are the ones you need to train. Get used to moving them voluntarily.
- Contract the muscles for 5 seconds, then relax them for the next 5. Repeat the exercise 4-5 times in series. Try to contract your muscles for 10 consecutive seconds.
- Make sure you don't just contract your abdominal muscles, thigh muscles, or buttocks. Do not hold your breath. Do Kegel exercises three times a day, in sets of 10.

Step 2. Avoid drinking alcohol and caffeine
These drinks are diuretic, that is, they favor the transfer of fluids from the swollen areas of the body to the bladder. Consequently, the latter fills up quickly, causing losses.
- Choose decaffeinated drinks. Those that contain caffeine, such as certain sodas and coffee, cause the bladder to fill quickly. It is normal to urinate every 3-4 hours, but you can feel the urge more frequently if you drink a lot of caffeine.
- Try not to drink too much at one time if you have this problem. Similarly, you can reduce the pressure on your bladder by losing weight. According to some studies, even quitting smoking can help control urine leaks.

Step 3. Wear adult diapers
If you have frequent incontinence problems (that is, if you often leak urine when laughing or even just when taking simple actions), you should see a doctor who can evaluate your condition. He may suggest that you bring adult diapers and may be able to advise you on which types to choose. As with all health problems, you should see a professional to see if there are any serious causes. Better to be controlled than guess what happens to you.
- If your bleeding is minor, you may want to wear plain sanitary pads rather than diapers. You can put them inside the undergarment you usually use and they won't be very noticeable.
- If, on the other hand, you need a diaper, you can choose a brand that is easy to hide. Try out many products to find the one that's right for you. Experiment with different types of pants and clothing to find the solution that hides the diaper better.
- Be prepared when wearing a diaper in public. Bring scented sachets with you to put the used ones. If there are no trash cans around, you can use these bags to temporarily store nappies before throwing them out.

Step 4. Go to the bathroom more often
If your bladder isn't full, you'll have less trouble holding urine in public. Consequently, be sure to empty it regularly.
- Keeping your bladder full for a long time puts you at risk of leaking.
- Do not delay visits to the bathroom. Go as soon as you feel the urge, especially if you've been drinking beer, coffee, or soda.
- Before telling a funny story, check if you have a full bladder and, if necessary, go to the bathroom to empty it. Try to set times for bathroom visits and free yourself before you feel the urge to do so.

Step 5. See a doctor to rule out any medical problems
If you pee on yourself for a simple laugh, you may also have a health problem. If this happens more than once, consult a doctor. Incontinence can result from various pathologies.
- There is a specific term for similar episodes of urine leakage, because they are quite common: "stress incontinence". It does not mean that you are under too much emotional stress, but that it is your bladder that is under stress.
- Menopause can also lead to urine leakage in women, as can trauma, such as pubic surgery and nerve damage from a stroke or diabetes. Finally, be aware that being overweight limits bladder control.
- Once your doctor understands the cause of your incontinence, you can design a treatment plan. There are many ways to treat incontinence and have better control over your bladder, from drug therapy to lifestyle changes.
- See a doctor if the problem recurs continuously.
- Always carry a sweater with you if the problem recurs often.
- Remember that this has happened to many people before you!