Text messaging is a great way to flirt with guys. You can write to someone you're starting to get to know, a guy you're developing a relationship with, or a partner you've been dating for a while to make your life as a couple more fun. You can also use texting to keep in touch with a man before making the next move, to develop his interest in you and connect with him.
Method 1 of 3: Introduce Speech and Flirt

Step 1. Introduce the speech
If you're trying to flirt with a guy you're not in a romantic relationship with, try to focus your conversation on romantic topics. This way, he will understand your intentions and, if he reciprocates the interest, you can insist on that key.
- For example, start the conversation with "I dreamed of you last night!" to flirt with him in a discreet way. You imply that you had a spicy dream about him, and if he gets the message, you can continue flirting more explicitly.
- If he ignores your approach, he probably isn't interested in you.

Step 2. Send him a provocative compliment
Everyone likes to receive compliments, which are ideal phrases for flirting. If you're looking to strike up a seductive conversation, try including a spicy comment to break the ice.
- For example, if you go out with a guy who plays football, you can write him "The stadium lit up when you entered the field today!".
- Be honest and specific. You don't have to limit yourself to the physical appearance, but rather highlight its unique features. Instead of saying "You're cute", try "You have a beautiful smile".

Step 3. Try writing to him at night
You probably shouldn't text him at 2 a.m. unless you know he's awake. However, texting late in the evening is a more intimate experience, which can encourage flirting.
- During the night you will both feel freer. Try waiting for dark before sending your message.
- You can write: "I am curled up under the covers, what are you doing?".

Step 4. Be yourself
By texting, you may be tempted to give a silly, touchy, or more sensual image of yourself than the reality. Avoid doing this, especially if he doesn't know you well, otherwise he'll expect you to have that character when you meet.
For example, don't use ten exclamation points to show how excited you are if you don't overreact in real life

Step 5. Show your ironic side
Don't wear a mask, but try to let him know how funny you are. Messages are the ideal communication medium for short, upbeat conversations, so show him your sense of humor and he'll want to get to know you better.
For example, imagine you are at home in your pajamas at night. Instead of writing to him what you're doing, tell him about the fun night yesterday, with a phrase like: "Yesterday I went out with my friends and we had a great time, but I kept hoping you would come too."

Step 6. Don't be afraid to make fun of him
If you both have a good sense of humor, pranks will help you create intimacy. You can tease him about an error in his messages, such as a funny substitution by the autocorrect.
For example, if you get the message: "I think your ogres (eyes) are sexy", you can reply "Ah, so you think my" ogres "are sexy? And where did you see these" ogres "?"

Step 7. Call him a sweet nickname
It may sound silly, but you will let him know that you like him. Choose a manly pet name or something overly funny and cheesy. Either way, try using a loving name in your text messages to reveal your feelings to him.
- For example, you could use "hunk" or "Thor" as manly nicknames.
- For something cuter, try "sugary" or "sweetie".

Step 8. Avoid boredom
It's boring to write the same message every day at the same time. Try to vary your routine by texting at different times of the day or by changing the content.
- For example, a friendly "Have a nice day honey!" it's a nice way to say good morning, but you shouldn't write it every day.
- Use phrases like "Wake up, honey!" or "Can't wait to see you at school!".

Step 9. Let him know that you think about him
If you see something that reminds you of the guy you like, take a picture of him. Send it to him with a comment, telling him that the picture made you think of him and it will make him smile.
- Only send pictures that interest them or that refer to funny jokes you both know.
- Avoid sending photos that are too serious, such as engagement rings or wedding cakes.

Step 10. Continue to carry on the conversation
If you are messaging each other, you have to do your part: simple monosyllable replies are not enough. Contribute to the dialogue, ask a question or introduce a new topic if you have nothing more to say.
- For example, if he asks you "Do you like movies?", Don't just answer "Yes". Instead, choose a phrase that gives him the opportunity to continue the conversation, for example: "Yes, especially when I see them with cute guys like you! When are you taking me to the cinema?".
- Alternatively, ask him a question about him, such as, "What's your favorite dish?".

Step 11. Don't rush to show your sexy side
You may be tempted to send sexual messages, but you should wait a bit. In fact, you should only do this when you are already in a relationship.
- There's nothing wrong with flirting, like telling him he has nice eyes.
- Instead, you should avoid overly explicitly sexual messages, in which you talk about the genitals and try to make him respond in the same tone. Of course, you are free to write whatever you like in your SMS, but you may catch him by surprise by sending these types of messages too soon.

Step 12. Don't post your sexy pictures
Even when you're in a relationship, you shouldn't be sending sexy photos. Once you leave your cell phone, you won't be able to get them back and you can't be sure that he won't make them public.
Sending loving photos is perfectly okay, like a snapshot while you send him a kiss, but avoid any pictures you don't want your mom to see, because there is a chance they'll go public
Method 2 of 3: Texting Before and After Appointments

Step 1. Probe the terrain
If you want him to invite you out, send him signals. If you feel that asking him directly to see you would be inappropriate, you can turn the conversation around. For example, you can reveal your plans for the weekend, in the hope that he will pick up on your suggestion.
- You can write him "What are your plans for the weekend? I'm going to the cinema, you?".
- By telling him what you will do, you give him a chance to join you.

Step 2. Ask him out
If you prefer a more direct approach, you can ask him to meet you. Make sure you don't put too much weight on your invitation, so you'll give him a chance to back off if he's not as interested in you as you hope.
- Try: "It's been a tough week. I'd like to have fun this weekend, would you like to join me?".
- You can also be more direct: "I'd like us to go out together. Would you like to have a coffee this weekend?"

Step 3. Get your appointment to start early
With messages, you can create anticipation for your meeting, so try to text him on the day of release or the day before. Let him know that you can't wait to see him and that the idea excites you.
- For example, you can simply write: "I'm looking forward to seeing you tonight!".
- You can flirt by adding a compliment: "Can't wait to see you tonight, especially with those skinny jeans you always wear."

Step 4. Write to him after an appointment
If you had a lot of fun, let them know with a message. Of course, a phone call is more intimate, but if you don't have the time to call him the next day, you can text him that your meeting was very nice for you too.
- Just a simple "Last night was beautiful!".
- If you prefer, you can be more specific: "I'm very glad you took me to the Japanese restaurant last night. The sushi was delicious and it was great to spend the evening with you."
Method 3 of 3: Know What to Do and What to Avoid

Step 1. Try to be concise and direct
Today, there are no longer any restrictions on the number of characters in the past, but you should still limit the length of your messages. Texting that is too long can discourage your boyfriend, who will have to scroll through lines and lines of text to understand what you are trying to tell him.
- In other words, don't write novels.
- You can use abbreviations, such as LOL (laughing out loud, I laugh) or xke (why).
- Don't abuse abbreviations, especially little-known ones. This way of writing, coupled with the use of emoticons, can annoy some people.

Step 2. Pay attention to your tone
It is difficult to convey sarcasm by text, especially if you don't know the other person well. Avoid this kind of irony when flirting with a guy, at least until you are no longer comfortable and understand each other better.

Step 3. Don't wait too long
In some cases, you will think that you have to "play" with the other person, waiting before answering: it is a kind of struggle for power. However, for the habits of the message world, not answering for an internal day is a clear signal of little interest.
- If a guy likes you, answer him pretty quickly.
- In the world of messages, even an hour can seem like an eternity.

Step 4. Don't write to him too often
If you send him twenty messages a day, maybe that's too many, especially if he doesn't reply at all. Try to reduce the number to about 3-5 per day. That way, he'll have time to miss you between text messages.
Also avoid writing "Did you get my message?", As you would look really desperate. If he doesn't answer you, he's probably busy

Step 5. Don't drink alcohol
Writing drunk messages would probably send you something you'll regret. You may be flirting more than you would like, or you may be pushing the guy away by saying absurd things. It's not easy to put a stop to it once you're already drunk, so try to avoid this situation.

Step 6. Try not to always read between the lines
If you have a tendency to analyze things too much, texting can be your worst nightmare. They contain enough text to analyze, but not enough to draw more information. If you have a habit of thinking too much about the meaning of each message, avoid doing it. In some cases, a "Hello" is just a simple greeting, not a way to let you know that he doesn't like you because he didn't use an exclamation point.

Step 7. Reread what you wrote before hitting "Send"
You may have been sending text messages with gross errors due to automatic correction: read the text to make sure it makes sense, so you will never send garbled messages.
You don't have to adhere to all the grammar rules to write SMS, but it's never a bad idea to check for mistakes. Not everyone pays attention to these things, but some people hate people who write incorrectly
- Respect a guy if he's not interested in you. If he doesn't like you, don't keep flirting with him.
- If you're dating, try to talk to him like you do via text.