Do you need an escort for the prom? Or maybe you'd like to have a boyfriend who can take you to an upcoming family reunion. There are many reasons why you may want to find a boyfriend quickly. Fortunately, there are methods to meet a Nice Guy and start dating him in a few weeks, but of course you'll have to put in the effort. You have to be confident and create opportunities, but above all remember: don't start dating someone you don't like just because you want a boyfriend. It is important to be patient and wait for the right person.
Part 1 of 3: Finding the Right Guy

Step 1. Improve your self-esteem
To meet a guy in no time, you need to work hard to find the right person. One of the best ways to attract men is to show that you have confidence in yourself. Do what you can to increase your confidence. If you like yourself the way you are, chances are you can win over other people as well.
- Practice. If the idea of talking to a guy you have a weakness for makes you nervous, plan what you will do well in advance.
- Try the speech you want to make in front of the mirror. This will help you feel less nervous when you are with the guy you like.
- Choose clothes that make you feel comfortable. Put on something that makes you happy. For example, if red is your lucky color, wear your favorite red sweater to school tomorrow.

Step 2. Ask yourself what you really want
You may be wanting a boyfriend in a short time because a special event is coming up. Sure, it would be great to have a prom date, but remember: don't settle for just any guy. Take some time to figure out what your priorities are in a relationship.
- Write a list of the qualities that interest you. Are you looking for a funny person? Write it down. Would you like him to enjoy horror movies as much as you do? Add it to the list.
- Don't forget to include characteristics such as kindness and respect.

Step 3. Try to be outgoing
You need to be prepared to talk to people if you want to find a boyfriend in a short time. Practice being more outgoing. This is a very useful feature when trying to bond with someone.
- Be prepared to participate in any conversation. If a guy you like talks about football, don't be afraid to say: "I like football, but I don't know the rules very well. Can you explain to me what are the most important things to know?".
- You smile. This way you will let everyone know that you are confident and ready to have a chat.

Step 4. Ask your friends for help
Social networking is a great resource when looking for someone to hang out with. Try to get help from your friends and remember to communicate what the deadline is!
- You can say, "Sara, you have a lot of friends. Can you arrange a date with one of them for this weekend?".
- If you have a specific person in mind, you can say: "Stefano, your friend Marco is very nice. Can you ask him if he wants to come with us to the cinema on Friday night?".

Step 5. Socialize
If you want to find a boyfriend in a short time, you have to get involved. This means you have to attend as many social events as possible. Try to accept all invitations you receive.
- Your friends have invited you to see a movie at the cinema but you don't feel like it? Go there anyway! You never know who you will meet.
- Make new friends wherever you are. If you're watching your little brother's soccer game, don't be afraid to say hello to the cute boy sitting next to you.

Step 6. Use social networks
If you are a young and sociable person, you probably have a lot of social profiles. Try to use technology to your advantage! You can connect with people you know by sight on many platforms.
- Use Facebook. Come on and ask for friendship from that smart guy sitting next to you in math class!
- Have you met someone at a party recently? Start following him on Instagram.
Part 2 of 3: Creating a Bond

Step 1. Use body language
With your body, you can send a lot of signals to a guy to let him know that you care. That way you can pave the way for conversations, flirting attempts, and hopefully, hopefully, on a date!
- Get closer when he talks to you. This way you let him know that you care.
- Try touching it while you speak. If he makes you laugh, react by gently placing your hand on his for a few moments.
- Avoid standing with your arms folded. This is a sign of little interest.

Step 2. Try flirting
If you want a guy to ask you out, flirting is a great way to let him know you're interested in him. Find time to practice seduction techniques. The next time you meet someone, you will be ready!
- Try teasing him gently. You might say, "Of course you really like video games. Do you ever have time to do something else? Like going to the movies?".
- Laugh. When he tells you something funny, make sure you react in a positive way.
- Use a gentle tone of voice. Make sure you don't speak too loudly or too loudly.
- Remember to smile and look him in the eye!

Step 3. Start the conversation yourself
Don't be afraid to make the first move. If you see a guy you like, approach him. Try chatting with him and maybe he'll get the spark.
- Ask him a question. You can try saying, "I've never seen you here before. Do you go to school around here?"
- Comment on what happens. For example: "Wow, this band is great. Do you like rock?".

Step 4. Find common interests
Once you've started the conversation, it's time to get to know each other. Try to find something you have in common. This will help you bond with him.
- Imagine that you have noticed that the Fiorentina crest is on the cover of your phone. You could say: "I don't know Fiorentina well, but I really like football! Tell me a little about your team."
- If reading is your thing, ask him what his favorite book is. Promise him you'll read it and tell him what you think the next time you see each other.

Step 5. Arrange an appointment
Once you've established a bond, it's time to take the next step. Don't wait for him to ask you out. Show him that you believe in yourself and invite him to do something!
- Try saying, "I think you like cinema a lot too. Would you like to go see the new Marvel movie with me on Friday night?"
- You can also leave some of the planning to him. You could say, "Friday night I'm free. What do we do?".
Part 3 of 3: Deepening a Relationship

Step 1. Have fun together
Once you've found a guy to date, you should start learning about him. One of the best ways to bond with him is to focus on fun activities. Find ways to have fun together.
- Make sure you laugh. Watch a comedy movie or tell jokes.
- Don't be afraid to show your playful side. If you walk in a park, ask him if he wants to push you on the swing.

Step 2. Spend time together
In the early stages of a relationship, it's important to spend quality time together. Make sure you give him some of your free time and ask him to do the same for you. Use creativity!
- Study together. Doing homework or questioning each other for an upcoming class test is a great way to spend quality time together without neglecting your responsibilities.
- Choose the activities in turn. Try to arrange an appointment each for Friday night outings.

Step 3. Try new things
Having new experiences is a great way to bond with a person. Think of fun activities that none of you have done before. For example, you could take a dance class.
You can also try a new sport. You might learn how to play tennis together

Step 4. Respect each other
When dating a guy, make sure you treat him with respect. The same thing he should do. This means listening to each other and treating each other with kindness.
- Avoid arriving late when you have something organized. Ask him to do the same.
- If a guy doesn't treat you kindly, he doesn't deserve your time.
- When you are in a group, look in his direction, meet his gaze and smile. If he smiles back too, he's probably interested.
- Be yourself.
- If you go to school, ask him for help with his homework or discuss with him which subjects you like best.
- Let him know you have a soft spot for him. Guys often like straight women.
- Don't look away when you talk to him. You would give him the impression of being bored.