How can you ignore someone you don't want to have anything to do with? Cut her out of your life, give her the treatment of silence and give her no satisfaction. But be careful, because if you give in once, you ruin everything.

Step 1. Before starting the silence treatment, ask yourself if you really want to do it
Giving silence treatment is passive-aggressive behavior, a form of emotional abuse. It is destructive to a relationship, whether you want to get away permanently or just temporarily. Like any other punishment, it teaches nothing, it only causes pain.

Step 2. Be kind of heart
The first thing to do to a person before the silence treatment is to give them a good word. First of all, don't show up like crazy and pretend you don't know anything, act like you can get over it and have the last words and the last laugh, then start with the treatment. It will leave the other person confused and stunned. Before plotting the silent revenge, tell the other person "Well, you know, I understand that you are very angry and why you did it. I'll think about it a little and talk to you later"; the next time you see her, ignore her, play the silence card, and from that moment don't speak to her again.

Step 3. Make peace in the end
If you see this person again after 20 years, it's probably time to make peace - she's moved on with her life, unless it's your ex-husband who stabbed you in the heart. However, use the silence treatment for at least 4 years or more. He learned his lesson. You know in your heart that you should forgive quickly, but avoid this person if confrontation is risky or if they have made an attempt on your life.

Step 4. Change your mobile number and start over
Change emails, websites, twitter profiles, etc. and begins again incognito: new name, new information.

Step 5. If you meet this person in school and he bullies, you shouldn't be here READING - you should be out there, right now, telling someone "Don't suffer in silence"

Step 6. Walk past him and pretend he doesn't exist, turn your head slightly and laugh

Step 7. Also ask your friends and family to ignore this person, bad words and threats can only lead to problems

Step 8. If you are ignoring your ex boyfriend who cheated on you, kiss another man right in front of him, he will kill him, and he will be even angrier with this other man at school

Step 9. Sit away from this person if you are in class together; if the teacher forbids you to do this, just ignore her, as if she wasn't sitting there

Step 10. This is the greatest revenge, but be careful as it can hurt you emotionally
Let him know how much he hurt you when he did what he did to betray you.

Step 11. Don't reply to his letters

Step 12. Cut all types of communications, contacts and accesses
This will show him that you don't want to have anything to do with him / her and swearing at him and bullying shows negative attention, which is better than nothing.

Step 13. If you are in school, sit next to someone at their table and pretend to be very happy and frivolous and cheerful
Then when this other person sits back down even if you're laughing or in the middle of a sentence, make a pouting face and leave in a rage.
- Don't give him the satisfaction of noticing it again.
- If you start the silence treatment with someone, you need to continue for some time.
- Remember, if you have to give someone the silent treatment, think about the consequences you may face in the future. Consider the risk and use your good judgment.
- Show him that you don't need him / her and move on, even though it can be tough.
- This is strictly a matter between you and the person you treat, so don't involve your friends!
- If you see him, look away, as if you don't know him. Find someone else to talk to.
- Don't let him know that what he says to offend you bothers you. If you need to cry, do it at home, or in the bathroom, or in bed, when no one can see you. If someone asks you what is bothering you, TELL THE TRUTH! DO NOT SUFFER IN SILENCE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE!
- If you are thinking of forgiving him / her, remember what he did and think about it.
- Don't reply to emails or messages. Log out if you see a chat from him / her or someone you don't know (they might use a different name to prank you or to get your information).
- Remember, this could make you appear immature or very quiet. People might get annoyed or think you're a callous snob.
- Delete or change your websites, get a different identity.
- Don't answer his calls. Block his number if you can.
- Change your home number if you are being harassed or playing pranks on you.
- If someone confronts you and wants to talk to you face to face about your behavior, don't laugh because you will ruin your plan. However, don't deny when they ask you for something; admit your behavior but don't just say that you are reserving the silent treatment.
- Do not create new websites that contain your first and last name, nickname, your email address or other information, because the person you are ignoring could enter your sites and gossip about you with your friends or delete data for revenge.
- Shoot him your intimidating gaze and make a face. That way you will only annoy him by talking to him. It's that easy!
- If necessary, create a profile or email address that they cannot trace. Never create a real profile because that person could do anything to provoke you.
- Acting like this towards a person could also impact your relationships with mutual friends. If mutual friends are very close to that person, they will try to avoid you.
- It can be painful for the person you're ignoring, especially if it's your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend, ex-best friend, or relative. Try to put yourself in his shoes and see how you would behave if someone you cared about gave you the silent treatment.
- Silence treatment is a passive and aggressive strategy that could constitute emotional abuse. It is not an assertive or peaceful way to resolve conflicts. Find an alternative way to solve the problems, without exceeding the limits.
- Don't think you have no consequences from this. This behavior will likely torture you for a long time.
- If you are reserving the silent treatment for something small, perhaps you should think about yourself.
- Giving someone the silent treatment often leads to retaliation from the other. You could become the subject of harassment, stalking, or bullying.
- In the case of an intimate relationship, the treatment of silence often leads to physical abuse.