How to Make Hot Cross Buns: 12 Steps

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How to Make Hot Cross Buns: 12 Steps
How to Make Hot Cross Buns: 12 Steps

Hot cross buns are sweet, warm and fluffy buns. Typical of English cuisine, they are traditionally enjoyed at Easter. Read on to find out how to prepare them.


  • 2 teaspoons of baking powder
  • 120 ml of warm milk
  • 1 egg
  • 15 g (1 tablespoon) of butter at room temperature
  • A pinch of salt
  • 45 g of sugar
  • 250 g of flour (+ 3 tablespoons)
  • 70 g of Corinth grapes
  • A pinch of cinnamon
  • A pinch of allspice
  • 1 egg mixed with 2 tablespoons of water
  • A handful of extra flour to sprinkle


Make Hot Cross Buns Step 1
Make Hot Cross Buns Step 1

Step 1. Make the dough by mixing milk, yeast, butter, eggs, sugar, flour, cinnamon, allspice, salt and Corinth grapes in a planetary mixer

Sprinkle some flour on the dough, then remove the bowl from the mixer

Make Hot Cross Buns Step 2
Make Hot Cross Buns Step 2

Step 2. Continue kneading the dough

Dust off your work surface. Remove the dough from the mixer bowl. If it feels sticky, add a little more flour.

Knead until you get an elastic consistency

Make Hot Cross Buns Step 3
Make Hot Cross Buns Step 3

Step 3. Make a ball out of the dough

Put it in a bowl, cover it with a tea towel and let it rise until doubled in size.

Make Hot Cross Buns Step 4
Make Hot Cross Buns Step 4

Step 4. Once the dough has risen, remove the tea towel from the bowl and dust it with flour

Blow the air out of the dough by hitting it with your knuckles, then remove it from the bowl.

Make Hot Cross Buns Step 5
Make Hot Cross Buns Step 5

Step 5. Lay the dough on a surface and knead it into the shape of a log

Make Hot Cross Buns Step 6
Make Hot Cross Buns Step 6

Step 6. Form individual sandwiches

Cut the dough into 6 parts:

  • Take the first part and form a ball by folding the dough inwards and then rolling it with the palm of your hand.
  • Repeat the procedure with the remaining 5 balls.
Make Hot Cross Buns Step 7
Make Hot Cross Buns Step 7

Step 7. Place the rolls on a previously lined baking sheet

Cover them once again with the tea towel. Let them rise again for about 30 minutes.

Make Hot Cross Buns Step 8
Make Hot Cross Buns Step 8

Step 8. Preheat the oven to 170 ° C while you wait for the dough to rise

Make Hot Cross Buns Step 9
Make Hot Cross Buns Step 9

Step 9. Once the buns have doubled in size, remove the tea towel and brush them with a beaten egg

Next, carve a deep cross in the center of each bun with a knife. The deeper the cut, the more pronounced the cross will be after cooking.

Make Hot Cross Buns Step 10
Make Hot Cross Buns Step 10

Step 10. Bake the rolls for about 15 minutes, then take them out of the oven

Make Hot Cross Buns Step 11
Make Hot Cross Buns Step 11

Step 11. Let them cool for a few minutes and serve them

They can be eaten hot or cold. They are especially delicious when served warm and buttered.

Make Hot Cross Buns Intro
Make Hot Cross Buns Intro

Step 12. Enjoy your meal


  • The preparation procedure is long, but making them at home will avoid taking in trans fats and other harmful substances. You will be able to control the ingredients you use and maintain a balanced diet.
  • Keep leftover sandwiches in the freezer and defrost them when you need them. They are perfect for preparing a packed lunch for an outing.
  • Try using different spices and experimenting with the ones you have to make the sandwiches even tastier and discover new flavors.
