Are you tired of looking at the world the same old way? Did they tell you that you never consider more than one side of the story? If so, now is the time to broaden your horizons and improve your life so you can develop a more open mindset. Those with an open mind live an exciting, balanced life and are curious to know; you too can become like this by working on it a bit properly. If you want to know how, just follow these steps.
Part 1 of 3: Adjusting Your Perspective

Step 1. Accept what you don't know
If you want to develop a more open mind, the first thing you need to do is accept something that is completely foreign to you. Sure, it may seem a little generic, but the unknown can really be something simple, like taking a different route to work, finally accepting a coffee date with your neighbor, or seeing a film by a director who you've never heard of it. If you want to be more open-minded you should try to introduce a new unknown element every week or even every day.
- Have you never considered that new restaurant in town because you don't know what it is like? It's time to take a look.
- Have you avoided enrolling in that English course you are interested in because you have no knowledge of romantic poetry? Subscribe.
- Have you avoided bar classes in the yoga room because you fear you don't know what you're doing? Take a look and you will find that it wasn't as scary as you thought.

Step 2. Don't criticize anything before you've tried
Narrow-minded people are notorious for forming negative opinions about things they have never even tried. They might hate the other pizzeria in town without even having set foot there or thinking that the vegan movement is totally stupid without ever having tried it. Consequently, the next time you find yourself embracing a negative opinion about something, ask yourself what evidence you have to support your ideas.
- If you find that there is absolutely no evidence to substantiate your thesis, you should try it firsthand before saying anything else.
- If your only evidence comes from biased sources, such as your favorite blogger or best friend, who agree with you on everything, it is worthless.

Step 3. Simply say "yes" instead of "no"
If you want to develop a more open mind, you need to start saying "yes" to things you would have said "no" to in the past. It could be your friend's always valid invitation to go for an excursion, your colleague's invitation to join your company's bowling team or even your bartender asking you if you want to try the new special latte. Stop saying no and start saying you'd like to try. You will be surprised how quickly your perspective changes.
The next time you say no to something, ask yourself what lies behind this impulse: is it fear of the unknown? A reluctance to step out of your safety zone? The desire to lie in bed in pajamas instead of meeting new people? Face the feeling you have and find a way to combat it

Step 4. Learn to examine each situation from different angles
It's certainly easier said than done. Let's say you are politically liberal and support a major gun ban. Sure, you may be convinced that your method is the best and you don't have to change your opinion, but you should read some arguments from the other side to understand what others are saying. You may find that they have some good ideas; and if not, you will feel more justified in supporting your point of view because you will be better informed.
- Read up on how other countries lead their governments. Italy could learn a couple of things from Germany and vice versa. Observing how others carry out certain activities can offer you a better perception of any situation, whether it is fighting crime, addressing the issue of adoptions or offering easier and less expensive access to health care.
- Let's say you are a very devoted Christian. Can you try to read up on other religions or understand the reasons why some people may not believe in God? Make a list of these reasons and see if this makes it easier for you to understand your different point of view. It doesn't mean you need to change your mind, but it will help you have a more open view.

Step 5. Think about three positives for each negative
While being closed-minded doesn't necessarily mean being negative, many people with a closed mindset tend to view most things in the world as negative or threatening and tend to stick to the things they know. So, the next time you notice that a negative thought crosses your mind or escapes you as you speak, neutralize it with a positive thought.
- It will work. Let's say you find yourself saying: “Today it's freezing. This weather sucks”. Can you think of anything positive in relation to a cold day? Try: "But when it's cold outside, there's nothing better than a nice pumpkin spiced latte drunk in your favorite bar". Or: “Maybe it will snow later. I love the snow”. A more positive attitude will help you accept the things you thought you hated.
- The same goes for whining and complaining. If you find yourself whining and complaining about something, immediately counter your complaints with approval or enthusiasm about that thing.
- You can find the good in almost any situation. You may hate those 2 hours commuting from Milan to Bologna, but you might like the time you spend alone listening to your favorite audiobook.

Step 6. Choose a whole new hobby
This is another excellent solution to adjust your perspective and develop a more open mindset. Try karate, trekking, oil painting, power yoga, photography or any other activity that you have never tried before, which you have little knowledge of and for which you do not even feel that you are particularly good. Sign up for a course in the city or at the university in your area. You will meet new people who will share your interest and you will learn to see the world with different eyes.
Who knows, maybe your hobby might even turn into a passion. And if you really find that you are passionate about something new, your outlook will improve. The love for photography, for example, will change the way you look at the world

Step 7. Mix your routine well
Closed-minded people tend to repeat the same things every day because they believe they wouldn't be happy doing something different, changing their breakfast, or taking an alternative route to work. So stick to this. Don't eat the same bagel and cream cheese, instead choose oatmeal and a fruit salad. Don't go to the gym after work; rather go out with your colleagues or friends.
- You will be surprised how quickly you start to look at the world with different eyes once you let go of old habits.
- Routine is a good solution to bring order and stability to your life and there is nothing wrong with that. However, if you want to be more open-minded, mixing things up right once in a while will show you that there is more than one way to live life.
- Let's say you have decided to stay home all weekend and watch the “Law & Order” marathon you really want. Your friend invites you to her beach house at the last moment; if you want to start changing your life for the better and be more open to new experiences you better say yes.
Part 2 of 3: Broadening Your Horizons

Step 1. Educate yourself
If you want to be more open-minded, you need to broaden your horizons in all possible ways. Education is a very broad concept and you can get it by going to school, taking evening or online courses, or simply by reading more and watching online tutorials that tell you how to do various things. The more educated you are, the less likely you are to fall victim to prejudice.
- Spend three hours on wikiHow next Sunday and learn how to do ten new things. So experiment.
- Being more educated will make you more informed and less likely you will get the typical opinions of those with a narrow mindset.
- If you love to argue, education will also help to assert your reasons in support of your position and will also help you be more open to accepting the point of view of the person you are discussing.

Step 2. Read more
It's hard to be an open-minded person without reading. You should read a lot: Nonfiction, literature, magazines, newspapers, blogs and almost all kinds of reading materials will enrich your life and make you realize that there is an infinite amount of possibilities to live and enjoy life. Read a book about a country you've never visited or a book about a political movement you have limited knowledge of. The more you know, the more you will have the ability to make sensible decisions and develop a more open mindset.
- Create a Goodreads account and try to review at least three books a month at first. Observe what others read and find inspiration.
- Spend hours in the bookstore studying the shelves carefully until you find a book that communicates something to you. So set the goal of finishing it by the weekend.
- Become part of a circle of readers. In this way you will be even more open to a wide variety of literary works and you will be exposed to a range of new opinions.

Step 3. Travel as much as possible
Although many people have a limited budget, you should make it a habit to travel when you have the money. If you have only a few savings to spare, simply take a trip to a fun destination a few hours away from your hometown and try to learn something new. If you have more money, go to Mexico to see the Mayan ruins, take a look at the many museums in Paris or spend a weekend in Montreal.
- If you can't afford to travel, watch a travel channel. While it won't be as exciting as the reality, it will give you a broader perspective on how to live in other countries.
- Apply as a volunteer abroad. It is an excellent solution to offer your time and visit a new place at the same time.

Step 4. Learn a foreign language
Learning a foreign language is a great way to broaden your horizons from the comfort of your home. Order Rosetta Stone, get another guide to learn the language or invest some money to have a private teacher or take a language course. You will learn how the language system works and you will end up gaining a better understanding of yours. You will also gain some insight into a foreign culture and understand the world more.
- If you work hard with the language, you can find other native speakers to talk to. This will help you learn even more about the world.
- You can watch foreign language films to get a better perception of how people speak. You will also gain a valuable level of understanding of the culture you are studying.

Step 5. Get out of your safety zone
Maybe you are afraid of heights. Stand on the roof of a building (if allowed). Do you hate rowdy restaurants? Go out for a dinner and see if you survive. Are you scared of meeting new people? Go to a singles party or a get-together in your hometown or let a friend drag you to a party. Get in the habit of doing it as often as possible and slowly you will feel your mind opening up.
Write down five things that make you feel really uncomfortable. Find ways to make as many as possible. It will take time and courage but then you will feel better

Step 6. Educate yourself when watching TV
Whether you watch television for only two hours a week or two hours a day, you can get into the habit of watching something that opens your mind instead of closing it further. Put aside reruns of crime shows you've watched a million times and change the channel if there's a low-culture talk show. It's time to follow a history channel, see if they broadcast a classic or watch a documentary on the environment.
- Don't look at something that gives you the feeling of making yourself more stupid. Rather, you'd better stare at the wall.
- Check out a channel dedicated to classic films. You will get a new idea about the classics and may change your opinion on films made before 2010.

Step 7. Eat food from a kitchen you've never heard of
You might also like your three favorite dishes, but if you want to be more open-minded you should check out that new place that does Burmese or Ethiopian cuisine that everyone is talking about. Haven't you ever tasted El Salvadorian cuisine? It is never too late to try.
- Sure, the usual old favorite cuisines are Mexican, Italian and Chinese, but if you want to be more open to new experiences, you should try new things, even if you have no idea what they taste like.
- If you want to experience a whole new kitchen, try going with an experienced friend who knows exactly what to order. This will give you a better chance of having a pleasant experience.

Step 8. Dinner with your friend's family
The next time your friend invites you to dinner with his family, don't make up a pathetic excuse to stay home. It can certainly be a bit embarrassing to know your friend's parents or siblings, and understanding the dynamics of another family is not always easy. However, dating your friend and his family will show you that there are different ways of living and that the way you grew up is not the only way to live.
Your friend's parents may be more playful, strict, funny, challenging, quiet, or friendly than yours. No two families are alike and you will find that each family has its positive and negative sides

Step 9. If your friend's family has different political or religious views than yours, take it as an opportunity for an intellectual exchange, as long as the tone remains friendly
If your friend's parents are from another culture, learn about it and broaden your horizons!

Step 10. Listen to a radio show instead of pop music
When you get ready to take the miserable morning commute to work, turn off Katy Perry and tune in to Radio 24. Sure, pop music might give you a bit of a boost to help you feel even more energetic in the morning, but nothing will wake you up and it will make you feel better than some brain food. The next time you take the car, set yourself the goal of listening to a radio program and see how many things you learn.

Step 11. If you are desperate to increase your musical culture, try something new
Genres like classical music and jazz can get you off to a sweet start to the day, while Latin American music or reggae gives you a good kick to get off to a great start.
Listening to experts discussing a range of political and social topics will give you a better insight into what's going on in the world. It's like reading the news without picking up the newspaper

Step 12. You can also download podcasts of a variety of topics on iTunes and the Android store
Part 3 of 3: Having a More Open Mindset with Others

Step 1. Don't judge a person before you know their story
Many people who strive to be open-minded are also known to judge others before actually knowing them. If you tend to judge people the first time you meet them, or even the first time you hear about them or see them across the room, you need to work on approaching others on a case-by-case basis, without judge the person on the basis of their origins, their physical appearance or their accent.
- It can be complicated if you have the habit of forming an opinion on a person quickly based on their appearance or the first five minutes of conversation with them. Look at yourself in the mirror. Do you believe that others are able to know everything about you after watching you for five minutes? Probably not.
- The next time you meet someone new, try to really understand where they come from before getting any kind of opinion about them.
- You may be the type of person who is prone to jealousy and who instantly hates any friend your friend brings along because you are possessive. Instead, think of it this way: if your friend likes this person, then there must be something good about them. Try to find out.

Step 2. Ask a lot of questions
If you are closed-minded, you may have a tendency to think that you have nothing to learn from others and about others. Consequently, the next time you meet a new person or talk to an old friend, ask more questions than you normally would, without giving the impression of being interrogated. Ask the person what they did that week or if they read anything interesting recently. You will be amazed at the amount of things you will learn.
- If someone has just returned from a trip to an exotic location, ask them for all the details.
- If you know the person well, ask about their childhood. You may hear some very interesting details and learn something new.

Step 3. Make friends with people from different walks of life
If you want to develop a more open mind, you can't just make friends with your five best friends from high school or university, who basically share the same interests as you, and expect to have a broad outlook on life. Make friends at work, at the pottery class, in your favorite local bar, or at school within other classes.
- While you shouldn't select your friends based on their diversity, try dating people who have different jobs, interests, and backgrounds.
- Being friends with people of different origins will offer you the opportunity to understand the various ways of seeing the world.
- If you have truly eclectic friends, some of them may even end up not liking each other, and there it is.

Step 4. Let a friend introduce you to her favorite hobby
If your friend has a real passion for engraving or yoga, let her take you to a lesson or let her show you how to do it. You will then be able to gain expert knowledge from your friend and have a new perception of something you have never considered. Try to challenge yourself by choosing something you scoffed at in the past; you will be surprised at how life changing it can.
Seeing your friend really become passionate about something you don't have any knowledge of can also help you have a more open approach to how others spend their time

Step 5. Accept multiple invitations
This is an easy way to develop a more open mind. Even if you don't have to accept all the invitations, you can get used to saying yes 50% more times than before and going to parties or going to places you never thought you would end up. It could be a dinner at your neighbor's where each guest brings a dish, the annual barbecue at your aunt's house that you always skip, or even a poetry reading your friend has been trying to convince you to go to for months. Exposing yourself to a wide variety of events will open your mind more.
Try accepting invitations to different types of events. Just saying yes to party invitations may not necessarily broaden your horizons if you then say no to everything else

Step 6. Engage in friendly discussions
If you are closed-minded, you may like to discuss a topic because you are convinced that you are totally right. Now, next time you're in the middle of a little discussion, take a more affable and curious approach. Do not tell the other person all the reasons why they are wrong, but ask them to explain exactly why you should believe their point of view. You won't change your mind but you will certainly enjoy hearing something new.
You don't want to build a reputation as the guy who argues with everyone until they run out of the room. Instead, be tolerant, not aggressive, even if you show a deep interest in a topic

Step 7. Make friends with someone you don't think you might like
You may never have thought of becoming friends with a staunch Republican, a girl obsessed with her modeling career, or a guy who smokes like a Turk and covers his body in tattoos. While it can be difficult to find these people, if in your social circle or around you you find people you feel you are not compatible with, be friendly and invite them out for coffee. You will broaden your mindset and may balance the situation by finding a new friend during this phase.
- If you don't get along it doesn't matter, but at least you can't blame yourself for trying.
- Remember that people may also follow stereotypes or think badly of "you". Plus, you can help others be more open-minded by sharing your way of seeing things.
- Try thinking about things before doing or saying them.
- ALWAYS be available to learn. When you stop learning, you will die inside. The world is changing. Don't die anchored in the old days, live with the new ones.
- Try teaching your ideas to others instead of arguing.