How to Be Thoughtful: 9 Steps (with Pictures)

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How to Be Thoughtful: 9 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Be Thoughtful: 9 Steps (with Pictures)

Do you always feel tense and get angry easily? Here are some tips to learn how to control yourself and become a caring person.


Cope With Annoying Classmates Step 2
Cope With Annoying Classmates Step 2

Step 1. Be humble

Get rid of your anger and try to be happy. Don't brag about your achievements and participate in the lives of others. Your interest will show them that you care about them. Always look for opportunities to help others.

Stop Being Emotional Step 2
Stop Being Emotional Step 2

Step 2. Listen

We often love to talk only about ourselves. But that doesn't have to happen ALWAYS. Learn to listen, other people have their own life and problems too. It is important to be able to pay attention to the words of others and try to give advice that may be useful.

Deal With a Hard Life Step 1
Deal With a Hard Life Step 1

Step 3. Be understanding

If a person confides their problems to you, they will certainly need support and a few words of comfort. Ask what you can do to help her in that difficult moment and imagine how you would feel in her situation.

Develop Poise Step 2
Develop Poise Step 2

Step 4. Love yourself

To take care of others you must first learn to take care of yourself. If you love yourself you will be able to love your neighbor too. For example, if you are a babysitter you cannot sleep only 2 hours a night, give yourself the right rest to be able to face each new day with the right energy.

Be Comfortable and Confident With Yourself Step 11
Be Comfortable and Confident With Yourself Step 11

Step 5. Improve your self-esteem

If you want to be a caring person, you cannot afford fears and insecurities. Dress well and look presentable every time you go out, you'll feel better and be more likely to open up to others. Assume a correct posture, stand straight with your back, a bent and unkempt person will hardly be able to help others.

Not to Be Shy at a New School Step 7
Not to Be Shy at a New School Step 7

Step 6. Learn to understand things better

Try to look at the "two sides of the coin" in all situations. Always listen to more than one version of the same event, this way you will be able to better understand how things stand. More complete information will help you understand thoroughly, also remember to put yourself in the other person's shoes to imagine how you would behave in the same situation.

Deal With Your Emotions Step 3
Deal With Your Emotions Step 3

Step 7. Try to always smile at everyone, so you don't give the impression of being a rude person

Deal with problems with serenity and always try to be friendly and kind.

Stimulate Children's Self Confidence Step 2
Stimulate Children's Self Confidence Step 2

Step 8. Discover the magical powers of a hug

We all need to be hugged even if we often don't realize it. Show how much you care about others and let them understand why they are so important in your life. Sometimes even a small gesture can be enough to show people how important their presence is in your life.

Not to Be Shy at a New School Step 3
Not to Be Shy at a New School Step 3

Step 9. Remember to put your love into words every morning and every night before going to bed


  • Starting each day right is the first step to being a caring person.
  • Try to have a sweet, peaceful, and humble tone of voice. Speaking kindly will show people your understanding and interest in their words.
  • Always try to start the day with a smile. Discover the magical powers of the smile!
  • Always look at all sides of any situation. Be aware of the feelings of others. Try to put yourself in their shoes and try to understand how they are coping with their life.


  • Don't let others take advantage of your kindness.
  • Always be realistic.
  • There are people who do not deserve all the efforts that are made for them. Only commit when it's worth it.
  • Don't be "too" thoughtful. Do not go from one extreme to the other.
  • Let go of sarcasm, you could hurt others.
  • Remember that you can never please everyone.
