Getting a girl's attention might seem like a daunting task, but you don't have to give up just because it seems like she doesn't even know you exist! We at wikiHow are here to help you permanently grab that special girl's attention! Read the first step to find out how you can pique a girl's interest.
Part 1 of 3: Getting his attention with your actions

Step 1. Get familiar with her
Girls are more likely to talk to a guy if he's not a complete stranger. Catch her eye in class and smile at her, wave her in the hallways of the school, or make an effort to sit next to her during lunch. Don't overdo it, just make sure he recognizes your face - he'll be available to talk to you at some point.
Those little things like asking her for the date or attending the same after school will help you get noticed

Step 2. Talk to her
While it may seem obvious, many guys have a hard time getting close to the girl they're interested in. However, you will have to address the issue. Approach her before you enter the classroom and table a conversation, talk to her when you are in line for lunch or say hello to her at a party. Joke about your math teacher's tie or ask her what she's been up to over the last weekend.
Pay attention. What do you like to do? Are there any clues that can give you some idea about it? Maybe he always scribbles in class or always carries a soccer ball with him. These details can help you find conversation points

Step 3. Find out what his interests are
In order to do this, you need to be a little bold. Once you start talking to her, you should try asking her some personal questions. What do you like to do? What kind of film do you prefer? What sports, arts or foods do you prefer? The possibilities are endless, but the questions will allow you to become friends. Remember that you shouldn't fill her with questions anyway, but let her talk and let the conversation develop naturally.

Step 4. Try to establish a friendship
Once you've talked to each other and she knows who you are, ask her out. You might initially ask her to do something in a group and suggest that she bring her friends (this will make her more willing to accept). Invite her to the movies with your friends, go to a football match or hike, go to a concert, etc. When you go out, be careful of her, but try not to be clingy, just like you would be with any of your other friends.

Step 5. Give her sincere compliments
Everyone loves to hear sincere compliments from time to time. It's important to express something you really feel, because fake compliments can be dull and easy to spot. If you like her dress, tell her it's really cute. If she just played a song for you on guitar and it was good, tell her!

Step 6. Be nice to her friends
You should always treat girls with respect, regardless of your personal interest. Being nice to her friends can help you. If they see that you are always attentive, sweet and nice, there is a chance they will tell the girl you like. However, be careful not to go out with her friends or, even worse, only one: it could give her the idea that you are romantically interested in another.

Step 7. Behave in a relaxed and confident manner when you are with her
Even if you are agitated or start to sweat, try to be relaxed when you go out with her, especially when you don't want to emotionally expose yourself just yet. Girls prefer the self-confident type, not someone who panics when approached. You have to tell yourself that you are beautiful and nice - any girl would be lucky to have a guy who is so interested in her.
- Smile at them. A sincere smile is always very interesting. If he makes a joke, allow yourself to laugh. When you look at her or greet her in class, smile genuinely at her.
- Look for eye contact. Look your girlfriend in the eye when you talk to her. It is a sign of trust. If you look anywhere but her face, she may think that you are indifferent or that you have better things to do than go out with her.

Step 8. Make little romantic moves
Once you have established a friendly contact and decided that you want something more, start making some romantic gestures that will show her that you like her. Remember important dates like her birthday (beautiful effect for her that day), accompany her to class (and then run to yours) or ask her to dance.
When you feel confident enough to do this, ask her to go out with you
Part 2 of 3: Harnessing your Sparkling Personality

Step 1. Show her you have a sense of humor
Everyone loves to laugh. Humor is a great way to get (and keep) a girl's attention, as long as it's an appropriate type of comedy. Not all, in fact, love crude and coarse jokes. Of course, being funny doesn't mean you have to turn yourself into a stand-up comedian, but a few lines in a conversation can definitely grab a girl's attention. Unless you're a born comedian, you may need some tips to create your own style of humor:
- Don't expect the girl to laugh. If he thinks you're funny, he'll laugh, but don't insist, as it could make the situation awkward.
- Get some inspiration from famous comedians. If you feel like you need a little help, watch comedians on TV or pay attention to funny characters from movies. Observe how they present their lines, but don't memorize them as you run the risk of sounding quite stiff.
- Adapt the irony to the situation. Try commenting on the environment or situation you are in in a fun way.
- Don't focus your humor on the girl you're interested in. Teasing her might be fun at first, but don't let them become your only source of humor, as you might get tired. If you know you're pretty good at making fun of others, start making fun of yourself - it can be fun and will show the girl that you are so confident in yourself that you can joke about your own flaws.

Step 2. Trust yourself
Trust is a very attractive quality. Be happy that you are a great guy… you will shine with inner confidence and your girlfriend will notice you! Walk with your head held high and don't hesitate to approach the girl you like… just do it! Having self-esteem also means laughing at yourself and not despairing if the girl you like has other plans or is talking to another guy.
Trusting in yourself does not mean acting arrogant. There is a fine line between being self-confident and being self-centered fools. If you have self-esteem, you have confidence in your abilities without having to resort to those of others. When you are conceited, you pride yourself on how awesome you are. Avoid this behavior! Girls are attracted to guys who demonstrate self-worth without the need to continually remind others how good they are

Step 3. Pay attention
When you're talking to a girl you like, give her your full attention. Listen carefully to what she tells you: you can learn something you don't know about her or discover that you have interests, dreams or ideas in common.
- Ask her about her. This will not only show her that you care, but it will also offer you valuable information that you can later use to woo her. Any honest and respectful questions are fine. Find out which movies she likes, what her dreams are, what dishes she prefers, etc.
- Give her time to respond. Don't interrupt her when she's talking: ask her a question and give her time to think. Also, the fact that she wants to talk to you is really a good sign… don't cut it short.

Step 4. Show good manners
When you go to meet a girl, it's important to be nice. After all, many girls are sorry that chivalry is no longer in fashion. Show her that's not true. April brings her, offer to help her get the stuff, and so on. Avoid abusive behavior (sexist, racist, derogatory jokes are to be avoided completely - but in any case you should never use that kind of language in general).

Step 5. Show passion for the things that interest you
If you are really interested in something, prove it. When you throw yourself into something that you are truly passionate about, it shows up right away. Try to be as intense as you can to make sure you catch your girlfriend's attention.
Don't be ashamed of what you are passionate about. If you are enthusiastic, confident and happy, people will care about you or at least respect your interests. If hiking excites you, plan a nice walk, possibly accessible to everyone, and take your friends who don't usually go hiking with you, along with the girl you like… they'll be sure to have fun

Step 6. Make her understand that you are an emotionally deep person
It doesn't mean you need to sob like a baby when you hear a sad topic, but you should let some of your feelings emerge. When you see a movie about sick people, tell your girlfriend how moved you were by thinking about the difficulties people with health problems face. By hinting something like this to the girl you like, you will let her know that you have a deeper side.
Part 3 of 3: Pay Attention to Your Appearance

Step 1. Take care of your person
You should shower and brush your teeth regularly. No girl wants to deal with an unclean guy. Of course, by looking after your appearance, you will be able to do many things to get her attention.
- Do something more: find a great cologne, wash your face so that your skin is clear, smooth and free of spots, add some gel to your hair. It is important that you smell good, look good and feel comfortable.
- Remove unwanted body hair: Trim nose and eyebrow hair if it is too thick and noticeable. It is usually better not to have a beard than to have it poorly groomed.
- Cut your nails - do it. You risk taking her hand and cutting it off with your claws at the slightest movement. While you're at it, get rid of any dirt that lurks under your nails.

Step 2. Put a little more effort into the way you dress too
It doesn't mean you have to go shopping for a whole new wardrobe, but you should think about it. Remove all stained or torn clothing items. Everyone has their own style, but the scruffy one is definitely the least attractive. Don't use the same shirt every day of the week and try to work out a little instead of always wearing a sweatshirt and sweatpants.
Play with your style. Whether you are a hipster, a jock or you have your own style, make a point of choosing carefully what you need to wear

Step 3. Take your body language into consideration
Believe it or not, posture plays an essential role in how much girls perceive. If you have a tendency to stoop, avoid eye contact, and play with your hands, a girl will be less likely to get involved in conversation with you. Stand straight, keep your eyes up and smile as you walk… you will seem more approachable.
Keep in mind that you should have a good posture, but that you should also move smoothly. Standing straight doesn't mean walking around like a robot or stiffly moving like Frankenstein. If you don't know how to do it, try to get inspired by movies or television. See how the protagonist behaves and eventually copy the way he wins the girl

Step 4. Keep fit
If you want that gorgeous girl to notice you, you need to take care of your physique. She sure cares about her looks and so should you. Start exercising daily by pairing cardio with weights for a toned look.
Keep in mind that most girls like the fit guy, but not the muscular guy whose shirt seems to tear every time he raises his hand in class. If your goal is to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger when he was Mr. Universe, try to scale yourself down a bit
- Girls like it when a guy talks to them. They like the guy who makes an effort, who shows an interest, who is just nice and friendly.
- If she finds out that she likes you or if you think she may already know, don't worry! Most, if not all, girls are flattered to like a guy. It may even start reciprocating you.
- If she thinks you are a braggart, BE CUTE and you will see that she will change her opinion of you.
- Show her who you really are. Don't be ashamed of who you are.
- Even if it is among a group of friends, don't worry. A girl will never tell you to leave badly. If he does, it means he's not the right person for you.
- Make an effort to talk to her every day at school. Even a simple "hello" or "how are you today?" it will make a difference.
- If she plays a sport, go and see her: she will understand that you are interested in her.
- If you are both on Facebook or Tumblr or other social networks, leave comments on her profile. Comment on her photos or videos and leave a message about what you both care about.
- Join the clubs he attends, especially if you share interests.
- Be careful not to "play" with her too much. Although girls like it a little bit of mystery, if it lasts for too long, they end up getting frustrated.
- If a girl doesn't like you and lets you know, stop stalking her or she'll end up hating you.
- You can "Like" her Facebook photos, but be careful not to overdo it if you don't know her well, otherwise she'll find you annoying and scare her away.
- If she doesn't like something you do, stop. Not funny, but inappropriate!
- There is a possibility that she doesn't like you at all. It hurts, but it will pass.