A hug is a great way to show your affection to someone, to let him or her know that you care and that you are caring for this person through thick and thin. The fact remains that it is desirable to know how to hug the person with whom you are in love, lover or a family member in a different way. Read on for tips on how to best hug all the important people in your life.
Method 1 of 5: Hugging a Sweetheart

Step 1. Carefully approach your sweetheart
Smile and say some cute words to her. Make sure she is expecting to be hugged. If you hug someone suddenly and without them expecting it, your gesture could be out of place!
We often hug each other on special occasions, such as birthdays, graduation or graduation parties, and when you find someone after a prolonged absence

Step 2. Lean forward and put your arms around the body of the person you are hugging, and squeeze them tightly against you
- If you are a man, her arms should encircle your neck, and yours should encircle her pelvis. The hug should not last more than a few moments, and end as soon as the other person signals to move away. When you split up, make eye contact and continue the conversation naturally.
- If you are a woman, wrap your arms around his neck and gently press your breasts against his chest. Free him from the embrace as soon as he gives a sign of wanting to move away.
Method 2 of 5: Hugging a Friend

Step 1. Get close to a friend
Smile at him sincerely. If your friend is hugging someone else, a look of abandonment from you may be enough to make up for a hug for you too.

Step 2. Hug your friend
- If you are a woman: as you hug, close your eyes and think about how much you love this person. Squeeze it as much as you like, without suffocating it. Do not clap your hands on the shoulders, a gesture that could be seen as hostile if done between women.
- If you are a man: Hug your friend firmly and clap your hands on his back. If the moment is emotionally charged, hold the hug for a few moments and don't clap your hands on the shoulders.
Method 3 of 5: Hugging a Lover

Step 1. Approach your lover and place your hands on his shoulders
The experience will have a strong romantic charge, regardless of who initiated the hug.

Step 2. Look her in the eye and tell her how much you love him, how much you care and how much you love spending every second with her

Step 3. Let yourself go into the embrace, and extend it as long as you like
For men: Gently slide your hands over her back, until you reach her hips and then her lower back, then rest your head on her shoulder and squeeze her as long as you like.
- Plus, you can give her a back massage and warm her up.
- Finally, you can lift it and take on its weight, which is particularly appreciated by women in general.
- When you separate, you can look into her eyes, smile sincerely and, if the situation suggests it, kiss her passionately.
For women: reach out to him and gird his neck and shoulders. Get as close as possible and squeeze him tightly.
- In situations of intimacy it is appropriate to also fasten your legs with his.
- Avoid keeping your arms below his shoulders, or squeezing him too tightly, even if you are about the same height.
Method 4 of 5: Hugging a Family member
Hug Step 8 Step 1. Meet your family member with loving feelings
This affection will not be the same as you feel for a lover, lover, or friend, unless the family member in question is also your close friend.
Hug Step 9 Step 2. Hug your family member
As you hug, you can continue the conversation.
- It doesn't really matter where you put your hands, in any case the relative in question will not give it weight.
- Squeeze gently, no need to squeeze tightly in the hug.
- Caress the back of the person you're hugging, and smile at them when the hug ends.
Method 5 of 5: Valid Tips for Each Type of Hug
Hug Step 10 Step 1. Only hug someone if they reach out to you
If the other person doesn't seem ready to hug you, maybe you shouldn't.
Hug Step 11 Step 2. When you hug, you need to be welcoming
Whoever initiated the hug, you need to make the other person feel safe while in your arms. Act like it's just you two in the world right now.
Hug Step 12 Step 3. Avoid squeezing too hard
The best way to avoid hugging too much or hugging too softly is to follow what the other person is doing as an indication of the desired intensity for the hug.
Hug Step 13 Step 4. Keep the other person hugged for a few seconds before leaving
A hug is a very effective way of communicating your attention to each other, it makes you feel better and can greatly improve your mood. If the hug is immediately broken, the feeling can be strange for both of you.
Hug Step 14 Step 5. You need to know when it is time for a long, comforting hug, especially when the other is feeling depressed or sad
If you feel like it, continue the hug until the other person lets go first.
- In any case, the best approach is to approach the person to be hugged with your arms extended towards them.
- Unless you've already hugged someone, it's polite to ask before hugging, and it's also a good idea to consider how and where to hug, to avoid potentially embarrassing situations.
- In a male hug, it is common to clap your hands on the shoulders a few times before letting go.
- Avoid running towards someone to hug them, except if they expect it, to avoid overwhelming them.
- Don't hug someone if you're dirty or sweaty, and make sure you have acceptable breath before starting a hug.