Interpersonal relationships 2024, October

How to deal with someone who is always late

How to deal with someone who is always late

Do you have a friend or family member who is always late? Do you often wonder if it is he who needs to change or is it you who need to relax? In most cases, both are true. Meet your expectations first and then negotiate with Mr. or Mrs. Tardone.

3 Ways to Manage Who's Always Looking for Attention

3 Ways to Manage Who's Always Looking for Attention

Those who are always looking for attention are often recognizable by their frequent scenes, exuberant stories and the search for heated confrontations. If someone is bothering you with these behaviors, the best thing to do is ignore their taunts.

How to Please a Girl (LGBT): 8 Steps

How to Please a Girl (LGBT): 8 Steps

If you are bisexual or lesbian and have a crush on a girl, in this article you will find several tips on how to move forward. Before we begin, the term "bisexual" can have different meanings depending on the individual. Some bisexual people are attracted to both men and women, while others have both binary and non-binary genders.

How to Pass for a Male (for Female to Male Transsexuals)

How to Pass for a Male (for Female to Male Transsexuals)

This article is aimed at those people who, despite being physically born of female sex, identify themselves as men, in English they are called “FtM transsexuals” (Female to Male). This article is written in the hope that you will be able to "

How to get a girl's attention if you are a girl

How to get a girl's attention if you are a girl

Are you a girl with a crush on another girl, but can't get her to know you're interested? Don't worry, a lot of girls have the same problem. Sometimes you don't feel comfortable admitting that you're gay, or you don't want others to know yet.

How to Have a Homosexual Relationship: 7 Steps

How to Have a Homosexual Relationship: 7 Steps

A homosexual relationship is not that different from any relationship. Two people meet and know each other more and more. Some things never change, even with two same-sex partners. Steps Step 1. Go out together first More than once.

How to Fill the Package (for Trans Men)

How to Fill the Package (for Trans Men)

Packing is the art of making it look like you have a realistic bump in your pants and pass for a boy. If you are transgender or drag king, this practice is essential. It could also be useful if you need to play a role in a play or just want to have fun.

How to Respect a Transgender Person: 11 Steps

How to Respect a Transgender Person: 11 Steps

If you've recently learned that someone in your life is transgender, you may have a hard time understanding their situation and risk speaking wrong. She begins by respecting her gender identity and using the same terms and pronouns she uses to describe herself.

How to Understand the Different Terms of Sexual Orientation

How to Understand the Different Terms of Sexual Orientation

Have you ever had a hard time using the right terms in relation to the LGBTQ community? If you want to understand them better, learn to tell them apart. Steps Step 1. Learn the terms "Lesbian", "bisexual", "

3 ways to know if you are straight

3 ways to know if you are straight

Human sexuality is determined by a complex mix of biological, psychological and environmental factors. Medical experts believe that it is not possible to choose one's sexual orientation, but that it is simply part of each of us. While some people know their sexual identity well from a young age, others continue to experiment throughout their lives.

How to tell if the person you are dating is a transsexual

How to tell if the person you are dating is a transsexual

When you get to know the person you're dating, it is sometimes normal to ask yourself a lot of questions, for example you have doubts about their gender identity. It's not an easy topic to bring up, but being sensitive to her concerns can make your relationship easier in the long run.

How to Dress Up as a Man (for Women): 8 Steps

How to Dress Up as a Man (for Women): 8 Steps

This article is aimed at all girls who want to look like a man. Maybe, in your soul, you feel that you didn't have to be a woman or you want to experience something new and have some fun. It could be boring to always play the part of the girl, as a result you may decide to freely switch from one sex to the other.

How to ask a girl out if you are a girl

How to ask a girl out if you are a girl

If you're a lesbian or bisexual, it can sometimes be hard to find a girl. If you're not sure how to ask a girl out on a date, follow these instructions. They might help you. Steps Step 1. Make us friends If you only see her at school or work, try to get to know her outside of that context.

How to Find a Boyfriend (for Boys): 7 Steps

How to Find a Boyfriend (for Boys): 7 Steps

You want a boyfriend and are looking for a lasting relationship, but you've always heard that the situation gets more complicated for gay guys. Fortunately, wikiHow is there to help you, but before you act, make sure he has the same sexual preferences as you.

How to find a girl for a young man who dresses up as a woman

How to find a girl for a young man who dresses up as a woman

Are you a young guy who enjoys dressing up as a woman, and would you like to find a girl who is not only willing to accept this passion of yours, but who even appreciates it? This guide is largely aimed at city kids, but some passages will also be useful for those who live in the countryside.

How to Transition from Woman to Man (Transgender)

How to Transition from Woman to Man (Transgender)

This article is a general guide for people who are born female but identify as male. You don't have to make the physical transition completely - it's okay to stop at the stage where you feel most comfortable. You can always continue it further forward if you decide to do so, but in most cases you cannot go back.

How to be asexual (with pictures)

How to be asexual (with pictures)

Asexuals, also known as Asex, are people who have no sexual interest in either their own sex or the opposite sex. However, the characteristics of asexuality are quite complex and can vary. If you have realized that you are asexual and are looking for advice, or if your partner is asexual, keep reading this article.

How to be a good friend for a person with gender dysphoria

How to be a good friend for a person with gender dysphoria

Did a friend of yours confide in you that you have gender dysphoria and do you want to support him in all respects, while accepting the fact that you will never be able to fully understand what he is going through? The main detail to remember is to address him with the gender he identifies with, but in practice what does that mean and what more can you do to help him?

How To Coming Out With Your Parents By Email Or Letter

How To Coming Out With Your Parents By Email Or Letter

Do you feel the need to come out to your parents, but are afraid of getting stuck if you go and talk to them face to face? Read this article for some useful tips. It might be easier than you think. All you need is a word processor on your computer or you can simply write a letter or email, as you prefer.

How to Accept Being a Transsexual Teenager

How to Accept Being a Transsexual Teenager

Being transsexual is great, but it can be tricky. Learning as much as you can about the difficulties other transgender people face can help you better understand what's happening to you. Steps Step 1. Accept Experience teaches that many are aware of their sexual identity from an early age:

How to get a girl to kiss you (for girls)

How to get a girl to kiss you (for girls)

Are you a girl and want to kiss someone of your sex? This is a perfectly natural impulse, whether you are a lesbian, bisexual or just curious. Whatever the reason you want to kiss another girl, you will have a better chance of success if you know how to properly read into her, making the right moves to bring her closer to you.

How to Accept a Close Friend's Sexual Orientation

How to Accept a Close Friend's Sexual Orientation

This article talks about very important topics in modern society. In this period, more than any other, LGBT people expose themselves and declare their sexual orientation. When it's a longtime friend who comes out, some don't know how to react.

How to do it if you are a boy but would like to be a girl

How to do it if you are a boy but would like to be a girl

Every so often a boy is born who would feel much more comfortable in a girl's body. Unfortunately, these guys can't always just start living as girls. If you are one of these guys, you will find some tips here. Steps Step 1. Be yourself Even if you can't live like a girl, that doesn't mean you have to be "

How to Deal with Transphobia (with Pictures)

How to Deal with Transphobia (with Pictures)

Transphobia (negative attitudes and feelings towards transsexual, transgender, genderqueer, gender neutral and all other people with different gender identities) is a prejudice that many transgender people have to contend with constantly throughout their lives.

How to Manage Internalized Homophobia: 11 Steps

How to Manage Internalized Homophobia: 11 Steps

We speak of internalized homophobia when a gay considers homosexuality in a negative way and, in some cases, even goes so far as to reject his own sexual identity. Those with internalized homophobia problems can also suffer from a strong internal conflict between the attraction they feel for people of their own sex and the desire to be heterosexual.

How To Deal With Being Alone: 12 Steps

How To Deal With Being Alone: 12 Steps

Everyone has to spend time alone, but only some consider it a pleasant opportunity. Research suggests that, in the absence of distractions, most people dislike being alone because the human mind feels more comfortable when it turns outward. However, spending some time alone can be a great way to be able to relax, work on yourself, and gain more valuable perspectives.

How To Openly Admit You Are a Transsexual

How To Openly Admit You Are a Transsexual

Coming out as a transsexual is a different event for everyone; however, there are some proven methods that have helped many people to go through this experience successfully. Steps Step 1. Take a good look at your audience For some people, coming out could be counterproductive.

How to Avoid Falling in Love: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Avoid Falling in Love: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

It is very difficult to move forward when you are in love with someone who does not reciprocate your feelings, is not compatible with you or has entered your life at a bad time. If you are trying to resist, build your independence and distance yourself.

How to Appreciate Being Alone (with Pictures)

How to Appreciate Being Alone (with Pictures)

Whether you're looking for a boyfriend or girlfriend or miss your family and friends, you can learn to appreciate being alone. Consider that humans are social animals, but this does not mean that it is possible to be completely happy while living in seclusion.

How to Be Single and Happy: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Be Single and Happy: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

Has a romantic relationship ended and are you now trying to find a way to be happy? Or maybe you have been alone for too long and have a feeling that you will always be miserable until you find your soul mate? You may think that you can never be happy and single at the same time, but know that it really isn't that different from being happy in other situations.

How to Be Single: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Be Single: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

It's not easy to be single when everyone around seems to be in a relationship. You may feel pressured to find a partner or even alone. Whether you want to stay in this condition or not, you need to learn to take care of yourself and understand that it is absolutely possible to live a fulfilling life without being engaged.

How to Enjoy Single Life (with Pictures)

How to Enjoy Single Life (with Pictures)

Being single doesn't necessarily mean going home at night and opening a bottle of wine in complete solitude, pining for a romantic movie or the ghost of a past love affair. Instead, it can be synonymous with freedom and offer you the opportunity to hone your skills and put your life experiences to good use.

How to be single and not feel alone (with pictures)

How to be single and not feel alone (with pictures)

Single people often dislike happy couples who show affection in public. However, being single is a great time to deepen relationships with friends and family, pursue hobbies, achieve professional goals, and get to know each other better! If you are feeling lonely, try to build self-confidence in various social contexts.

3 Ways to Simulate a Pacifier

3 Ways to Simulate a Pacifier

Hickeys are formed when an intense suck or a strong bite breaks the capillaries that run under the skin. Most of the times they are signs that you are trying to hide but, if instead you have decided to simulate one, here you will find some methods to create a real one, or to simulate its appearance.

How To Find Out If A Person Likes You: 14 Steps

How To Find Out If A Person Likes You: 14 Steps

Have you always wondered if he likes you, but you don't know how to find out? If this happens to you, don't keep looking for methods - this article will solve your doubts! Steps Step 1. Find out the signs that reveal interest If a person is interested in you, you can tell by how they look at you, their attempts to communicate with you, or the way they smile at you.

How to Cope With Being Alone During the Night

How to Cope With Being Alone During the Night

Being alone in the house at night can be a boring experience, but it can also be scary at times. Maybe you have always lived single, or you recently divorced or suffered the loss of your partner. Regardless of the circumstances you are in at the moment, by reading this article you will have more tools to deal with the sense of loneliness and fear that you may experience during the night.

How to Survive Without a Girlfriend or Boyfriend

How to Survive Without a Girlfriend or Boyfriend

Are you one of those people who thinks they can't survive without a girlfriend or boyfriend? Maybe you had a rather long affair, spanning your entire teenage years, with someone who recently broke up with you. Or maybe you've never been in a serious relationship and are worried about what it might entail.

4 Ways to Find the Man of Your Dreams

4 Ways to Find the Man of Your Dreams

Every woman dreams of finding the perfect man, the difficult thing is to turn this dream into reality. There is no way to have the guarantee that you will meet him, but there are methods to follow to greatly increase your chances. Read on to find out what you can do to find the man of your dreams.

How to Live Happily Alone: 11 Steps

How to Live Happily Alone: 11 Steps

More and more people are living alone today: it is estimated that, in the United States, 1 in 4 individuals live in complete autonomy. There are numerous advantages to making this choice: no one to fight for possession of the remote control or to judge yourself if you want to eat a sandwich in your underwear in the middle of the night.

How to Lead a Happy Life without a Romantic Relationship

How to Lead a Happy Life without a Romantic Relationship

For the purposes of this article, a "partner" is defined as a person with whom you are in a romantic relationship. Steps Step 1. Be happy with yourself This is the most important step. Choose a hobby, such as exercise, reading, or meditation, that makes you feel good and takes up a lot of time.