3 Ways to Make a Man Feel Loved

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3 Ways to Make a Man Feel Loved
3 Ways to Make a Man Feel Loved

Making your partner feel special is key to having a healthy relationship. While every man is a world unto himself, there are basic gestures, words, and actions that you should start using when you absolutely want to make sure you make him feel loved.


Method 1 of 3: Sweet Gestures

Make a Man Feel Loved Step 1
Make a Man Feel Loved Step 1

Step 1. Make him dinner

You don't necessarily have to be a chef and you don't have to cook particularly elaborate dishes. However, the time and effort you put into each meal effectively shows that you care about the person you prepare it for and is enough to make your man realize that you really love him so much.

For a special occasion, try making her favorite dish (if you still don't know what it is, find out first). You should also cook other dishes, but being good at making his favorites will show him that you do your best to make him happy

Make a Man Feel Loved Step 2
Make a Man Feel Loved Step 2

Step 2. Offer to pay the bill

Each couple deals with managing their finances differently. Often, it is the man who takes care of most of the expenses. As happy as she is to do so, you can still show some concern for her and the situation by offering a dinner or coffee from time to time. He may not necessarily accept it, but knowing that you are willing to pay for him can reassure him that you love him for who he is, not just because he gives you gifts and takes you out to dinner.

Know when to not do it. Some men like to have some power when it comes to finances; if this dynamic works in your relationship, you don't have to force him to accept your contribution. Make your offer, and if he politely declines it, then leave it as it is

Make a Man Feel Loved Step 3
Make a Man Feel Loved Step 3

Step 3. Do something to his liking

There will probably be at least one activity that your boyfriend likes to do that is not that pleasant to you or that you even find it very boring. Try to figure out which hobby he absolutely prefers and propose to dedicate yourself to it together. When the day of the event or activity arrives, join in without complaining. Your willingness to put his wishes ahead of yours will show him your love.

For example, propose going to a concert by his favorite band, even if you hate their music, or go to the basketball team he cheers for, even if you think it's boring

Make a Man Feel Loved Step 4
Make a Man Feel Loved Step 4

Step 4. Pick up the handset

When you are not together, pick up the phone and call him. It is important to do this even if you live together and are separated only to go to work. A quick phone call is enough to tell him that you are thinking of him and that you feel him close, even though you are physically miles away.

Obviously you have to remember that too much cripples. Calling once in the working day can be sweet, doing it every hour might annoy him

Make a Man Feel Loved Step 5
Make a Man Feel Loved Step 5

Step 5. Leave him a note

A love letter is ideal if you live far away, while if you live together or somehow see each other every day, try slipping a note into your pants or jacket pocket when not looking. The moment he accidentally finds him while he's out, he'll probably make a smile out of him.

Make a Man Feel Loved Step 6
Make a Man Feel Loved Step 6

Step 6. Buy him his favorite snack

If your man loves snacking on a certain food or has a predilection for a specific product, buy it and give it to him, especially if you know he has had a difficult day or has had to endure a lot of stress. It is a simple gesture, but full of thoughtfulness, and this is how you will make him understand that you love him.

  • If you are a good cook, you could cook it yourself instead of buying it.
  • You should buy a sweet and tasty food, like his favorite ice cream or something more practical, like a pizza or a meal ordered at his favorite restaurant and delivered to home.
Make a Man Feel Loved Step 7
Make a Man Feel Loved Step 7

Step 7. Take him by surprise with a kiss

The longer your relationship is, the more likely the routine is to feel its weight. A kiss or similar show of affection can emphasize the sincerity of your love, especially when you do it at an unexpected moment.

  • Give him a kiss on the cheek or lips as you walk past him or squeeze his arm affectionately.
  • Try to foot him under the table while you are out for dinner or take him by the hand when you walk down the street.
Make a Man Feel Loved Step 8
Make a Man Feel Loved Step 8

Step 8. Give him a massage

You don't have to be an expert masseuse to do this. Read about it, then surprise him when he gets back from the office by offering him a massage and letting him relax. The thoughtfulness of this gesture will speak for itself, but since giving a massage is an intimate act from a physical point of view, it also tells your man that you like his body.

Method 2 of 3: Meaningful Words

Make a Man Feel Loved Step 9
Make a Man Feel Loved Step 9

Step 1. Remind him that he is very important to you

One of the easiest ways to make a man feel loved is to explicitly tell him "I love you". A direct expression of your love and affection might seem trivial if you don't back it up with an action, but it's still an important feeling to convey in words. It is the phrase par excellence, which concentrates everything you do and feel for him in a clear and obvious way.

Change it up a bit. Saying “I love you” is important, but there are other meaningful feelings you can express to show your love. Try saying "I am happy to have you in my life", "I am so much in love with you" or "You are incredibly important to me"

Make a Man Feel Loved Step 10
Make a Man Feel Loved Step 10

Step 2. Compliment him on his appearance or the way he moves

For better or for worse, women receive compliments on their look and body almost daily from men. Boys, on the other hand, hear them less often. However, since they too are creatures who value the sense of sight very much, they love knowing that their women look at them with pleasure, as they do.

  • For example, if he's a sportsman and you usually go cheering on him when he plays, say something like "I love seeing you play basketball" or "I love how your body moves when you hit the pitch."
  • If your boyfriend has a more artistic side and isn't exactly a sportsman, you could compliment him on his appearance by saying phrases like "I love to admire your hands while you play the piano".
  • Even the simplest compliments, like “I love looking you in the eye” or “I could admire your smile all day” work wonders.
Make a Man Feel Loved Step 11
Make a Man Feel Loved Step 11

Step 3. He should know that you want it badly

Remind him that he can turn you on like no one else. In the most passionate romantic relationships, romantic and physical love go hand in hand. You have to express your love emotionally, but you also have to do it in a concrete way. Telling him that you love his body and the feelings it gives you when you are close is important.

Of course, you can typically convey these thoughts with your body language and behavior. However, as with the manifestation of romantic love, saying it directly in words can be just as important

Make a Man Feel Loved Step 12
Make a Man Feel Loved Step 12

Step 4. Brag about him when you talk to others

The moment you are with other people, sing your praises. Talk about how good he is at his job, how much passion you put into his hobbies, how much he makes you feel loved. These are all nice things to say in front of him, but expressing them in front of another person, with him present, allows him to understand how proud you are to have him by your side.

Make a Man Feel Loved Step 13
Make a Man Feel Loved Step 13

Step 5. Thank him

Express your gratitude often and honestly. The "thank you" should be part of your daily exchanges. Tell him how much you appreciate his kind gestures and thoughtful manifestations. If there is something he routinely does for you, but you generally don't thank him, start showing appreciation for his gestures, and tell him you appreciate them even when you don't say anything.

Make a Man Feel Loved Step 14
Make a Man Feel Loved Step 14

Step 6. Apologize

Which couple never fights? When arguing, be the first to apologize, even if you are not at fault. You don't always have to be the first to do this, but sometimes it would be better. Apologizing will allow him to understand that he is more important to you than your ego and that you are willing to fight together to defend your relationship.

This does not mean that you should allow them to step on you. If you understand that he will never make the first move unless you apologize first, watch him to see if he shows repentance after you say "I'm sorry." It does not do it? The relationship may have an underlying problem that needs to be analyzed and resolved

Make a Man Feel Loved Step 15
Make a Man Feel Loved Step 15

Step 7. Remind him that you are on his side

When life gets stressful, just say "I'm here to help". He may be hesitant to bring out his weak side, but explaining that you love him, even when he's not feeling strong, can be quite reassuring.

Make a Man Feel Loved Step 16
Make a Man Feel Loved Step 16

Step 8. Don't blame him for unimportant things

What you don't say can be just as important as what you say. Serious problems in a relationship must be taken into consideration, of course, but avoid bothering him all the time, embarrassing him or making him feel guilty about nonsense.

A sentence aimed at making him feel guilty is a criticism, but it is not constructive. For example, saying "You are always so cold, but do you have a heart?" it only serves to make him feel bad. On the other hand, saying “I feel hurt when you walk away without telling me what's wrong” is a phrase that goes right to the core of the behavior that makes you suffer and allows you to start discussing it

Method 3 of 3: Extra Care

Make a Man Feel Loved Step 17
Make a Man Feel Loved Step 17

Step 1. Make him your priority

As busy as your life is, he should know that you have time to devote to him and that you will always do what you can to carve out moments to spend as a couple. Don't make him beg for your attention. For him it must be absolutely clear that it is one of the most important parts of your life.

Make a Man Feel Loved Step 18
Make a Man Feel Loved Step 18

Step 2. Be loving

Kiss him when you meet him, when he goes away, in the morning and before bed. Cuddle him when you are close. Let yourself be embraced for a long time. Physical displays of affection will let him know that you love him, and this aspect of your relationship is just as important as the emotional one.

Make a Man Feel Loved Step 19
Make a Man Feel Loved Step 19

Step 3. Get to know him

It is essential to do this, it does not matter how long you have been together. Either way, it's especially important if you've recently fallen in love. Find out what they like and what they can't stand. Ask him about his past and his plans for the future. Trying to get to know him deeply and accurately allows him to understand that you have serious intentions.

An essential part of getting to know a guy better is to allow him to talk at length about what interests him, even if his passions do not excite you. But the conversation shouldn't be handled by him. If you want to have a healthy relationship, you need to make sure that both of you have time to talk about what you think is important to your individual development

Make a Man Feel Loved Step 20
Make a Man Feel Loved Step 20

Step 4. Introduce yourself to his family and friends

If you've never met them, ask your man to introduce you to the other important people in his life. Once you get to know them, do your best to have a good connection with them. Welcoming these people into your life demonstrates your desire to welcome every aspect of your him.

Similarly, you need to make sure he spends time with these people even when you're not around, especially if it's his friends. Sometimes your man may want to be alone with his friends, and you need to let him do that

Make a Man Feel Loved Step 21
Make a Man Feel Loved Step 21

Step 5. Leave him alone when he needs it

It may happen that your man wants to get away from the rest of the world for a while. If so, don't hinder it. He may not want to talk about his problems and may seem a little indifferent to you. Either way, you try to be there for him when he wants to spend some moments in solitude; he will have to remember that you are there to help and comfort him, but to know that you will not be overwhelming.

Make a Man Feel Loved Step 22
Make a Man Feel Loved Step 22

Step 6. Dress carefully just for him

If you've been together for a while, you've probably gotten to the classic point where a couple relaxes and you no longer feel the need to get in gear for the other person, even on a date. However, you should often surprise him by wearing one of the clothes that flatter you the most and putting on some makeup. After he sees you and compliments you or looks at you admiringly, tell him you took a few extra minutes to get ready just for him.

Make a Man Feel Loved Step 23
Make a Man Feel Loved Step 23

Step 7. Satisfy his physical needs

If you're already in an intimate relationship, make sure you meet his wants and needs, just like he does with you. This doesn't mean you should allow him to do whatever he wants, regardless of how you feel. Instead, it means taking the time to understand what satisfies him and making the effort to make him happy also from this point of view, even if you don't always have the same tastes.
