How to Cook for Your Girlfriend: 13 Steps

How to Cook for Your Girlfriend: 13 Steps
How to Cook for Your Girlfriend: 13 Steps

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Cooking for your girlfriend is a great way to show her your affection. With a little organization and effort, anyone can make a nice dinner at home. Follow these tips and you will be able to cook excellent dishes full of "poetry" in no time.


Cook For Your Girlfriend Step 01
Cook For Your Girlfriend Step 01

Step 1. Evaluate your relationship

Before planning an exquisite gourmet dinner, it wouldn't hurt to think about your relationship. If you've been with your girlfriend for a while, preparing an elegant and elaborate dinner can feel truly romantic. If, on the other hand, you've only known her for a week, it might be a little creepy. In the beginning of the relationship, it is best to stick to eating simple things - take into account what she likes, of course - otherwise you risk giving the impression that you are too eager to like her. Also, if you're making a six-course dinner on a second date, imagine how many dishes you'll have to cook if you'll still be together after a year or two.

Cook For Your Girlfriend Step 02
Cook For Your Girlfriend Step 02

Step 2. Find out what she likes to eat

You can cook anything you want - actually, it's the thought that matters. However, think carefully about the dishes you intend to prepare. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that if your girlfriend is a vegetarian you should avoid meatloaf, but if you really want it to be a blockbuster, you don't have to be taken for granted. This can take some preparation - you need to listen to it and remember what it tells you. For example, it is likely that a few months ago he told you about how much he loves pasta with Genoese, but he never learned how to make it. Surprise her with what she likes and she will be amazed by the thought you had for her. In other words, it's not just about cooking, it's about being an attentive boyfriend.

Cook For Your Girlfriend Step 03
Cook For Your Girlfriend Step 03

Step 3. Search for a recipe

By now you should know what you intend to prepare. Grab a cookbook (you'll probably find one around the house) or go online. Do you want to make chicken enchiladas? Just enter "chicken enchiladas recipe" in the search engine and you will probably get hundreds of variations to choose from. Read the instructions and ingredients and choose a recipe that you can easily follow - if the first one you found seems too difficult, keep looking.

Cook For Your Girlfriend Step 04
Cook For Your Girlfriend Step 04

Step 4. Choose the outline

Depending on the main course and the quantity, a side dish, salad or dessert should be added. Recipes often feature suggestions for side dishes and wines, otherwise you may be looking for a full dinner. If the recipe you have chosen to make doesn't give you any suggestions about it, look at similar ones for some ideas.

Cook For Your Girlfriend Step 05
Cook For Your Girlfriend Step 05

Step 5. Decide when to organize dinner

If you plan on cooking today, you will probably be in a hurry - skip this step. If not, set a date with your girlfriend. You can tell her you'd like to make a dinner (or lunch) for her, or surprise her. If the latter teases you, find a pretext - for example, you can tell her to take her out to eat - so that (1) she will be ready and (2) she will have an appetite.

Cook For Your Girlfriend Step 06
Cook For Your Girlfriend Step 06

Step 6. Make your shopping list

A day or two before cooking, review each ingredient and check if you don't already have something. Also make sure you have enough of them and that they are not in good condition (one egg will not replace three and rotten vegetables are not like fresh ones). Also, make sure you have all the kitchen utensils you need (you can buy them or, if you prefer, try to borrow them from someone). If you are missing something, write it on the shopping list. Make sure the list is detailed - include the quantities they need and any other useful information. Of course, like many other singles, you can take the recipe with you to the grocery store if you know you don't have any of those things.

Cook For Your Girlfriend Step 07
Cook For Your Girlfriend Step 07

Step 7. Go shopping

Bring your shopping list and buy what you need. Review each ingredient when you put it in the cart and make sure you have everything you need before you go to the checkout. You will probably see a lot of girls in the grocery store, but this is no time for flirting.

Cook For Your Girlfriend Step 08
Cook For Your Girlfriend Step 08

Step 8. Plan ahead

Prepare promptly. Sometimes it's absolutely necessary (maybe to marinate something overnight, for example), so pay attention to the recipe. Even when no preparation is required, the sooner you anticipate it, the easier it will be to cook.

Cook For Your Girlfriend Step 09
Cook For Your Girlfriend Step 09

Step 9. Make dinner

Make sure you start cooking early enough so that dinner is ready on time, but not so long that you wait for hours. The recipe can bring an estimate of the preparation and cooking times. It is advisable, however, to add a little more time if you are not an experienced cook. Unless you know what you are doing, follow the recipe instructions to the letter.

Cook For Your Girlfriend Step 10
Cook For Your Girlfriend Step 10

Step 10. Set the mood

Use your creativity to build the right dinner atmosphere. Maybe you want to eat on the terrace under the stars or maybe bring her breakfast in bed - there are no limits. How did you go about choosing which dish to cook, consider your relationship. If you're looking to add a touch of romance to a rather long relationship, dim the lights, hire a violinist, and put in candles and roses. If you've only been engaged for a week, however, it's best to go slow: dim the lights and use the normal classic paper plates.

Cook For Your Girlfriend Step 11
Cook For Your Girlfriend Step 11

Step 11. Serve dinner

How you serve the dishes depends on the foods you have chosen to naturally prepare, but a couple of rules apply regardless of everything. Make sure everything is ready - hot foods are served hot, cold ones are eaten cold, for example - and serve your girlfriend first. Make sure she feels comfortable and has everything she needs to be comfortable. Wait for her to take the first bite before plunging the fork into your plate.

Cook For Your Girlfriend Step 12
Cook For Your Girlfriend Step 12

Step 12. Enjoy your understanding

Focus on your girlfriend, not the food. Even if you're not so confident in your culinary arts, trust yourself. Don't keep asking if she likes this or that dish. You worked hard to make dinner, but there's no need to tell him - he already knows.

Cook For Your Girlfriend Step 13
Cook For Your Girlfriend Step 13

Step 13. Clear it by yourself

You will absolutely make a great impression. Wash the dishes and clean the table.


  • Give it a try, preparing the dishes before the appointment. Ask a friend or two to come over and taste your first try, and see if it's doable or a disaster.
  • Most people eat more than one dish. If you cook up to 4 servings, you will have enough for both and will also remain to reheat a lunch or dinner over the course of the week.
  • If you have no idea what to prepare, browse the internet or consult a cookbook for some suggestions. You will also find recommendations, especially for "romantic dinners".
  • The best way to cook dinner is to practice cooking for her every day. Eventually you will be able to whip up great dishes every time you cook.
  • If you've made a total disaster, you have two options: apologize or hide it. If you've decided to surprise your girlfriend, just take her out to eat. You can always try again. Don't take takeaway food as a home-cooked dish - there's a risk it'll be there the next time you cook, and if your skills are questionable, she'll realize you lied. If she was expecting a home-cooked dish, though, let her know that things didn't go the right way. He'll likely find your confession irresistible - you gave it a try after all - and then you can go get something to go. However, if she is unsympathetic, look for a new girlfriend.
  • A great way to find easy recipes is to go to the grocery store and look for a jar of sauce that looks flavorful. See if it has a recipe on the back. That way, you'll have the right "topping" before you even start cooking.


  • Try to decorate carefully. Decorations don't have to be coarse, but neat and clean. If you want to add a touch of whimsy, bring out candles and a tablecloth. It is very important to create the right atmosphere.
  • It is not a good idea to pass the takeaway food for a dish that you cook yourself. If there is any evidence that you bought it instead of making it yourself (for example, the containers in the trash, no dirty dishes or home-cooked smell, etc.), you may notice it.
  • The pretext of taking her out to dinner that suddenly becomes "I really want to cook something for you" could backfire, making you look a bit stingy.
  • Know what your girlfriend is He can not to eat. There are various allergies that a person can suffer from, many of which are unexpected or less common than others. Even if you know she is allergic to peanuts, there may be additional precautions to take that you don't know. Also, if your religion bans certain foods, be sure you know exactly what they are and how they might affect your cooking. Again, you don't have to be a genius, but remember it's easy to screw it up.
  • If your girlfriend prides herself on her cooking skills, don't try to outdo her. You risk ending dinner without "dessert". It may be a good idea to say something like: "I know it's not as good as the dishes you make, but…".
  • A few suggestions: some religions do not allow the consumption of pork, beef and / or shellfish. Unless she is a vegetarian or vegan, she may eat fish, even if she does not eat meat (it is called pescetarianism, although many who practice it mistakenly believe that they are vegetarians). However, fish can give off particular odors during cooking if there is not adequate ventilation.
  • It is risky to prepare something for the first time using recipes found on the internet. Always do some experimenting, cooking these dishes for yourself. Pay attention to timing and toppings.
  • If you follow these instructions, chances are your girlfriend will be so impressed that only you will cook.
