How to Make Your Boyfriend Feel Loved: 6 Steps

How to Make Your Boyfriend Feel Loved: 6 Steps
How to Make Your Boyfriend Feel Loved: 6 Steps

Table of contents:


Sometimes your boyfriend just needs to feel loved. The best thing you can do as his girlfriend is show him that you love him. You like being loved, don't you? Well, he likes it too!


Make Your Boyfriend Feel Loved Step 1
Make Your Boyfriend Feel Loved Step 1

Step 1. Hug him

Especially when he is seated, approach him from behind and wrap him in your arms. Sometimes, as you hug him, rest your head on him. Guys love it when they see that their girlfriend cares about them, and they also like that their girlfriend isn't afraid to make the first move (although, sometimes, you like them to make it).

Make Your Boyfriend Feel Loved Step 2
Make Your Boyfriend Feel Loved Step 2

Step 2. Kiss him on the cheek

Just as you like to be kissed, guys like it too. Just give him a peck on the cheek!

Make Your Boyfriend Feel Loved Step 3
Make Your Boyfriend Feel Loved Step 3

Step 3. Hold on to him

He'll love it, and he'll probably hold you even closer in turn.

Make Your Boyfriend Feel Loved Step 4
Make Your Boyfriend Feel Loved Step 4

Step 4. Tell him you love him

You will have to make them really understand!

Make Your Boyfriend Feel Loved Step 5
Make Your Boyfriend Feel Loved Step 5

Step 5. Text him at unexpected times

Tell him something like 'I love you' or 'I can't wait to see you' … anything that feels like it will do. It will remind him that you really love him and that you are thinking about him.

Make Your Boyfriend Feel Loved Step 6
Make Your Boyfriend Feel Loved Step 6

Step 6. Call him even if you have nothing to say

Just be on the phone together to make him feel good!


  • Don't expect him to do everything for you, help him do it!
  • Be brave. You can't be afraid of doing things like that.
  • Give him space, but still show him that you love him. Nobody likes girls who get too attached. That doesn't mean you will have to neglect it, but don't call it all the time. Call him when you promised to call him - don't break your promises!
  • Make sure she knows you need to be with your friends too. If he truly loves you, he will respect him.
  • Don't be too sticky!
  • Write love letters to tell him how special he is and how happy you are to be his girlfriend.
  • Don't give him "too much" love! He may start to feel it is due and will want more and more, which may lead him to want things from you that you are not ready to give him.
