Surprising your boyfriend is a great way to get close to him. Surprises leave a strong emotional impression and seem to stop time, upset expectations and make the people involved feel good. This is why organizing a surprise from time to time is a great idea to show your partner how much you love him, regardless of the length of your relationship. You can learn how to organize special parties, find gifts and propose other more grown-up surprises by following the advice in this article.
Method 1 of 5: Finding an Idea

Step 1. Write down any ideas that come to mind
The relationship with your boyfriend is unique, just like him. Think about what he likes and what makes him feel good. Ask yourself what activities, events, places and hobbies enjoy him. Notice the things he is enthusiastic about, the things that excite him or make him laugh.
- If your relationship is new, look for clues by asking him questions in normal conversation. Try not to reveal your plans so as not to spoil the surprise.
- You can ask a friend or relative of your boyfriend for some advice.
- Think about the things they are most likely to like.

Step 2. Notice what they like
You can find inspiration for many ideas by paying attention to what he says and what he does - not only when he is with you, but with others as well. What do you order at the restaurant, what do you do for fun and what do you watch on television? Listen carefully when he talks about something he truly appreciates. Find out what makes him smile.

Step 3. Write a list
List everything you know about the things they like. Try to write down as much detail as you can, to have plenty of ideas to choose from for your future surprises. You will likely come up with other ideas as you work your memory.

Step 4. Consider experimenting with something different
Trying out activities you wouldn't normally do because you care about someone can be a nice surprise. For example, you might buy two tickets to a football match because you know he likes the sport a lot and loves spending time with you - even if you hate football and crowded places. It's good to make reasonable sacrifices from time to time so that you can share experiences that he enjoys more than you. Hopefully, she'll return the favor and surprise you in the same way.

Step 5. Use creativity
Remember that if you don't try your best, your surprise won't be very effective. For example, buying a trivial Valentine's Day gift isn't a very significant surprise, because it's predictable. The ideal would be to be able to create a unique gift or experience for the two of you. Take this opportunity to show (and not just say) how much your boyfriend really matters to you.
- The action itself is not as important as the idea of wanting to introduce new or unexpected experiences into your life as a couple. This is what creates the adrenaline rush that makes a good surprise so powerful.
- Remember that your surprises don't have to be large-scale or very expensive. Even the little things can be greatly appreciated. Just make sure your boyfriend doesn't already expect what you're going to give him.

Step 6. Pay attention to what they don't like
It's important to understand what your boyfriend doesn't like to eat and what places he doesn't like to hang out. Don't risk making him a wonderful dish of salmon with asparagus only to find that he hates the taste of asparagus. He may decide to eat the dish anyway so as not to spoil the atmosphere, but no doubt it would not be a completely pleasant experience for him. Therefore, pay attention to his negative reactions to certain foods, experiences, events and activities.
Method 2 of 5: Think about special gifts

Step 1. Give him a gift for no reason
Unexpected gifts are always appreciated. If you know he's spotted something in a store, like a game or sports item, buy it for him.
- If you don't know exactly what he is looking for or if the item he wants is out of your budget, surprise him with something accessible he will surely enjoy, like a book or DVD.
- If you're too young to give challenging gifts, stick a note in his backpack at school or decorate his desk when he's not around. It will be a great surprise!
- The less you care about your gift, the more you will make a good impression. If you give it to him and say, "It's nothing special, I was just thinking about you," you will make his heart melt. Guaranteed.

Step 2. Buy tickets to an event they like
Tickets to sporting events, concerts, beer parties, and other events in your area are all good ideas for a gift. Buy them and plan your day well in advance. Find out what are the most fun activities to do in your area and prepare a special day just for the two of you.
- Even if the event in question doesn't appeal to you very much, you would still do well to accompany it. This will show your interest in him. For example, even if you don't like wrestling, accompany him to the show and still have a good night.
- Alternatively, arrange a date with friends for him. Buy tickets to a concert or game and send him to the event with his friends. You stay at home and dedicate time to what you enjoy most.

Step 3. Spoil him for a whole day
Allowing him to live a day like a king is a welcome surprise for all the kids. If you want to surprise your partner, wait for his day off, then tell him he can make all the decisions during the day. Let him guide you.
Don't ask him to do any housework and don't plan anything. Do whatever it takes to make him feel relaxed. Let him decide what to do. If he wants to go out, go out with him. If he wants to stay at home, stay by his side

Step 4. Plan a fun meal
Many people say that to get a guy you have to take him by the throat. This is often the case. Making his favorite dinner for him is a nice gift, no matter how long your relationship is.
- If you're in a new relationship and you've never cooked for him before, inviting him to eat a self-cooked meal will be a nice surprise no matter what you decide to make. Then you can bring him breakfast in bed the next day.
- Plan a picnic or make a reservation at his favorite restaurant. Eating at home is nice, but from time to time, by going to the restaurant of his choice, you can show him that you care.
- Plan a culinary trip based on your favorite typical specialty. Visit each local winery to taste the wines of the area, or order a typical dessert in all the places that serve it. Choose a dish you know he loves and try it in all the places that offer it. Plan your route in advance.
- Surprise him with a lunch at work. Even if he is too busy to eat with you, making an extra effort will allow you to give him a nice surprise and show him how much you think about him even when you are not together.

Step 5. Don't forget the little things
Many guys are interested in things that may not matter to you. Planning something that is particularly elaborate, such as a treasure hunt with relationship-related memories, might seem cheesy to him. On the other hand, other things that may be trivial to you could have great sentimental value for him. Try the following tips to give your boyfriend a little surprise:
- Borrow his car and get gas.
- Ask to watch an action movie together they love.
- Make him a huge sandwich while he watches TV.
- Clean the house for him.
Method 3 of 5: Organize a Surprise Event

Step 1. Plan the party away from home
A surprise party is always nice, but an even better idea is to organize one in public where you won't need to spend a lot of time cleaning up. Much better for a guy. Otherwise, set up the party at a friend's house, in a bar or restaurant he frequents.

Step 2. Get refreshments
We repeat it again: kids love to drink and eat. If you want to throw a surprise party, make sure your partner has everything he wants to eat. Discover his favorite foods and offer them in large quantities.
- If your boyfriend likes meat and potatoes, organize a barbecue. Ask a good grilled friend to help you make ribs or steaks and make sure you get enough meat for everyone.
- If your teen prefers healthy foods, plan a dinner at a local restaurant he hasn't tried yet. Book for all his friends, pay the bills for him and organize the trip.

Step 3. Forget the decorations
There is usually no need to waste time making great decorations for a boy's party. If you like, go for it. If, on the other hand, it seems like a waste of time and energy, avoid it. However, he may not understand how much time and effort it took to prepare the decorations.

Step 4. Don't let him eat the leaf
Pretend you forgot his birthday, or plan a surprise party for him on a random day. You can wish him well to keep his mood from being too black at the moment of the surprise, but beyond that, don't give him any other clues.
Alternatively, you can throw a surprise party for an occasion that is not usually celebrated. A promotion, for example, is an important life event that is not always celebrated formally, but you can surprise it by celebrating this milestone

Step 5. Involve his friends
Do you want to show that you like your boyfriend's friends? Great move. Surprise your boyfriend by inviting his friends to watch a football match at your home or play cards with him.
Alternatively, you can ask his friends to meet you at a restaurant or sporting event and surprise him

Step 6. Do something with his family
If your boyfriend has a good relationship with his parents, contact them and include them in your plans. He will be very happy and will understand that you are ready to commit to your long-term relationship.
You don't have to throw a big party. Invite them home in the evening during the week for dinner, or ask if you can go to their place to eat. It might be a relief for him to know that you are willing and interested in seeing his family
Method 4 of 5: Surprise Your Boyfriend (Adult Methods)

Step 1. Welcome him at the door wearing something sexy
Put on your most skimpy and seductive lingerie set, then welcome it as soon as it gets home. It will be the best welcome you can imagine, especially if you've had a long and frustrating day.
- You don't have to wear something sexy. Whatever makes you look your best shows your commitment to surprise him.
- Make sure he's alone when he walks in the door. Otherwise, the situation could become very embarrassing.
- Even better: forget the door. Wait for it in the bedroom.

Step 2. Try a new move in the bedroom
Are you getting bored under the covers? Do your research and try a new technique that drives him crazy. Surprises like this are always highly appreciated.
If you're not interested in new things, wake him up with one of your best moves. It will always be a nice surprise

Step 3. Give him a sensual massage
The next time you have an intimate moment with your boyfriend, surprise him with a sensual massage. You will help him relax and get him excited. How to say no?
Massages don't always have to lead to sex. Even if you haven't gotten to that stage of the relationship yet, a shoulder rub can be a good way to do something nice for your boyfriend

Step 4. Try saying dirty things
If you usually act innocently enough, start talking like you've just watched hours of adult movies - that would be a really exciting surprise. If you know this approach might embarrass your boyfriend or make him feel uncomfortable, don't overdo it.
If dirty talking makes you embarrassed, try asking him to do it with you. Give him a chance to try something new if he's interested

Step 5. Send him sexy messages throughout the day
If your boyfriend has a busy day, letting him know you're thinking of him that way will absolutely drive him crazy. Receiving a spicy message is one of the most beautiful surprises. Tell him what you plan to do to him later.
Be careful with photos. If you are in a serious relationship and trust your boyfriend, sending some spicy photos can be a good idea. If, on the other hand, you're writing to someone you don't know very well or don't trust at all, don't take the risk

Step 6. Do the things you've stopped doing
If your relationship with your boyfriend has been going on for some time, you've probably gone through a phase where sexy surprises and sexual provocations were the order of the day. Think about what you used to say or do and resume those habits. Maybe once at dinner you forgot to wear underwear under your skintight black dress - be sure to remind him of that episode by doing it again.

Step 7. Ask him what his fantasies are
If you're not sure how to surprise your boyfriend in the bedroom, talk to him. Learning about your partner's fantasies is a great way to get closer to him and increase your intimacy. Don't take the risk of trying something wild and bizarre in the room just to see her disgusted reaction. Always talk to him about your intentions and try to keep an open mind.
Don't do anything that makes you uncomfortable. If he wants to do something, it doesn't mean you have to go along with him just to surprise him. Return with honesty. Also, even talking about fantasies can often be enough to raise the temperature in the room
Method 5 of 5: More Ideas to Surprise Your Boyfriend

Step 1. Take a road trip together
You don't need a goal, what matters is to stay united. Venture together, not knowing where you will end up and enjoy the excitement of the moment. If you know that he loves the mountains, the sea or the woods, pack your bags and go.
Always carry a first aid kit, a flashlight, provisions, a spare tire, blankets and other safety items with you, especially if you will be away from home for several days

Step 2. Surprise him with a babysitter
Babies are wonderful, but they can minimize the quality time you can spend with your boyfriend and your relationship can suffer. Find a babysitter and look for a place where the children can spend the evening or the night, so they can recover all the passion accumulated over time. Getting home and feeling nothing but silence can be a really nice surprise for your partner, especially if you then spend the evening rekindling the fire of your passion.

Step 3. Try playing a joke on him
If your boyfriend has a good sense of humor and loves jokes, why not give him one to surprise him? You could hide in the fridge and jump out when he comes over to get a beer; put on a costume and wake him up to scare him; make him a cake just to smash his face in; wear a very ugly mask to terrify him when he turns over to your side in bed. A good joke that is not too heavy can make you laugh so much that it takes your breath away.

Step 4. Write a message on the bathroom mirror
After you take a shower, write on the steamy mirror how much you love your boyfriend. You can trace a message, a quote, or a short poem. It will disappear along with the condensation, but will magically reappear when he gets out of the shower.

Step 5. Send him a love letter
Forget about emails and text messages. Write a good old letter with pen and paper, then mail it to him. A letter can be held in the hand, kept and reread to remind you of the greatness of your love.

Step 6. Leave notes
Put small cards in places where he can find them throughout the day: write messages to remind him that you love him or phrases that make him laugh. Leave one in your wallet, another in your pocket, one in your car, on your desk at work or around the house. These little tokens of your affection can make him feel better when he's having a bad day and make him smile because he knows you think about him.

Step 7. Change the wallpaper on your phone, tablet or computer
Replace the current image with something funny, like a funny photo of yourself or something sexy. He will be really surprised when he first turns on the device and sees your face. Remember, even small gestures can greatly strengthen your relationship if they are unexpected.

Step 8. Surprise him with something valuable
Find a special setting for your graduation or certificate. Restore an old photo of his family. Sew that hole in her favorite shirt she has had since high school. He uses a program to eliminate all background noise from the recording of his singing essay as a child.