Is there anyone special occupying your mind? Do you want to strengthen a friendship or a relationship? Follow these simple steps to show a woman that you care about her.

Step 1. Invest in his happiness
There is no better way to show her that you care.
- Tell her every day how much you love her! Everyone wants to know that they are loved and appreciated.
- Learn and encourage her dreams. The more you support her in this, the more she will want to include you in them.
- Be careful not to hurt her. Even if circumstances change, make sure he always thinks of you with a smile.

Step 2. Respect his mind, body and soul
She is a unique individual with dreams and secrets that you have yet to discover.
- Make it your priority. Nobody wants to come after your work, your hobbies or your friends.
- Accept it and appreciate it for what it is; after all, she is the only one who will always be there for you if you treat her right.
- Remember that you are not the only man on earth; there is another man out there who will love her and take care of her if you don't.

Step 3. If you can't do this for her, let her go with someone who can
- Be trustworthy. Prove that she can count on you every day, you are not just a man of great promise.
- Make sure your actions reflect your words. It is one thing to declare your love and admiration, it is quite another to act accordingly.

Step 4. If you make a promise, keep it - no matter how small it is
Keeping a big promise from time to time is nothing compared to the small rewards you will have every day.
- Pay attention to her. Make it your thoughts too, don't just be a presence.
- Every time she talks to you, make an effort to look her in the eye.
- If you don't understand something he says, tell him rather than pretend you understand. This will show her that you are listening to her and that you really want to understand what she has to say.

Step 5. Ask questions
Get actively involved, don't listen passively.
- Be unconditionally honest with her. Telling her the truth is the best way to build a healthy and trusting relationship.
- Even the smallest lies to avoid arguments or save your face can become problems over time.
- Being honest is very important, but remember not to be numb. Try to take their feelings into account and express your thoughts in a constructive, non-destructive way.

Step 6. Give her some random acts of kindness
Be creative.
- Call her when you are not together to let her know that you think about her.
- Send her a note in the mail when you leave. Regular mail is used so rarely nowadays that it will truly seem like something special.
- Stick a note to her mirror to tell her you love her.
- Leave her a flower for no reason.
- Take a flower from a meadow and put it in your hair. Remember, most women prefer an unexpected gesture rather than an obligatory gift.

Step 7. Spend some quality time with her
She wants to be your friend as well as your lover.
Finding time to turn off the TV, sit down and talk to her will show her that you care about her and that you enjoy her company

Step 8. Take his advice into consideration
Whether she shares her thoughts on an everyday issue or a life-changing incident, showing that you value her contributions will help build a relationship that is just and respectful of each other.

Step 9. Let her know exactly how you feel
Look inside. What does this woman really mean to you?
Write it down. Give her the ticket. Don't be afraid to let them know

Step 10. Don't lose contact for an unreasonable period of time
Show her that even if you are far away, it is always on your mind.
If you haven't seen her for a few days, call her to tell her how important she is to you and that you can't wait to see her again

Step 11. Never take it for granted
Men often forget what it means to be alone; take the time to appreciate how your life has improved or she may feel like it's not worth it.
Write her a letter thanking her for the little things she does. Be specific; let her know that you have noticed her efforts

Step 12. Remember that women don't always say how they feel
You may be tempted to dismiss this behavior as escapism or passive aggression, but remember there is a social pressure on women that leads them to be polite and not argumentative.
- If you think something is wrong with your relationship, find a time when you are both calm and quiet and talk to her about it. Ask her politely if there is anything that makes her unhappy and listen to what she has to tell you.
- You don't have to change yourself for another person, but you should be willing to change your behavior. Compromising on some habits will help keep your relationship happy.
- Turn off the TV and turn on the romance!
- Try to give her the good life she deserves, emotionally and physically. You cannot expect to receive something if you are not giving first.
- Take the time to be a generous lover and remember to cuddle after lovemaking. Sex is said to be emotional intimacy for women. But love isn't just sex. You know you are in love with someone when you don't need sex.
- Come forward and help her without being asked. Show her that you are there for her.
- If you know he is sensitive to a certain subject, be careful when talking about it.
- Remember to give yourself to her as she gave herself to you. You may be surprised at how effective a mutual commitment to a relationship is.
- You should never give the woman you love the impression that you have forgotten her, but you must also give her her space. Don't try to get into every aspect of his life, all the time. If you're not always together, the days you see each other might seem a little more special.
- Be honest in everything you do. Don't do something for a woman just because you feel "forced". Likewise, don't use something you did for her to blackmail her into winning her over something else. You will make her suspicious of all your future acts of kindness and destroy trust in your relationship.
- If you give her food or chocolates for a special day, make sure she doesn't have allergies.