So women and girls… Have you ever wondered what is the correct way to treat your boyfriend? If you think you are doing it right, have you ever paused for a moment to think that you might have missed a few things? Well, this article will give you some helpful pointers about guys and how you should treat your boyfriend.

Step 1. Trust
It is probably the most important element in any type of relationship.

Step 2. Be honest
While some guys lie to their girlfriends and cause an unpleasant sensation, reciprocating them with the same coin won't make you feel any better. If you don't want to be told lies, don't tell. Boys also feel emotions and feel hurt. Additionally, lies will jeopardize ANY relationship as this is usually a sign of distrust.

Step 3. Respect
Disrespect between a boy and a girl is never good. Lying And disrespect always hurts.

Step 4. Don't expect guys to always be gentlemen
Sometimes your boyfriend may have had a bad day or be in a bad mood because of a thousand things on his mind, which will lead to him not always behaving the same way… even if he doesn't do it intentionally.

Step 5. Give your boyfriend space
Trust me, guys sometimes want AND need to spend some free time with friends just to do "manly" things. Consequently, don't worry if your boyfriend abandons you for his friends. We all need some space, that's all.

Step 6. It would be nice to buy him a nice gift for his birthday or for a special occasion
It doesn't always have to be the other way around. Don't be a material girl who always demands gifts but never offers anything in return.

Step 7. Don't be too jealous and don't always doubt the guys
If a woman tries to make advances to your boyfriend, DO NOT always assume that he was the one who made the first move. It could have been her. Also, don't be hasty in accusing someone. Trust the fact that she is simply talking to a friend. It may not always be true, but it's worth thinking about to avoid becoming jealous.

Step 8. Don't get jealous when your boyfriend starts looking at other girls
It's only natural for guys to accidentally start looking at other girls besides you. Let's be honest, don't tell me you've never done the same thing with other guys.

Step 9. Compliment him
You know how pleasant it is when you hear from your boyfriend that you are very pretty today, so he returns the favor once in a while. For example, if he has dressed well for one of your most beautiful dates, let him know.
- Love him for who he is, don't try to change him because he may turn out to be the person you never want.
- Receiving a nice warm hug will also please him.
- Love it.
- Once in a while give him a nice surprise kiss. The French kiss could be a pleasant type of contact.
- Sometimes guys just want to sit on the couch with their girlfriends and watch some boring TV show, share a pizza, and relax.
- If you try to hint at something, don't expect your boyfriend to always be clear about the matter. Sometimes you need to be straightforward and say what you want.
- Sometimes guys like it when a girl opens up to them. Just try to keep it to a minimum or don't do it during a bad time.
- Don't get mad at guys if they don't find enough free time to spend with you because they don't always do it on purpose!
- If he doesn't feel like having sex in the evening, don't force him as you may eventually make the night worse.
- Never get mad at him if he forgets something. He may not have done it on purpose.
- Boys are (usually) not as sensitive as girls. Don't expect him to always understand you if you don't explain.
- Not all guys always think about sex or are always looking for it. Consequently, do not rush your boyfriend if he is not in the right mood.