How to tell your girlfriend that you want to be intimate with her

Table of contents:

How to tell your girlfriend that you want to be intimate with her
How to tell your girlfriend that you want to be intimate with her

Do you want to make love to your girlfriend but don't want to force your hand too much? Follow these steps. This article is suitable for adults who are in a serious relationship.


Tell Your Girlfriend You Want to Be Intimate Step 1
Tell Your Girlfriend You Want to Be Intimate Step 1

Step 1. Use physical contact, but not too much

To show that you want to be intimate, you need to be more affectionate than usual. For example: a romantic thing to do is to raise his shirt a little but not too much, just to the point where you can touch the skin with your fingers. It serves to show that she physically attracts you.

Tell Your Girlfriend You Want to Be Intimate Step 2
Tell Your Girlfriend You Want to Be Intimate Step 2

Step 2. Don't be rushed

If this is serious to you, show him signs little by little. For example, you can give her a few kisses on the neck and move your hands from her arms to her waist. It's something girls like.

Tell Your Girlfriend You Want to Be Intimate Step 3
Tell Your Girlfriend You Want to Be Intimate Step 3

Step 3. Talk to her and ask her if your behavior towards you suits her

Talk to her from time to time. At this point, you should know his intentions. If that's the case, move on to the next level.

Tell Your Girlfriend You Want to Be Intimate Step 4
Tell Your Girlfriend You Want to Be Intimate Step 4

Step 4. Take her to a room where you can be alone

Make sure you are sure of what you are doing and that you have the necessary precautions before you do anything.

Tell Your Girlfriend You Want to Be Intimate Step 5
Tell Your Girlfriend You Want to Be Intimate Step 5

Step 5. Don't rush

Use the first two steps. Wear a buttoned shirt, she might be the one to start. Don't go to the pants right away. If she's wearing a jacket, start taking it off. If she has an inclined attitude from this point on, you will definitely be intimate that night.


  • Make sure the place is suitable.
  • Be gentle and pay attention to body language. If she seems nervous or scared when you try to touch her more, give her time to calm down.
  • This is also her choice so she will surely have feelings for you.
  • Don't tell her directly that you want to have sex. Do it casually and avoid the word "sex" the first time.
  • Foreplay is important, don't be afraid to touch her because this is the right time to do it.
  • Don't rush, excitement is the best part.


  • Don't think everything will be okay, she might change her mind.
  • Not all girls are ready for an intimate relationship, it may take time. So, don't force her to do this.
