Interpersonal relationships 2024, October

How to Make a Person Break Up with You: 15 Steps

How to Make a Person Break Up with You: 15 Steps

Sometimes a relationship becomes harmful or maybe one or both parties have stopped keeping the relationship alive. In other situations, the story ends simply because you are bored being together. Whatever the reason for the breakup, it can be difficult and uncomfortable to end a relationship.

3 Ways to Behave If Your Wife Abuses You

3 Ways to Behave If Your Wife Abuses You

Being married to someone who abuses you can make you feel lonely and hopeless. However, this is not the case: many other people have already gone through the same experience as you. If your wife abuses you, protect yourself by learning to clearly express your limitations and recognize what triggers her violence.

How To Forget Someone You Keep Seeing Every Day

How To Forget Someone You Keep Seeing Every Day

You knew that dating your roommate, colleague, or classmate wouldn't be a good idea, but a few months ago you weren't really going to listen to what your reason was telling you. Matters of the heart can make us lose our minds, but if you are forced to see your ex every day following a breakup, you need a strategy to manage the embarrassment that may arise.

3 Ways to Manage a Sentimental Relationship in the Workplace

3 Ways to Manage a Sentimental Relationship in the Workplace

It can be difficult to manage a romantic relationship in the workplace, both for the employer and for the employees involved. However, the emergence of these types of relationships is also inevitable, as the likelihood of finding someone with common interests increases when you spend at least 40 hours a week together.

How to stop putting up with a person's delays

How to stop putting up with a person's delays

If a person you see often keeps showing up late every time you have to meet, deliver an important project, or do anything else, this can have a bad impact on your schedule and, by association, others may also doubt your performance. and your seriousness.

How To Get Your Boyfriend Back After He Break Up With You

How To Get Your Boyfriend Back After He Break Up With You

When your boyfriend tells you it's over, the first thing you want to do is call him, tell him how you feel, and hope that seeing how hurt you are and how much you love him, he'll get you back. But before you do, read these important steps to understand the mistakes you are likely to make and how to stop repeating them;

How to End Relationships with a False Friend

How to End Relationships with a False Friend

It's not easy to tell false friends from real ones. If you suspect someone is around you for a specific reason, you may have a fake friend. True friends support you, love you and accept you for who you are, forgive you and watch your back. Fake ones can give you the impression that they like you only if you act a certain way or make you feel like you can't be yourself with them.

4 Ways to Fall Out of Love with Someone

4 Ways to Fall Out of Love with Someone

Falling out of love with someone isn't easy, whether it's an ex or unrequited love. Emotions can be overwhelming. However, over time, the help of friends and family and a lot of love for oneself, you will make it . Here are some ideas to get you back on track.

How to Behave After a Breakup: 6 Steps

How to Behave After a Breakup: 6 Steps

Almost everyone faces a painful separation in life. You are not the only one who feels anger in these situations. Acting right and trying to be a good person despite your pain can help you grow as an individual and get through the relationship.

How To Deal With The Process Of Separation From A Person You Love

How To Deal With The Process Of Separation From A Person You Love

It can be quite difficult to get away from a loved one. Whether it's ending a romance that doesn't work or moving to another place and leaving friends and family, it's not easy to just accept the situation and move on. However, there are several solutions that make a separation easier.

How To Get Your Ex Back If She Left You For Another

How To Get Your Ex Back If She Left You For Another

Dealing with a breakup is always difficult, and understandably seeing your ex girlfriend with someone else is particularly painful. While you might try to win her back as soon as possible, it's best to be patient. If you interfere with her new relationship, she may think you don't respect her right to make her own decisions.

How to know if your boyfriend or girlfriend is lying to you

How to know if your boyfriend or girlfriend is lying to you

Below are the signs and behaviors of those who are not telling the truth. Be on your guard if your man or woman exhibits these behaviors - they may be lying to you! Steps Step 1. Whenever you ask your partner to explain something to you, pay attention to where their eyes go To your left or to your right?

How to make a guy pay for it who hurt you

How to make a guy pay for it who hurt you

If a guy has hurt you, you probably can't wait to get even. Revenge has a biological foundation, in fact people have a tendency to feel pleasure when they fantasize about how to get it. If you have a hard time managing your feelings, you can try making the guy who hurt you pay for it.

How to close the relationship with the person you live with

How to close the relationship with the person you live with

It is more complicated to end a relationship, when you live together: you have to decide who should leave and how to divide things. Furthermore, it may happen that partners are forced to prolong cohabitation until one of the two finds another place and this situation risks putting their emotional state to the test.

3 Ways to Reject Someone with Kindness

3 Ways to Reject Someone with Kindness

Giving a rejection can be almost as difficult as receiving it, especially if it's from a friend. This article will give you some tips on how to politely tell someone you don't care. Steps Method 1 of 3: Reject Someone You Know Step 1.

How to Deal With Fake Friends: 13 Steps

How to Deal With Fake Friends: 13 Steps

Sometimes, it's hard to spot fake friendships, because people who have this kind of relationship tend to manipulate and deceive others with extreme skill. Typically, relationships where you feel your needs aren't being fully met or recognized are false.

How to Endure the Departure of Your Partner for the Military

How to Endure the Departure of Your Partner for the Military

The military has always stressed couples, and this trend still seems to be on the rise. However, with the proper tools and preparations, a relationship between a military and a civilian can be strengthened by these trials and grow stronger than before thanks to perseverance.

How to Talk to an Ex: 3 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Talk to an Ex: 3 Steps (with Pictures)

There may be a time in your life when you want to reconnect with your ex-boyfriend. It is good to understand that it is not a bad thing to want to talk to an ex, just see it as an attempt to reconnect with an old friend. There are simple things to consider when trying to contact your ex for the first time after a breakup, or if you haven't talked to him for a long time.

3 Ways to Stick Button with a Girl

3 Ways to Stick Button with a Girl

The thought of picking up a girl might make you nervous, but to do it right you just need to have a little confidence and know how to get her attention. Once she has noticed you, make her feel special, make her feel comfortable and you'll be towing her in a second.

4 Ways to Behave in a Relationship with a Married Man

4 Ways to Behave in a Relationship with a Married Man

For some women, having an affair with a married man may seem like a tempting experience, although over time it can become very difficult and painful. There are many reasons why a woman might be attracted to a married man. Therefore, knowing these reasons, as well as the difficulties that arise within such a relationship, can help you decide what to do.

3 Ways to Make Your Ex Boyfriend Jealous

3 Ways to Make Your Ex Boyfriend Jealous

Making your ex jealous may seem like a fun way to take revenge for all the pain he caused you, but it's not easy! The best way to do this is to not give weight to what you think and just focus on your life. To do this, you can work on your health, meet new people, learn something or do whatever you like best.

How to Pamper a Girl: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Pamper a Girl: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

Almost all girls like cuddles. It's a way to feel close to the person you're with, show affection, and sometimes take things to a more intimate level. The trick to making wonderful cuddles is to make your body as cuddly as possible and to know how to touch a girl to bring her closer to you.

How To Get To Know Your Boyfriend Better

How To Get To Know Your Boyfriend Better

Whether you are 13 or 31, getting to know your boyfriend better is a magical, fulfilling and full of surprises experience. Even though you think you know everything about him, there will be times when you will realize that this is not the case, and you will want to get to know him better.

How to Manage Your Partner's Mood Swings

How to Manage Your Partner's Mood Swings

You went out with your partner and you are cuddling, when suddenly he gets up and walks away. You don't know why, but you feel like he's gone because of something you did. But when you ask him about it, he says it has nothing to do with you.

How to Make a Girl Feel Special: 11 Steps

How to Make a Girl Feel Special: 11 Steps

Every girl wants to feel like a special and unique treasure for her boyfriend. How can you show her how special she really is to you? Nothing conquers a woman more than a man who treats her like a princess. Steps Part 1 of 3: Compliment her Step 1.

How to behave when your boyfriend is not paying attention to you

How to behave when your boyfriend is not paying attention to you

Many relationships go through a phase in which boys stop paying the attention due to us girls, neglect us and start behaving strangely. The question arises whether the relationship has a future or not. Steps Step 1. Before jumping to conclusions, try to figure out if yours is an exaggerated reaction Talk to a friend and let off steam with her.

How to know what to give your boyfriend for his birthday

How to know what to give your boyfriend for his birthday

Men have a reputation (in some cases deserved) for having difficult tastes. So if you try to find out what to buy your boyfriend for his birthday, the pressure is very high. As impossible as the undertaking may seem to you, every woman is more than capable of finding a gift that makes her partner happy.

How to Comfort Your Girlfriend When She's Upset

How to Comfort Your Girlfriend When She's Upset

Finally a specific guide on what to do to comfort your girlfriend! No more vague instructions on telling her how much you love her - that's obvious and always works. If she is sick, sad or scared, following these steps are sure to make her feel better.

How to Encourage Your Girlfriend to Stop Flirting

How to Encourage Your Girlfriend to Stop Flirting

Everyone knows that kind of girl: as soon as you turn the corner… here she is trying with one. Five minutes later, she has already moved on to another one. Unfortunately, many of us are in a relationship with such a girl. You need to know that it's not cute, it's not funny, and it's not okay, no matter how harmless the girl thinks it is.

How to Be a Better Girlfriend: 9 Steps

How to Be a Better Girlfriend: 9 Steps

Each love story is different from the other. Still, there are some universal qualities that every man looks for in his girlfriend, and none of this has to do with physical appearance. Read this article to learn how to revive your relationship and be a more loving girlfriend.

How to Win Your Girlfriend's Trust

How to Win Your Girlfriend's Trust

As a relationship progresses, we often find that our girlfriends just can't bear to see us hang out with female friends or hang on like hawks when we go out without them. Steps Step 1. You must always be honest Even in situations where a little lie might be very convenient for you, don't tell it.

How to Build Trust in a Long Distance Relationship

How to Build Trust in a Long Distance Relationship

Basically, a relationship is like a pastry: the more you taste it, the more you will feel its sweetness. This is especially true for long-distance relationships, which require patience, communication, endurance, commitment and above all trust.

How To Avoid Bothering Your Boyfriend When He Is Busy

How To Avoid Bothering Your Boyfriend When He Is Busy

When in a couple one person is much busier than the other, tensions may occur. Your daily situations are very different, while he has to cope with pressing commitments you have more free time but would like to spend it with him. Believe it or not, managing these differences in a way that doesn't compromise your relationship is easier than it sounds.

How To Keep A Phone Conversation Alive With Your Girlfriend

How To Keep A Phone Conversation Alive With Your Girlfriend

Sooner or later we've all been faced with this seemingly impossible challenge: keep talking on the phone with your girlfriend, even when there seems to be nothing worth talking about. However, there is no need to fret: it's simple, don't worry.

How to Fix Your Husband's Vices: 14 Steps

How to Fix Your Husband's Vices: 14 Steps

Whether it's smoking or nails, you have some influence on your husband's vices. Helping him little by little, cheering on him, will be a long road, during which your support will prove important in defeating his bad habits. While it's impossible to expect a total change overnight, you can still make the first move.

How to Choose the Underwear for your Girlfriend

How to Choose the Underwear for your Girlfriend

Underwear can be provocative or modest, impractical or comfortable, romantic or risque. If you decide to do it, you have to think carefully and choose the right one. Steps Step 1. You need to know your girl's size before you go shopping If you've recently been together and don't know the size of her bra and panties, at least try to get the dress size.

How to Avoid Trapping Your Arm While Curled Up in Bed

How to Avoid Trapping Your Arm While Curled Up in Bed

Being able to sleep curled up with your loved one is one of the main benefits of sleeping together. However, sometimes, spoon sleeping can cause your arm to "fall asleep" while your boyfriend or girlfriend travels quietly to the dream world.

How to Seduce a Woman with a Foot Massage

How to Seduce a Woman with a Foot Massage

Your girlfriend is tired, stressed and her heels hurt. She'll obviously let you massage her feet and maybe, if you do it right, you'll get something in return. Steps Step 1. Prepare well If you're planning on giving your girlfriend a foot massage, there's a good chance she's tired.

3 Ways To Make Your Boyfriend Understand How Much You Care For Him

3 Ways To Make Your Boyfriend Understand How Much You Care For Him

Even if you are a happy couple, it can sometimes be difficult to find the time and opportunity to make others understand how important their presence is. If you think you've neglected your boyfriend in some way, think that there are tons of ways to show him how much you care.

How to Build a Strong Bond During a Relationship

How to Build a Strong Bond During a Relationship

Any love story is difficult. It can be hugely fun and rewarding, but it also requires commitment from members of the couple to maintain a strong bond. The more dedication you put into a relationship, the deeper the feeling that will unite you with the other person and the closer your relationship will be.