Bathing is an ancient practice. It is in fact known that the ancient Egyptians and Greeks used it both for health reasons and for purely aesthetic purposes. Nowadays it is a great way to relax and feel regenerated. To give yourself a perfect bath, prepare all the objects and products that help you relax before diving into the water and carving out a corner all for yourself.
Part 1 of 3: Creating a Relaxing Atmosphere

Step 1. Prepare everything you need
There is nothing more annoying than diving into the water and only realizing at that moment that you have forgotten the towel. Prepare everything you plan to use in the tub before diving. Here are some items you may have available:
- Scented bath oil;
- Body cream;
- Face mask;
- Hair products (shampoo / conditioner);
- Soap;
- Body scrub;
- Bath salts;
- Waterproof bath pillow or rolled hand towel;
- Candles;
- Music;
- Bathrobe;
- Towels / bath towels.

Step 2. Place the candles and light them
Candles are perfect for relaxing, as they create a soft light and create atmosphere. You can use your favorite fragrances to ensure that the bathroom is filled with other relaxing aromas.
- Choose a fragrance that will relax you. You can for example use vanilla, lavender, verbena or any other flavor you prefer.
- Arrange the candles securely. Avoid placing them next to flammable objects, such as drapes, towels, or paper products.
- If you have decided to place candles around the bathtub, be careful not to accidentally burn yourself. Also, try not to drop them into the water.
- To prevent the wax from dripping, use candle holders or candles sold in glass jars.

Step 3. Listen to the music
Music has multiple neurological effects and can be quite relaxing. It can help you unwind and reduce stress. Listen to your favorite music while taking a bath.
- You can buy a waterproof speaker to attach to a bathtub or shower cubicle wall.
- Avoid carrying electronic devices in the bathtub - they can be damaged by water.
- To listen to music, place your smartphone or tablet on the sink (or other dry area) after connecting it to the speaker.

Step 4. Arrange the towels and / or bathrobe
Place them next to the tub so you don't have to look for them when they come out of the water. To make them even more comfortable, warm them in the dryer before taking a bath.
Another effective way to keep them warm is to place them on a radiator or oven that has just been turned off. Be careful not to place them directly on a heat source, otherwise you risk starting a fire

Step 5. Prepare the skin
If you don't plan on getting your hair or face wet, you can get yourself a mask or scrub to give yourself some extra pampering. Apply the product to your face before entering the tub to leave it on and relax.
There are a number of DIY face mask recipes. For example, the avocado mask (a large one should be used) and honey (two tablespoons) is very easy to make and is rich in vitamins and minerals that are good for the skin

Step 6. State your intentions
If you live with other people, it can be difficult to make time for yourself. Be sure to warn others by explaining that you plan to take a relaxing bath and want to be alone for a while. This will help reduce possible episodes of intrusion and intrusiveness, so that you can relax without worrying about any interruption.
Try locking the door to ensure greater privacy
Part 2 of 3: Preparing the Bathroom

Step 1. Before you begin, make sure the tub is clean
Bathing in a dirty tub isn't relaxing at all. First make sure it's clean to make the experience more enjoyable.
- Using baking soda is a quick way to clean your tub without harsh chemicals. This product removes soap scraps without leaving strong odors. You can make a simple baking soda paste. Measure a cup and stir in water until you reach the desired consistency.
- Spread the paste over the tub and let it dry. Remove it with a sponge soaked in warm water, making sure to rub it on stubborn residue.

Step 2. Fill the tub with warm, but not hot, water
The water temperature needs to be warm enough to promote relaxation, but not so hot that you risk damaging your skin or getting burned. Try to reach a temperature between 35 and 38 ° C.
Make sure you close the lid of the tub and fill it

Step 3. Perfume the bath water
As the water flows, add the products you want, such as a bubble bath or oil. The flow of water will favor the formation of foam and make it easier to distribute the aromas.
- If you wait until the tub has filled completely and you have turned off the tap, the oil could settle on the bottom.
- Choose a fragrance that you like and that makes you feel good. Fragrances such as honey, almond, lavender, sea salt and vanilla are indicated.

Step 4. Consider adding salts
You can use a bath bomb or Epsom salts to promote even more relaxation.
- Epsom salts have many benefits, including pain relief, stress relief, and skin treatment.
- Bath bombs are available in many fragrances. They are also quite simple to make and with their effervescence they can give that extra touch to a normal bathroom.
Part 3 of 3: Relax in the Bathtub

Step 1. Get into the tub
Once you have filled it with warm, scented water, slowly enter it and immerse yourself. Be careful, as some areas may be slippery.
If you want to rest your head on the tub, you can use a waterproof bath pillow or hand towel (rolled lengthwise). Put it behind your neck and relax

Step 2. Close your eyes
This will help the mind relax more effectively. You can try to meditate by inhaling with your nose and exhaling with your mouth while keeping your lips contracted. This is a useful way to relax. If you wish, dip your head under water to wet your hair and face.
Be careful not to relax too much and fall asleep, otherwise you risk drowning

Step 3. Avoid electronic devices
Don't be interrupted or distracted by the outside world. Try to leave electronic devices, such as your smartphone, in another room or keep them out of your reach. It is a time to dedicate only to yourself.
You may decide to use your smartphone to listen to music. But try not to use it to browse the internet or check e-mails

Step 4. Finish taking a bath
Once you have relaxed enough or the water has cooled down, grab a towel and get out of the tub. Wrap your body and pat dry.
- Apply a body lotion to moisturize the skin. This product traps water, maintaining a good hydro-lipid balance.
- Rinse off the face mask if you have one.
You can almost completely waterproof your phone, tablet or Kindle by using an airtight bag. So you can watch movies or read in the tub without worrying about damaging the device with water
- Hot water can dry out the skin and cause cracking or dermatitis. Avoid taking frequent hot baths.
- Always watch out for open flames. Starting a fire is not relaxing at all!
- For women, certain scented products can cause candidiasis, urinary tract infections, or other ailments. If you are predisposed to it, try taking a relaxing shower instead.