We are all similar to each other, more than we are different: it is a fact. This means that the more a person is able to understand the traits of their personality and recognize their talents, the more they will be able to understand and appreciate the rest of humanity. Humanity is like a fabric made up of many connections, and each of us can give their best to enrich it. This article explores the ways to ensure the greatest possible harmony between you and the rest of the inhabitants of our planet …

Step 1. Every time you meet another person, think that a prevalent percentage of their being is identical to yours
For your part, appreciate the diversity that is offered to you by the remaining percentage. Your being is a unique combination of the common traits of human nature. Use your reasoning and your good will to pursue the fundamental goals of every human being on the planet: life, satisfaction, superiority, connection and identity.

Step 2. Recognize our common human nature, for which we all pursue personal preservation, growth, and enjoyment
Try to honor this nature of yours in harmony with your surroundings. Form yourself a vision for your life and for humanity. He works to build "the greatest possible good for the greatest possible number of people".
Think about what you want to achieve, what dream you would like to fulfill, what destiny to pursue, what project to carry out, what mission to fulfill: go deep and get the support of others to give the best possible shape to the future

Step 3. Recognize in each person a resource for humanity
A scarcity of material goods, real or perceived, can make a person appear as a potential threat and a possible cause of scarcity, but it is important to understand that most people are able to add value to the world more than they consume. resources. Remember that we live on a very rich and well-stocked planet.

Step 4. Recognize the uniqueness of the contribution that everyone can make to the cause of human progress through their own imagination and work
Don't worry about the religious or political affiliations of the people you meet, the right questions are rather: are you making the most of your life? When you look in the mirror, do you love what you see? Can you identify with another person and treat them accordingly? When you go to bed in the evening, are you satisfied with how you spent your day? When you wake up in the morning, do you feel the desire to reach new and more ambitious goals? As for yourself, make the most of the time you have to live.

Step 5. Recognize the value of your natural desire to be aesthetically pleasing and to do well in the things you do
Being noticed and appreciated is a source of satisfaction, as is noticing and appreciating others, their outward appearance and what they can do. Our dignity as human beings is expressed in the need to show ourselves and behave in a way that receives the esteem of others. The fact of pushing each other to bring out the best in ourselves is a testament to the heights reachable by humanity. The incredible opportunity we have to live should be celebrated and exploited to the fullest in all the facets of that one jewel that is human nature, because this is who we are, and it is what deserves to be expressed without reservation.

Step 6. Realize that you can help others, and that others can help you
It is unreasonable to expect everyone to give something for nothing in any kind of relationship. However, keep in mind that sometimes it costs nothing to assist another person just because you are able to do so, and such a gesture can also be a source of personal satisfaction. In fact, expecting nothing in return is the fundamental component of the joy of giving, as giving becomes absolute, unconditional. You will find that most people will want to reciprocate anyway, especially when your spirit is sincere.

Step 7. Realize the fact that we all live together on the same planet
We all have to gain from collaboration, just as we all have to lose from playing against each other. As Native Americans put it, "no tree has branches that are foolish enough to fight each other." Humanity inevitably faces many challenges that require defense capabilities, without the need to create further problems for ourselves by pitting each other. Love is the greatest catalyst of harmony, and it only enriches and elevates us. There is never enough love in the world, so love as much as you can, especially in times when it seems more difficult.
- Cultivate gratitude and the awareness that we are all children of the Universe, and let your heart always desire for others more life, more happiness, more success, more love and more knowledge.
- Love for oneself, for humanity and for the Universe, which has its origin in the inherent and growing inner wealth of each of us, is the key to connecting with other people who in turn have the same opportunity to understand these fundamental principles of existence, a guarantee of lasting happiness.
- If you are at peace with yourself, it will be easier to be at peace with others.
- Recognize the enormous potential that exists for all of us to adequately support ourselves through cooperation and intelligent resource management.
- Extend and accept love at every opportunity.
- Compete constructively, and try to resolve conflicts with patience, tolerance and communication.
- Understand that what you put into circulation will come back to you. Take positive, constructive, and loving actions, and the same will be done for you.
- Try to enjoy life and allow others to do the same.
- When you see another person, remember that inside that body there is a virtual universe, similar to yours, made up of memories, dreams, dignity, opinions and emotions: in each of us there is much more than what is seen externally.
- Try to come up with solutions that benefit everyone involved.
- It is not wrong to perceive possible threats in others, the important thing is to verify the reality of the object of your fears and react accordingly.
- Avoid people who hate you for your race, gender, religion, ethnicity or social class, unless you have enough emotional resources to act like their friend and thus erode their sectarianism. It's not easy, and it's counterproductive to spend time with them, unless you're at your best, and able to control yourself. It doesn't really matter why they hate you, the reasons for sectarianism and fanaticism are social and cultural: the only cure is education, and undermining the very idea of sectarianism at the base.
- The chain of humanity is as strong as its weakest link.
- No one is perfect, and this can be a cause of frustration, but, looking on the bright side, there is always room for improvement, and the task of improving humanity should begin with ourselves.
- The fact that violence is sometimes the only possible way to protect oneself does not mean that it is a normal way of living one's life, and we should all try to live in harmony.