3 Ways to Catch a Stray Kitten

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3 Ways to Catch a Stray Kitten
3 Ways to Catch a Stray Kitten

Even if you don't particularly love cats, it's hard to resist the sight of a puppy that looks like he is in danger. Whether it's in your neighborhood or an industrial or commercial area, there's always a good chance you'll run into a cat that doesn't seem to have a home and can be hard not to soften; after all, he's a cute puppy in need of help. If you meet a kitten looking for a home, it can be tempting to catch it; however, there are a few things you need to do to proceed safely and without causing pain to you and your puppy.


Method 1 of 3: Examine the Situation

Catch a Stray Kitten Step 1
Catch a Stray Kitten Step 1

Step 1. Determine if the mother is around

When you see a puppy that looks lonely, the first thing to do is find out if the mother is still nearby; it is possible that she has abandoned it, but she could also simply have wandered off in search of food. The only way to know if the puppy is an orphan is to wait; you have to observe the situation for more than a few minutes. Put yourself somewhere where he can't notice you, so he doesn't run away in fear.

Be patient; remember that you are there to help him and you must not take him away from his mother unless necessary. Cat mothers usually hunt for food in the middle of the afternoon, when the kittens are asleep; if you see the cat alone in the morning, it may be abandoned

Catch a Stray Kitten Step 2
Catch a Stray Kitten Step 2

Step 2. Try to figure out his age

Even if you cannot make an exact estimate, it is still very important to try to find out the age. Cat mothers typically begin the weaning phase when the kittens are around 6 weeks old; you must therefore understand if it is younger, in order to be prepared to take care of it.

  • There are some methods to be able to roughly recognize the age of a puppy. Kittens open their eyes when they are about 10 days old; if what you are looking at still has them closed, you will know that you are dealing with a newborn.
  • Another evaluation criterion is the level of activity. Usually, kittens start walking at around 3 weeks; if the creature you are interested in is able to walk and play without staggering excessively, you can be pretty sure it is at least 4 weeks old.
Catch a Stray Kitten Step 3
Catch a Stray Kitten Step 3

Step 3. Talk to neighborhood neighbors

Basically, you want to make sure it's a stray puppy. Even if it is young, it could be the pet of someone who has lost it; take some time to try to understand, talk to the people who live nearby to find out if they have news of the cat and if it belongs to someone. You can also hang flyers in the neighborhood, as well as talk to people in the neighborhood directly.

Catch a Stray Kitten Step 4
Catch a Stray Kitten Step 4

Step 4. Learn about wild cats

The cat that is intriguing you can also be wild. When dealing with an untamed animal you need to be very cautious; you must know that stray cats are very different from the puppies you can see in pet shops or at some friend's house: they are fickle and are not used to people.

Also, you may not know his medical history and should therefore be quite cautious (no matter how cuddly and cute he looks). Contact your local vet or cattery and ask if they have any information about the cats living in the area

Catch a Stray Kitten Step 5
Catch a Stray Kitten Step 5

Step 5. Make a plan

Of course, you want to do the right thing and make sure you keep your puppy safe, but this requires some consideration and planning on your part. You should first ask yourself a few questions; for example, you need to evaluate if you have enough time to proceed in the right way. Catching a stray cat requires a commitment of several days and you need to take time to take care of it once you have succeeded in your intent. You also need to make sure that you have all the necessary materials and that you have made contact with your vet so that you know where to take him for the appropriate medical evaluations when you have caught him.

Whether you decide to keep him or find him another home, you need to make sure he is healthy; make sure to think in time about the measures to be put in place to capture and manage it once the goal is reached

Method 2 of 3: Capturing the Kitty

Catch a Stray Kitten Step 6
Catch a Stray Kitten Step 6

Step 1. Use a trap

Whether it's a homemade trap or a store-bought trap, you need to make sure it's not a cruel one; you don't have to risk injuring the puppy you are so painstakingly trying to recover. Also be careful not to get hurt yourself and that your fingers don't get stuck in the trap. One of the best ways to catch it safely is to use food as bait and put it in the trap; Canned fish is an effective and inexpensive food that you can use.

  • A non-cruel trap is an instrument that neither injures nor kills the creature. If you have chosen to buy it, ask your local vet to recommend a make or model; look for it at pet stores or hardware stores.
  • If you choose to make it yourself, do your research to find a model that won't injure or kill the kitty. Use one with a door that closes gently but quickly and firmly when the kitten is inside; ask the hardware store which is the most suitable material.
  • Don't try to catch the puppy the first time you block him. Instead, you must prepare the trap and dedicate a few days to insert the food, while avoiding that the opening closes; in this way, the kitten begins to enter the trap willingly once it has learned to associate it with food.
Catch a Stray Kitten Step 7
Catch a Stray Kitten Step 7

Step 2. Be compassionate

In particular, try to be as nice to him as possible; remember that he is not very familiar with people and the capture could be a rather traumatic experience. Be calm, quiet, and gentle as you approach the puppy.

Catch a Stray Kitten Step 8
Catch a Stray Kitten Step 8

Step 3. Take a break

Catching a kitten can be a frustrating experience; you have to be patient, not only with the cat but also with yourself. Take your time to carry out your plan; remember that it is better to know a few things about the puppy (age, condition of the mother), which in itself takes some time. Afterward, give yourself a break before starting the actual capture process. The more relaxed and confident you feel, the easier it will be to recover your cat.

Catch a Stray Kitten Step 9
Catch a Stray Kitten Step 9

Step 4. Lure him into a confined space

If you don't like the idea of using the trap, don't worry, because you have other options. You can try to attract him to a confined space; use the same method you would use if you wanted to trap it with food. Once you have managed to confine it to a defined space (for example a corner from which it has no escape route), you can gently guide it into the carrier.

Before attempting this method you need to make sure you have a suitable container (or even a box with a lid) on hand

Catch a Stray Kitten Step 10
Catch a Stray Kitten Step 10

Step 5. Earn their trust

It may not even be necessary to lure or trap the puppy. If you have enough time and patience to devote to this process, you can become just enough of his friend to be able to easily take him home with you. To gain his trust, you need to become an important point of reference in his life; Feed him regularly, always at the same time and for several days, be calm and gentle when you are with him. Once enough time has elapsed (it could be days or weeks), your puppy will gradually learn to accept your presence without fear.

Method 3 of 3: Caring for Your Cat

Catch a Stray Kitten Step 11
Catch a Stray Kitten Step 11

Step 1. Grip it gently

Your job doesn't finish once you've caught it, but you need to be prepared to handle it with caution. When handling a puppy you must have a pair of gloves on hand and you must not touch him directly without first having him examined by a vet.

Kittens are tender creatures and can become adorable, but at this stage they are still a wild animal; if it escapes from its cage (enclosure or carrier) you must try to take it gently by wrapping it in a cloth

Catch a Stray Kitten Step 12
Catch a Stray Kitten Step 12

Step 2. Try to isolate it

This is a fundamental process when introducing a cat to a new environment; to prevent him from becoming even more traumatized, you should introduce him to new things (people, sounds and other animals) very gradually. When you decide to retrieve a kitten, you need to make sure you have a safe place to take it; it could be a small room, such as a bathroom, or even a comfortable box in which he can remain quiet.

Make sure that he is comfortable in the space you have reserved for him; provide him with the basics, such as a bed sheet, food, water, and something he can use for his needs (this can be a small litter box or even newsprint)

Catch a Stray Kitten Step 13
Catch a Stray Kitten Step 13

Step 3. Seek medical attention

It is important to have him undergo a physical examination at the vet; ask your doctor to perform all necessary tests and vaccinations. It might be a rather expensive endeavor, but you need to be prepared for it. Also keep in mind that it can be a frightening process for your cat, so you need to transport him to the doctor's office and then back home as carefully and quietly as possible.

In particular, check that the vet examines his general health conditions, such as the presence of worms, distemper, rabies and any respiratory problems; It is also a good idea to discuss with your doctor the possibility of spaying or neutering him

Catch a Stray Kitten Step 14
Catch a Stray Kitten Step 14

Step 4. Find a family to adopt him

The puppy is definitely a lovely creature, but you may also choose not to keep it or you may not be able to care for it; in such circumstances, the best thing to do is to find him a family to take care of him. If you have time to dedicate to this phase (and you also want to be able to see it every now and then), search your network of friends if anyone is willing to adopt it. Post pictures of the puppy on social media featuring cats - anyone who loves these felines will have a hard time resisting them! If you can't find a home for your cat, contact your local animal welfare organization or animal rescue center. can help you find a safe place for the kitten.

Catch a Stray Kitten Step 15
Catch a Stray Kitten Step 15

Step 5. Adopt it yourself

Maybe you can't resist that sweet little face and decide that the best home for him is yours! This is a great choice! But strive to become the best pet owner possible; in addition to guaranteeing all the needs (litter, food, games and any medicines), you must also be emotionally ready.

Remember this is a big change for a stray puppy and it will take time for him to get used to it. Ask your local veterinarian and animal recovery center for advice on how to bond properly with your cat. hopefully over time you will be able to have a great new friend


  • Be patient; it is a new experience for both of us.
  • You have to be kind, as he will definitely be scared.
