Video games are interesting and fun, but not if they keep you from pursuing other commitments. In fact, if you do nothing but play, neglecting reading, housework or studying, you risk becoming more and more dependent on it.

Step 1. Observe what you do when you get back from work or school

Step 2. Make a list of things to do over the course of a day
Write down everything you need to do, prioritizing each task.

Step 3. Check the list every day, and follow it
Check everything you can accomplish. The list might look like this:
- Make the bed.
- Order your room.
- To take out the trash.
- Go to school.
- Doing homework.
- Exercise.
- Feed your pets.
- Cooked.
- Play video games for 10 minutes.

Step 4. Remember to make a list that fits your character and life

Step 5. Tell the people you are playing with that you will stop briefly (set a time when you will stop)
You may fall into temptation and ignore that you've been playing longer than you should have, or you may be so engrossed in the game that you don't realize it's been hours. In this case, your playmates or family may remind you of this.

Step 6. Try to find some other hobbies you would like to pursue, such as drawing or going for a run with your dog
This way, you won't even think about video games.
- If you play because you have nothing better to do or no other activity stimulates you, look for a new interest in your life. Join a club or set a goal. By alternating between your various commitments, you will not feel the desire to play video games, and this could help you reduce stress and keep you on the right path to overcome your goals.
- Avoid multiplayer games, which don't give you a choice to play with (like Animal Jam, Club Penguin, etc.). This way, you will prevent cyberbullying and other players will not be able to insist on convincing you to stay longer.
- Try playing a video game by yourself, avoid those that require you to do it with other people. This eliminates the social aspect of online video games, and could allow you not to stay long in front of the computer screen (we must also consider the other side of the coin: the social factor is one of the most positive elements that derive from video games, and reduce interpersonal interactions in general is not good for you).
- Don't ignore the symptoms of a video game addiction. In different parts of the world, such as in the UK, rehabilitation centers have been opened to help those affected by it.
- Just like any other physical addiction, video games can gradually creep into your life. At first you only play for a few hours, but as you get to know other people, get better, find new friends and get involved in missions, your time will be occupied more and more by the world of online video games.
- Don't look for excuses. Many people don't admit they have a problem, and claim that, unlike most other people, if they were addicted they would understand it and know how to stop. In some cases the situation becomes so serious that it leads to suicide due to a video game, but it is not necessary to go to these extremes, addiction can also manifest itself in milder forms. For example, not all addicts have overdosed, but does that mean they are not addicted to a substance?