3 Ways to Prevent Your Cat Urinating on the Carpet

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3 Ways to Prevent Your Cat Urinating on the Carpet
3 Ways to Prevent Your Cat Urinating on the Carpet

Some cats develop the habit of urinating on the carpet and this can be very frustrating for their owners. The smell is terrible and often spreads throughout the house. Furthermore, cat urine is difficult to remove from the fibers, giving rise to persistent odors. Also, since cats have a tendency to keep urinating in places that already smell like this, it becomes difficult to correct the problem. The reasons for your cat to urinate outside its litter box can be varied: it may have a urinary tract and bladder problem, it may not like the type of litter box or it may conflict with other animals. Read on to learn how to prevent this unfortunate accident.


Method 1 of 3: Prevent the Cat Urinating on the Carpet

Prevent Cats from Urinating on Carpet Step 1
Prevent Cats from Urinating on Carpet Step 1

Step 1. Take the cat to the vet

The cause of the cat problem could be a medical problem, such as a urinary tract infection. Before trying any other surgery or remedies, you should have your cat examined by a veterinarian to treat any medical problems they may have. It is important to get your pet checked out right away, to protect their health and well-being and prevent a lasting aversion to the litter box.

A cat that stays low for long periods of time, whose urine is bloody, who urinates often, and who meows when trying to urinate may have a bladder or urinary tract infection. These health problems can cause him not to use the litter box. These signs can also indicate a urinary obstruction, which can be life-threatening. Only the vet can understand the nature of the problem, so it is important to consult him

Prevent Cats from Urinating on Carpet Step 2
Prevent Cats from Urinating on Carpet Step 2

Step 2. Clean any urine with an enzymatic cleaner

Cleaning up accidents immediately after they happen will discourage the cat from using the same spot again. Use an enzymatic cleaner and not an ammonia-based one. Cleaners with ammonia can cause your cat to urinate more frequently in the clean spot, as they may mistake the ammonia smell for another cat's urine, so they will want to cover it with their own.

  • Consider having your carpet cleaned by a professional if it is very dirty.
  • You may need to throw away carpets that have not been cleaned in a timely manner. Get rid of any that have been soiled repeatedly by the cat.
Prevent Cats from Urinating on Carpet Step 3
Prevent Cats from Urinating on Carpet Step 3

Step 3. Place a litter box where your cat likes to urinate on the carpet

If your cat has started petting on a carpet, place their litter box there to encourage them to use it. When she has used the litter box for a month, move it a few inches a day until it is back in its desired position.

Prevent Cats from Urinating on Carpet Step 4
Prevent Cats from Urinating on Carpet Step 4

Step 4. Turn the carpets over

Cats can develop a preference for a specific rug and start using it as a bathroom. By flipping the ones you have in the house, you may discourage the animal by changing the texture of the surface. Try keeping the rugs upside down for a few days to see if this prevents the problem.

Prevent Cats from Urinating on Carpet Step 5
Prevent Cats from Urinating on Carpet Step 5

Step 5. Apply double-sided tape to the edges of the rugs

The tape can discourage a cat from urinating on a carpet, because the feel of the tape on the paws is unpleasant. Try applying double-sided tape to the edges of the rug and where the cat likes to go to the toilet.

Prevent Cats from Urinating on Carpet Step 6
Prevent Cats from Urinating on Carpet Step 6

Step 6. Play with the cat near the litter box

Your cat may be urinating on the carpet because it has developed a negative association with the litter box. You can improve these negative memories by playing with the animal near the litter box. Try doing this a few times a day to create pleasant sensations for the cat in that area.

  • Don't try to reward your cat with treats for using the litter box. Cats don't want to be bothered when they go about their business.
  • You can leave food and toys near the litter box, but do not keep bowls in which the animal eats and drinks regularly. Cats don't like to eat too close to where they need to go.
Prevent Cats from Urinating on Carpet Step 7
Prevent Cats from Urinating on Carpet Step 7

Step 7. Talk to your vet again if things don't improve

Encouraging your cat to use the litter box takes time and effort, but you won't always be successful. Some vets specialize in solving these problems. If your cat does not improve over time, you can speak to a veterinarian who specializes in changing animal behavior.

Method 2 of 3: Know the Most Common Litter Box Problems

Prevent Cats from Urinating on Carpet Step 8
Prevent Cats from Urinating on Carpet Step 8

Step 1. How often do you clean the litter box?

Cats don't want to use a dirty litter box, and they might start shuffling elsewhere if they find it always dirty. If you don't clean the litter box every day, your cat may be urinating on the carpet for this reason.

  • In addition to removing the litter from the litter box every day, you should also remove all litter once a week and clean the litter box with warm water and mild soap or baking soda. When you're done, dry the litter box and add new litter.
  • Try a self-cleaning litter box if you don't want to clean it every day.
Prevent Cats from Urinating on Carpet Step 9
Prevent Cats from Urinating on Carpet Step 9

Step 2. Make sure you have enough litter boxes in the house

It is important to have one more litter box than the number of cats in the house. For example, if you have three cats, you should have four litter boxes. If not, this could be why one of the cats urinates on the carpet.

Prevent Cats from Urinating on Carpet Step 10
Prevent Cats from Urinating on Carpet Step 10

Step 3. Does the cat have easy access to the litter box?

If the cat has to travel a long way to reach the litter box or if it is difficult for the cat to get in and out of the litter box, then it may urinate on the carpet. Place cat litter boxes where it is easy to reach them, even when the animal is in a hurry, such as one on each floor.

  • Make sure your cat has a good view to keep an eye on anyone who approaches or strays, including other animals. Cats don't like being cornered.
  • Help older cats by using litter boxes with lower edges to make it easier for the pet to get in and out.
  • Place the litter boxes next to or on top of the places on the carpet where the cat urinates.
Prevent Cats from Urinating on Carpet Step 11
Prevent Cats from Urinating on Carpet Step 11

Step 4. Is the litter box you use causing the problem?

Cats can avoid using the litter box because they don't like the smell or texture of the litter, or because it's too deep. A low bed of fine or medium-grained agglomerate is ideal, but you can also try different types of litter to figure out what your cat prefers.

  • Give the cat the choice between two clusters by placing two different litter boxes next to each other. At the end of the day, check which one your cat used.
  • Do not create a too deep agglomerate layer. Almost all cats prefer litter boxes with about 2.5-5 cm of agglomeration.
Prevent Cats from Urinating on Carpet Step 12
Prevent Cats from Urinating on Carpet Step 12

Step 5. Does the litter box cause cat discomfort?

Some cats avoid using a litter box because they don't like its shape or size. Even the coverings can be unwelcome to the animal. Remove the litter box cover and lid to check that those items are not causing the problem.

Also consider the size of the litter box. If it is too small for your cat, he may avoid using it

Method 3 of 3: Consider Possible Behavioral and Health Problems

Prevent Cats from Urinating on Carpet Step 13
Prevent Cats from Urinating on Carpet Step 13

Step 1. Could it be stress that makes the cat urinate on the carpet?

Other pets, children, or a noisy environment can stress your cat and avoid the litter box. Make sure it is in a semi-dark, quiet, and isolated place. If your cat's litter box is in a busy area, they will be less likely to use it.

Try using pheromone diffusers, such as Feliway, to make your cat feel more relaxed. This product releases an aroma that some cats find comforting

Prevent Cats from Urinating on Carpet Step 14
Prevent Cats from Urinating on Carpet Step 14

Step 2. Consider the cat's current or past medical conditions

The cat's clinical history may explain why she doesn't use the litter box. If you suspect the pet is sick, take him to a veterinarian right away. Treating a disease right away can correct the litter box problem and save the cat from pain and discomfort. UTIs and feline interstitial cystitis are common conditions that can cause the cat to urinate on the carpet.

  • Urinary tract infections can cause a cat to avoid the litter box, even after the infection has been treated. Your cat may still associate the litter box with pain and decide to avoid it.
  • Feline interstitial cystitis is another common cause of litter box problems. Cats with this condition may urinate on the carpet because they feel the need to urinate more often.
  • Kidney stones or obstructions in the cat's urinary tract can also make him avoid the litter box. Your cat may meow or howl when using the litter box, and the fear of pain may continue even after receiving treatment.
  • Remember that timely treatment of these diseases is essential to prevent your cat from developing a lasting aversion to the litter box.
Prevent Cats from Urinating on Carpet Step 15
Prevent Cats from Urinating on Carpet Step 15

Step 3. Find out if the cat is not using the litter box because it marks the ground

Cats can spray urine on furniture or other surfaces to mark their territory. The amount of urine will be much less than that produced when the animal makes its needs. If your cat exhibits this type of behavior, many of the tips in this article will still be helpful, but you will need to take additional steps to fix the problem.

  • Territory branding is a common behavior in uncastrated male cats, but non-neutered bitches can also do this, so it's important to neuter or spay your pet.
  • Territory branding is also common in homes with more than 10 cats, so limit the number of cats you own to avoid the problem.


  • If a kitten is urinating on the carpet, make sure he is not intimidated by larger cats or other animals. Also make sure the little cat knows how to get to the litter box and can get in and out of it without difficulty.
  • If you have more than one cat, and you don't know which urine on the carpet, ask your vet about fluorescein to identify who is responsible. Urine glows under black light. Fluorescein gives urine a strong color so you can figure out which cat is responsible.
  • Always wear gloves when handling and cleaning litter boxes. Wash your hands well with soap and warm water when you're done.
  • Install a cat flap if your cat often leaves the house. A door will help the cat get in and out when she wants to go to the toilet.


  • Never use ammonia or vinegar to clean the carpet. The smell is similar to urine, which may prompt the cat to pee on the same area again.
  • Don't use scented litter boxes if your cat urinates on the carpet. Many cats are bothered by intense smells and prefer an odorless agglomerate.
  • Do not suddenly change the area of the litter box and its contents. For example, if you change brand of agglomerate, mix it with the old one gradually. If you need to physically move the box, keep one in the usual area and place another in a second area until the cat gets used to it.
  • Do not let your cat smell urine, do not take it to put it in the litter box, and do not confine it to a small room. These measures will not solve the problem and may in fact make it worse by creating negative associations with the litter box.
