Have you ever been in love with a girl who was with another? And what was he constantly talking about him? If this happens to you, follow these steps, they will help you forget it. They will also work if she is engaged or married.
It can also work if you are living in a love triangle.

Step 1. Try to find someone else you like
It can take a while, and you won't be able to force yourself to fall in love with someone else. In this time of depression, you will feel very vulnerable to emotional stress. So go with the flow of your emotions, but avoid meeting them.

Step 2. Don't listen to love or slow songs
.. you would miss him just more.

Step 3. If you are friends, make it clear that friendship is all he wants
If she has a boyfriend, chances are she's in love with him!

Step 4. You must be sensitive to her, without exasperation
You would only dig a deeper hole in your soul.

Step 5. There are other women who will want to be with you
Look for them. The sea is full of fish.

Step 6. Go out and enjoy
Don't lock yourself in the house thinking about what she's doing with her boyfriend.

Step 7. Don't cry for a girl who doesn't want you

Step 8. Avoid thinking that you are not attractive or that you will never find a better person than her
There is always a better person than everyone.

Step 9. If you have a Facebook page, MySpace, etc., avoid them
Seeing her with her boyfriend will only hurt you.

Step 10. Don't include her on your list of the prettiest, or sexiest, girls unless she's pretty much your best friend
Otherwise she would become suspicious.

Step 11. Try not to look at it

Step 12. If you start thinking about her, immediately turn your mind to someone else

Step 13. Don't call her or text her often
You would just be intrusive.

Step 14. If you don't have a good reason, don't call or text her

Step 15. Don't look at her as if she is the most important person in your life

Step 16. Also say no to her from time to time

Step 17. If you are a student, forget it or your mental health and, consequently, your academic results will suffer
After all, your exams are more important.

Step 18. There are billions of women in the world. One will not make your life worse, you must have faith in yourself and realize that you have the strength to rise again

Step 19. Wasting time with her can only make your quality of life worse, don't put too much weight on her

Step 20. Listen to music, do gymnastics, go for a run, choose a sport, to vent your frustration:
wrestling, boxing, hockey … are great.

Step 21. Go out and have fun with your friends (male only)

Step 22. Don't argue with her boyfriend, you could end up hurting yourself

Step 23. Don't spend time remembering the old days

Step 24. Try not to make enemies because of him

Step 25. Don't write songs for her

Step 26. Find a new best friend

Step 27. Don't do things that remind you of it
.. take the ice cream you bought her, see her favorite show, and so on.

Step 28. Never regret loving her

Step 29. Don't think you are a failure in love
Maybe she just isn't lucky enough to have a boyfriend like you.

Step 30. Don't think about what could have been, it will only hurt you

Step 31. Tell yourself that she wasn't good enough for you

Step 32. If you work in the same place, try to stay away from them
If that's impossible, think about asking for a transfer.
- Stop reading this article, it's just reminding you of the person you want to forget.
- Work on your character and skills to achieve a personality that attracts the right women for you.
- It may sound silly, but think about things you don't find attractive about her at all, like her quirks. It will help you realize that you might not like it that much, and maybe even forget it.
- Do not lose hope.
- Never dump your frustrations on someone else, it won't solve anything and another person may suffer.
- Never tell her you like her if she has a boyfriend or girlfriend. He could tell them and it would cause problems for everyone.
- It may not be necessary to completely forget her if you are also her friend.
- Keep telling yourself that there are many important things to take care of, such as work, studies, and more.
- Don't try to be her best friend and best confidant to advise her if she has a problem with her boyfriend. A true friend feels empathy, does not try to use the pain of others for their own ends.
- Realize that there are less fortunate people in the world who lack food, water, clothing, shelter, freedom, etc. There are millions of people who are suffering from tremendous calamities or wars. Think about them when you find it hard to get out of your mind a person who already has a boyfriend.
- Do not threaten or attack your boyfriend. You could end up in jail.
- Suppose you have a girlfriend, would you like someone to act as a friend to try to pilot your emotions and feelings instead of respecting your choices and how you feel?
- If you got a busy girl pregnant, you'd be in big trouble, even with her boyfriend.
- Avoid being a knight, you could lead her to betray him.