Have you ever wondered if a girl was flirting with you or just trying to be friendly? Are you misinterpreting her smiles or does she actually really like you? Some girls go to great lengths to hide their true feelings towards someone, but there are clues that could reveal what they really feel. This article will walk you through some of the flirting strategies most used by girls between the ages of 10 and 18 (older women usually behave differently during the flirting phase). Just remember that they are not all the same and these are just some of the ways they might flirt. Consider these clues to evaluate to see if she likes you, but they don't necessarily give you a definitive answer.
Part 1 of 3: Signs that Confirm a Girl's Interest

Step 1. Try to understand how often he looks at you
Did you notice that he glances at you from afar? When you are with a group of people, does he look at you to examine your reactions? If when you catch her in the act she immediately looks away, but then looks at you again, she probably interests her.
Smiling, holding the gaze, and raising her eyebrows are all flirting moves she could use in these moments

Step 2. See if they tend to tease you and how often they do it
If she's nasty to you, she's probably not flirting, while if she's a little cheeky, smiles and laughs when she teases you about something you said or did, it's possible she's flirting with you.
If you want to flirt, make fun of her as well, but just make sure you control yourself - try not to hurt her

Step 3. Observe if he touches you and how often he does
Does she touch your arm when she makes a consideration or is she thrilled? Does he take you by the hand? Does he caress your back smiling at you?
Does he sneak up and tickle you where he knows you are vulnerable? It's a playful way to invite yourself to laugh, touch her, and flirt

Step 4. Determine if she is sending you casual and funny messages or just about practical topics
If she writes to tell you a funny fact that happened to her in class, to show you a nice picture or ask you a random question (like "If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be?"), That means that she thinks about you.. She is trying to establish a dialogue because she is interested.

Step 5. Find out if she is opening the conversations
If he takes the initiative, this is a not insignificant sign that certainly denotes interest. Girls usually wait for the guy to come forward, so that's very good.

Step 6. Observe when and how often he tries to contact you
Is he constantly trying to talk to you online? Does she text you in the morning and before bedtime? These are all clear signs: it is clear that he thinks of you.

Step 7. Pay attention to the way he uses emojis
Are your messages full of smiley emoticons, embarrassed or winking faces? If she sends you emojis that have hearts for eyes, she almost certainly likes you.
Try not to overdo the emojis. Use them wisely and don't abbreviate too many words, otherwise it will seem that you are expressing yourself in a childish way
Part 2 of 3: Potentially Positive Signals

Step 1. When you tell a story, see if it laughs
If she laughs often and smiles at you (even when your stories aren't particularly brilliant), that means she likes you, at least as a friend.
- If a girl likes you, you will be enveloped by an aura of perfection in her eyes. She'll be the first to laugh at your jokes, no matter how dull or mundane.
- This can be a discreet way to compliment you - he is keen to let you know that he finds you likeable and pleasant company.

Step 2. Pay attention to the nicknames
Nicknames help remember a joke or moment you shared (for example, maybe she calls you "arancino" because you once spilled orange juice on her) and solidify the relationship. It can also be another way to make fun of yourself.
If everyone calls you a "bear" and she does too, that's probably not very significant. If, on the other hand, she invents a nickname and only she uses it, she is flirting

Step 3. Don't worry if he ends a conversation first or doesn't immediately reply to your messages
It could be a flirting tactic with the aim of making yourself wanted. She fears that she will seem desperate by always answering you right away. If she texts you that she has a commitment, she may be trying to show you that other people are looking for her too and want to spend time with her.

Step 4. If he plays online, see if he posts any updates about it
He can use video games as an excuse to get even closer to you and solidify the relationship. The following behaviors are indicative to understand if he is interested in you:
- Does he boast of beating you at an online game and having a higher score than yours? She's probably teasing you and trying to get you to compete with her to tease you.
- Does he tell you he lost an online game? Maybe she wants you to feel sorry for her and ask her (jokingly) how she is.
- Does he invite you to join an online game? He is probably looking for neutral territory to spend more time together.

Step 5. Try to remember if he ever made up any weird excuses to talk to you
If you recognize any of the following, you may have a laugh because you will understand that it was a real tactic to talk to you, but in fact you should feel flattered. If he's feeling bold, he'll try to approach him with any excuse. Here are some classics that are often used by girls (but also by boys):
- "Hey, I forgot the diary at school. Can you tell me what assignments they marked us for tomorrow?". Maybe that's the truth, but remember that she's decided to turn to you.
- "Can you help me solve this problem? I have no idea how to do it." If she is good at school, this is a particularly telling sign. Why on earth would he need your help?
- "Can you help me carry the backpack? It's very heavy!". Girls plan almost everything. Why would she take all these things to school even though she knows they are in her way?

Step 6. Observe if he plays with objects
When you're together, does she start arranging her clothes, twisting rings, touching her lips or curling her hair? If she does these actions while looking into your eyes (she can maintain eye contact for a long time or look down after a while), this means she is nervous, in a good way.
When a girl flirts, she tends to touch her lips or moisten them, or play with her necklace or shirt collar to arouse you in an allusive way

Step 7. Observe the way he positions his feet
When sitting next to you or standing chatting, don't overlook this cue. If her feet are pointed directly at you, this means that you have her full attention and she is interested. Either way, if they're pointing in another direction, don't worry too much.
- If she starts leaning towards you as you speak, that means she cares. This is a particularly positive sign in a group setting: she is trying to isolate yourself from others in order to be alone with you.
- Tilting your head to the side is another sign of involvement and interest.
- If she points her feet towards you, that means she's ready to flirt, but if she points them elsewhere, that doesn't necessarily mean she doesn't like you. It is not a surefire sign.

Step 8. Pay attention to his speech
If her voice starts to get higher or lower in your presence, that means she likes you. People involuntarily change their tone when they are next to someone they feel attracted to.
Part 3 of 3: Alarm Bells

Step 1. See if he seems to be constantly looking for a way out
When you talk, does he tend to move away from you or does he always look around? It is likely that he is looking for an escape route.

Step 2. See if he is always trying to put a barrier between you
When she has a backpack or bag, sit next to her or come closer and see what she does. If she grabs her bag tightly, uses it to cover herself, and puts it between you when you're next to her, this means she's not interested in flirting with you.

Step 3. Observe how she reacts when you tell her a story or make a joke
If he doesn't respond and rarely laughs at your jokes, that's not a good sign. Bad days happen to everyone, but if when you talk she always rolls her eyes, seems indifferent to what you say or is explicitly rude, then this girl is not for you.
What kind of tone does he use when he talks to you? Does she always seem to be in a hurry or is she annoyed?

Step 4. Find out if he treats you in a special way or not
Is he a friendly person by nature? Usually, if a girl treats a guy differently than others, she's flirting. As a result, a generally social girl may become shy around the guy she likes. Another might pay him more attention. But if he treats you the same way he treats all his other friends, it is unlikely that he is flirting with you.

Step 5. If he starts talking to you about his crush, take a step back
Does she tell you a simple anecdote about any guy or someone who is courting her? You don't necessarily have to give up. It's possible he's trying to make you jealous. If, on the other hand, he asks you for advice on how to impress a guy or tells you that he has kissed someone, it is difficult for him to have a sentimental interest in you.