How to be sensitive to the feelings of others

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How to be sensitive to the feelings of others
How to be sensitive to the feelings of others

There will always be people in your life who will irritate you, anger you, and confuse you with the way they talk and behave. Sometimes you may want to respond in kind and tell them how unpleasant they are, or ignore them because you don't like them, but remember: you need to consider these people's feelings and why they behave a certain way or say certain things. Before judging, you need to understand a person's feelings and thoughts.


Be Sensitive to Other People's Feelings Step 1
Be Sensitive to Other People's Feelings Step 1

Step 1. Before judging a person, try to put yourself in their shoes

This is very important. Maybe this person is always on the sidelines and doesn't like talking to people. Or she is cold to you when you talk to her or respond in a rude way. Before you judge or label her, think about how she might feel - "Maybe she's always on the sidelines because she doesn't feel comfortable around other people. Maybe she isn't used to talking to people and is therefore unsociable. Maybe not. she was fine that day when I was talking to her and that is why she was in a bad mood. " Before you label a person, imagine why he behaves a certain way or why he says certain things.

Be Sensitive to Other People's Feelings Step 2
Be Sensitive to Other People's Feelings Step 2

Step 2. Think about how you would feel if they treated you the way you treat this person

It is essential to reflect on this point before saying anything to someone. How would you feel if a stranger was mean to you just because you are different from how they imagined or wanted you to be? It would hurt you, right? Don't make people suffer in this way if you don't want to have these feelings on your skin first.

Be Sensitive to Other People's Feelings Step 3
Be Sensitive to Other People's Feelings Step 3

Step 3. Don't let a meeting ruin your perception of a person

Just because someone was in a bad mood when you talked to them doesn't mean they are always angry or depressed. Maybe he was having a bad day when you talked to him, or he was unwell. Try talking to this person more often and see how they behave; don't let him / her once ruin your opinion of him / her. You have to date a person often to truly understand what they are like.

Be Sensitive to Other People's Feelings Step 4
Be Sensitive to Other People's Feelings Step 4

Step 4. When talking to a person, don't be swayed by your own insecurities or ideals

It is very easy to meet people with different ideals, who like or dislike things that are different from yours. If the person you're talking to doesn't share your ideas or passions, don't be swayed. If you have a different opinion about God (or don't believe in God) don't change how you behave. Remember, being sensitive to the feelings of others means accepting everything a person loves or hates, and what he believes in. Respect their opinions and their way of thinking.
