Having an eyelash in the eye can be an uncomfortable and sometimes painful experience. During a windy day, while you take off your make-up or when you cry, it is possible that an eyelash will accidentally get into your eyes. Follow the steps in the guide to be able to remove it effectively.

Step 1. Try flooding the eye with water to remove the eyelash
Bring your two curved hands together to create a small container, fill it with water and pour it over your face. The lash should slide out of the eye.

Step 2. Move the lash towards the inner corner of the eye, then drag it outwards with your fingers

Step 3. Open your eyes by expanding them as far as you can, then use your finger to pull out the unwanted lash

Step 4. Try going to sleep
Sometimes the eyelash will be removed naturally during sleep, or it will move to a less uncomfortable area of the eye.

Step 5. If any of the above methods fail, see a doctor

Step 6. Remember, the secret to successfully removing an eyelash from the eye is to drag it with a perfectly clean finger
- Do not worry, if done gently, the movement of the finger on the eye will not be painful at all.
- Try yawning or blinking to cause tears, the liquid could drain the lashes out of the eye.
- Ask someone to blow your eye a couple of times.
- Close your eye and roll your eyeball.