We all know the move. You catch his eye, he nods or winks. He showed you he's interested, so what's the next move? Using body language to effectively communicate your desire for a guy is something that can be learned and appreciated.

Step 1. Communicate with your eyes
Your eyes have great power when it comes to body language. They can indicate interest, and tell you if he's interested too. Gaze contact makes your heart beat faster and helps release hormones associated with love or passion.
- Focus on a guy you're interested in if you haven't already introduced yourself and aren't already talking. Show him you're studying him - hooking eyes is a sure sign of interest.
- Scan his face. This is a telltale sign of interest.
- Throwing glances and second glances can help show you're interested in him.
- Avoid staring; could escape. Look at it from time to time and always smile.

Step 2. Raise your eyebrows just a little bit when she smiles, nods or winks, etc
Do what it takes to let him see the change in your expression, without making it appear forced or exaggerated. Looking fun is important, don't be disgusted. But remember not to overreact (he'll think you're too interested).

Step 3. Look down and blink a little
But not too much! This makes you look innocent but still interested. As you do this, look down or over your shoulder.

Step 4. Push the tongue to the skin under the lower teeth
Open your mouth a little, but not too much that it opens completely (or you'll look like a fish looking for air). This makes you look flattered and also gives the impression that you know how to kiss, which guys want.

Step 5. When your eyes meet hers, move one shoulder slightly forward and then let it drop
Move only one shoulder and not the whole arm. As you bring your shoulder forward, move your head slightly in that direction as well. When the shoulder drops, the head comes back up.
Try to look over your shoulder; this position accentuates your curves and invites you to give yourself more attention

Step 6. Once you have looked at it quickly, look away and continue doing what you were doing
This will make you want more and he'll wonder why you were flirting but then let it go.

Step 7. Come closer
When he starts showing interest, make him eager to get closer. Move close to him and touch his hand or the base of his arm or lightly squeeze his arm, hand, or shoulder as you speak. Not too strong, just a few small touches before withdrawing your hand.
- Lean forward and whisper. Speaking softly will make him dizzy. If he is interested he will move closer to you, but be careful if he moves further away when you lean towards him: it means lack of interest.
- If he jumps or stiffens when you touch him, it means that he is probably nervous when you are with him, and that perhaps you are going too fast! Try to be more relaxed when you are with him.

Step 8. Play with your hair
Slowly run your fingers through your hair, stopping at the nape of your neck. When your fingers reach your neck, swipe them back and forth across your collarbone, or play with your pendant by moving it back and forth. Caressing your body like this will make an interested guy look at you closely.
Notice if his lips are parted or if he touches his lips with his fingers; you're right in his zone of interest when this happens

Step 9. The last thing you should remember is to always be yourself, and know that everyone has already been seduced
- Make yourself attractive. Being silly in front of him when you are actually a smart person will confuse him. He will begin to wonder if they are a bunch of lies or if it is the truth. It's okay to do this in the beginning ONLY to get him to notice you and to make him talk to you (in a nice way), but when you start a conversation be yourself and be natural!
- Where to look. When you are having a conversation, stare at his lips and MAKE SURE you hear what he is saying. A little distraction and the guy will think you're just taking advantage of him. Clearly girls feel the same way.
- Signs that he is interested include: tilting his head, leaning towards you, exposing his wrists, touching you, letting his eyes scan you, and then looking to the right, stroking his chin (indicates interest in what you are saying), put her body in front of yours and smile sincerely.
- Each movement should only take a few seconds. You're doing a show all for him, so don't let him get bored. If you take too long, he'll lose interest and look the other way. You're supposed to be flirting here, don't lose sight of the goal!
- Signs that he is not interested include: crossing his arms, frowning, moving away from you, rubbing his neck (he may be lying or hiding what he really thinks), feet and legs pointing towards the exit, moving his head to sprint, rock back and forth, avoid your gaze, continually shake or stomp your feet, step back and don't mirror yourself.
- The first time isn't always the best. If he ignores you when you see him, just try to smile at him. And then, every now and then, give him a flirty look (not too long, he might think you're a little annoying).
- Be careful who you flirt with; not all boys are good. Stay in public and hang out with your friends when you meet a stranger and have romantic intentions.
- Gaze contact isn't just about capturing her interest. Take this opportunity to understand what his eyes are like. If they're freezing cold and steady, it's not for you. And, if he stares at you inappropriately or in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, walk away; a stranger who doesn't know when to stop staring in the way that makes you feel uncomfortable isn't a person to hang out with.
- Make sure he stays interested. If he seems un-focused, it means that you are boring him. Make sure you don't overdo it, as too much sugar is bad for you too!
- If it looks like the guy has ABSOLUTELY no interest in you, don't follow these steps; you would probably end up making a fool of yourself. You don't want him to haunt you when you see him or his friends!