How to Get a Girl to Call You Back: 6 Steps

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How to Get a Girl to Call You Back: 6 Steps
How to Get a Girl to Call You Back: 6 Steps

If you have any problem with that special girl you like so much … You call her and she never answers you. What's the problem?! How can you get her to call you back and how can you create a romantic relationship without it all depending on you? Keep reading.


Get a Girl to Call You Back Step 1
Get a Girl to Call You Back Step 1

Step 1. If she doesn't respond, leave her a message

Say "Hey (his name), I'm (your name). Call me back." That's all. Don't leave a message that is too long, because the more you talk, the more likely you are to say something stupid.

Get a Girl to Call You Back Step 2
Get a Girl to Call You Back Step 2

Step 2. Be patient

If she answers and tells you she's busy, she'll probably say something like "Oh, I'm busy, can I call you back?" Let her know that you don't desperately need to talk to her. When he asks you to call you back, just say "No, don't worry, I'll call you back when I remember." You will be amazed. This is a little trick called reverse psychology. Say something to someone, with the intent of getting a different reaction.

Get a Girl to Call You Back Step 3
Get a Girl to Call You Back Step 3

Step 3. Be persistent

Keep calling. Always call at convenient times, never during dinner or your favorite show.

Get a Girl to Call You Back Step 4
Get a Girl to Call You Back Step 4

Step 4. Hire a poster designer

Get a big sign that says "Call me, Julie!" and hang it near his house. Or book an aerial sign. Obviously, these steps apply to those who have a lot of money, and the desire to turn it into something fun, rather than give it a try. For the rest of you, this is just a joke.

Get a Girl to Call You Back Step 5
Get a Girl to Call You Back Step 5

Step 5. Make fun of her

Ask her why she never calls you back, and why you always do it. Don't say it in a whiny voice, but say it ironically, and leave the question open.

Get a Girl to Call You Back Step 6
Get a Girl to Call You Back Step 6

Step 6. When he finally calls you back, don't look desperate

Wait 5 or 7 rings before answering. Don't make fun of her, and don't let the answering machine answer, just answer and say, "Sorry, I just got back from a party." Girls don't like men who make fun of them. The latter like to think so, but they will get nothing. However, the longer you wait to answer (without answering machine taking over), the more she'll think you won't answer, and when you do, she'll feel relieved and happy to talk to you. (She might also get nervous, so make sure you make her feel comfortable!)


  • Be yourself.
  • Remember, you like that girl, and you want to avoid annoying her as much as possible. Think about how you would react if someone insisted on calling you? It doesn't matter who he is.
  • Don't call her all the time. If you call her someday, don't call her every 5 minutes. But if you're dating her, call her. Girls love to feel indispensable, but they freak out if you get obsessive.
  • If she never calls you back, she's just trying to say "I don't like you" nicely. HOWEVER, she might just be very shy!


  • Never look desperate. TOO MANY voicemail messages might make you look desperate - however it depends on the girl. Some find it flattering.
  • Don't persecute her, you risk being arrested.
