How to make a guy pay for it who hurt you

How to make a guy pay for it who hurt you
How to make a guy pay for it who hurt you

Table of contents:


If a guy has hurt you, you probably can't wait to get even. Revenge has a biological foundation, in fact people have a tendency to feel pleasure when they fantasize about how to get it. If you have a hard time managing your feelings, you can try making the guy who hurt you pay for it. However, always try to keep emotions in check. An aggressive or vengeful attitude will only serve to exacerbate the conflict. The best way to take back those who hurt you is to work on yourself. Try to get fit and move on. If your ex sees that you don't need him to be happy, your revenge will be accomplished.


Part 1 of 3: Taking revenge in an unworthy way

Air Kiss Step 8
Air Kiss Step 8

Step 1. Post an unflattering photo of your ex on social media

Don't choose incriminating or very embarrassing images. However, a bad photo can be a great way to make your ex turn up their nose.

  • It's about his old photos. Does he look fatter in some images? Do you have any where he makes a funny face? Find some photographs that looked terrible.
  • Post the pictures on social media where your ex can see them. For example, if you're still friends on Facebook, you can tag him in your photos to get a notification.
Buy Sex Oriented Items at a Store Without Being Embarrassed Step 14
Buy Sex Oriented Items at a Store Without Being Embarrassed Step 14

Step 2. Sign your ex into an email advertising service

If you have his email address, sign him up for a spam service. Do not choose services that will try to obtain your personal information. Do not risk carrying out illegal acts. However, you may be able to find spam sites that are just plain annoying. For example, you could sign him up for a daily horoscope.

You can also distribute his email to stores he is not interested in. If your favorite makeup shop asks for your email, enter your ex's email. Unnecessary promotions for him will arrive in his inbox

Act Sexy Step 5
Act Sexy Step 5

Step 3. Flirt with some of his friends

If you still meet your ex at social events, try flirting with his friends a bit. This can make him feel jealous or insecure. Have a conversation with a friend of hers and be provocative. For example, gently stroke his arm while you smile and look him in the eye.

Be careful not to deceive his friends. Flirting with them can be fun, but don't make a person you don't care think there's a possibility of a relationship

Be the Only Single One in the Group Step 6
Be the Only Single One in the Group Step 6

Step 4. Try playing phone pranks

This is a fun and relatively harmless strategy for annoying your ex. Ask a friend to call him and pretend to be an employee of the company that issued his credit card by asking him questions about one of the latest payments. You could also have him impersonate an employee of the electricity or gas distribution company and notify him of the imminent suspension of the service.

Try not to laugh while your friend is on the phone. If your ex hears you grinning in the background, they may know that you are the joke

Attract an Older Boy Step 16
Attract an Older Boy Step 16

Step 5. Embarrass him in front of his new flame

If you see your ex is on a date, do something to make him difficult. For example, you can walk up to him and remind him out loud that he needs to take back something embarrassing he left behind at your house. You can also introduce yourself politely and tell a story that puts him in a bad light.

Don't be mean to the new girl. Remember, it was your ex who hurt you and not her. Don't take your anger out on someone who doesn't deserve it

Attract an Older Boy Step 6
Attract an Older Boy Step 6

Step 6. Ignore it

This is a very simple way to get your ex to pay. If he tries to reach out to you or be your friend, you should just ignore him. Don't reply to messages, emails and phone calls. You will let him know that you are angry and that you have not forgiven him.

Consider blocking it on social media. Many people feel hurt if they find they are being ignored on social media

Ask a Girl for a Kiss Step 1
Ask a Girl for a Kiss Step 1

Step 7. Make sure your ex understands why you are angry

Revenge may not make you feel better if your ex doesn't know why you're hurt. The purpose of your efforts is to make him understand that he has hurt you. Try to be as clear as possible so that you benefit from your retaliation.

  • There are many ways to make a guy understand why you are taking revenge. You can tell him explicitly, for example: "I don't reply to your messages because of the way you treated me."
  • If you don't speak, you can post something on a social media that he uses.

Part 2 of 3: Live Well

Avoid Letting Pessimistic People Get You Down Step 7
Avoid Letting Pessimistic People Get You Down Step 7

Step 1. Consider whether retaliation is indeed the right move

Do you really have to take revenge? Before doing anything, think carefully about your motives. What do you have to gain?

  • Revenge can increase your anger instead of letting it go down. If you hurt your ex, you may feel guilty, sad, or empty afterward.
  • Wait some time and think about your actions before letting off steam. Make sure you know all the details of your situation, so that you can be sure that revenge is due. Think carefully: Would you be happier getting back with your ex?
  • Remember that your need for revenge is natural. However, consider that waiting can give you a more pleasant feeling than the act itself. Perhaps you'd better fantasize about your revenge than put it into practice.
Act Sexy Step 22
Act Sexy Step 22

Step 2. Start exercising

Reaching your full potential after separation is the best revenge. Make it clear to your ex that you have only taken steps forward since he broke up with you. Follow a training schedule so you feel better and become more beautiful.

  • Choose a form of training that you like so that you can keep doing it for a long time. For example, if you love to ride a bike, start riding long rides a couple of times a week.
  • Be careful when embarking on a new exercise program. Talk to a doctor before starting physical activity and always approach it gradually. Avoid getting too tired.
Attract an Older Boy Step 20
Attract an Older Boy Step 20

Step 3. Take care of yourself

If you are heartbroken, this advice is very important. You should accept your feelings and take countermeasures to deal with your pain.

  • Feel free to live and manage your emotions. If you need to feel pain, do it without shame. If you feel like crying, do it for a long time and without brakes.
  • Do what makes you happy. Go to the movies with friends. Visit your family.
  • In some cases, being happy can already be revenge. Imagine if your ex saw social media posts where you are happy and live well without him. They would hurt him more than any direct revenge on your part.
Avoid Letting Pessimistic People Get You Down Step 6
Avoid Letting Pessimistic People Get You Down Step 6

Step 4. Focus on the present

Live in the present and not the past. Remember that you cannot change what has been. You can only work to get the most out of the present.

  • It is natural to focus on pain from time to time. When you find yourself doing it, find a way back to the present. Think, "That happened in the past, today is another day. I want to move forward."
  • Think about all the positive things in your life. Focus on hobbies, your career and your social life. Don't get distracted by negative thoughts.
Air Kiss Step 7
Air Kiss Step 7

Step 5. Consider forgiveness

After some time of licking your wounds, you may be thinking about forgiving your ex. Forgiving the person who hurt you can help you get through the difficult time.

  • You don't have to agree with what your ex did to be able to forgive him. You can simply recognize that negative actions do not make a person evil. She thinks, "My ex made a mistake, like everyone else. I'm ready to move on."
  • Remember, forgiveness is not a sign of weakness. In fact, it takes a lot of inner strength to forgive someone who has hurt you.

Part 3 of 3: Comparison

Attract an Older Boy Step 15
Attract an Older Boy Step 15

Step 1. Write down your thoughts

In some cases, letting someone know why and how they made you feel bad can make you feel like you made them pay for it. If possible, let your ex know that you want to talk to him. A productive confrontation can make you feel better. Before the conversation, write down what you think.

  • Write how you feel and why. Try to find the best way to explain what hurt you.
  • Focus on what you want to get out of the conversation. Do you want an apology? Do you want your ex to understand that he hurt you and feel guilty?
Comfort a Crying Woman Step 15
Comfort a Crying Woman Step 15

Step 2. Don't get an idea of how the conversation will go

Having expectations can influence your behavior. You are hurt and angry, so it can be especially difficult to control your emotions. If you join the conversation expecting your ex to react in a certain way, you may feel anger or frustration if things don't go the way you thought.

  • Let the conversation take its natural course. Try not to be surprised or frustrated if the speech takes a different turn than you imagined.
  • Face the conversation knowing you can't control it. This way, you will be more prepared for unexpected events.
Be Tolerant of Others Step 9
Be Tolerant of Others Step 9

Step 3. Use first person affirmations

These are less accusatory than those addressed directly to your ex. They emphasize your feelings and not your judgment of the situation. A first-person statement consists of three parts. It begins with "I have a feeling that …" and with a description of your feelings. Continue by specifying the action that led to those emotions. Finally, you will need to describe why you felt that way.

  • For example, you might be tempted to say, "It was really mean that you lied to me and told me you needed time to be alone. You started dating someone right away. You could just tell me you didn't love me anymore.".
  • Reword the previous sentence in the first person. For example: "I felt really hurt when you told me you no longer wanted to continue the relationship with me and found yourself a new girlfriend in less than a week, because I hoped you were honest with me."
Be Tolerant of Others Step 4
Be Tolerant of Others Step 4

Step 4. Ask for an apology

Apologies can really help you feel better. You will feel less need to take revenge and it will be easier to forgive those who have hurt you. End the conversation by politely asking for an apology.

  • You can finish by saying, "I know you may think you haven't done anything wrong, but I need your apology."
  • You will feel much better after talking about your feelings and getting an apology. Once satisfied, it will be easier to move forward.
