Sometimes a relationship becomes harmful or maybe one or both parties have stopped keeping the relationship alive. In other situations, the story ends simply because you are bored being together. Whatever the reason for the breakup, it can be difficult and uncomfortable to end a relationship. Here, then, is some way to let your boyfriend or girlfriend leave you.

Step 1. Stop answering their calls or messages
This way you will show that the distance on both sides is growing.

Step 2. Accuse the other person of cheating on you
Jealousy is a frequent reason for breaking up relationships. Once trust is lost, the whole relationship falls apart.

Step 3. Flirt with other people
He will likely realize that you are no longer interested in keeping your relationship alive.

Step 4. Talk to people you find interesting
This could be your ex or a close friend. Either way, he won't like the fact that you pay special attention to another.

Step 5. Point out to the other person that they are jealous and clingy

Step 6. Be sarcastic, cold and distant
Communication is important in a relationship, so by hindering it, you will keep your distance growing.

Step 7. Don't listen when he speaks

Step 8. Stop making plans to see yourself
Instead, spend more time with other friends.

Step 9. Complain about his habits and quirks

Step 10. Avoid showing affection in public

Step 11. 'Forget' to keep your promises

Step 12. Make comparisons with your ex

Step 13. Be unfaithful
Betrayal typically leads to breakup in most relationships.

Step 14. Put your phone offline or stop texting suddenly
Forget to say hello to your partner when you leave.

Step 15. Go for it when you need to get organized with him / her
Show that you have no long-term plans for your history.
Please note that some of the tips in this article may be more damaging and counterproductive to both of you than a real breakup
- If you go overboard with this advice, the other person may come to hate you.
- Don't expect a friendship to remain between you after the relationship is over. These steps could lead the other person to resent you.