How to Make Someone Understand You Like You: 15 Steps

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How to Make Someone Understand You Like You: 15 Steps
How to Make Someone Understand You Like You: 15 Steps

Is there a person you like in a particular way? Maybe you think she has feelings for you too, but you're not 100 percent sure. You can let her know you like her without telling her directly. Follow the instructions on this WikiHow and sooner than you think your crush will be able to read your mind.


Hint In on Someone That You Like Them Step 1
Hint In on Someone That You Like Them Step 1

Step 1. Talk to her

Try to build some kind of relationship with this person, even if it's just about being friends, or best friends. Becoming friends with a girl is a good way to get to know her without you having to feel uncomfortable.

Hint In on Someone That You Like Them Step 2
Hint In on Someone That You Like Them Step 2

Step 2. Touch it, but not inappropriately

Touch her when you walk past her in the corridors, or maybe try to "accidentally" put your hand on hers, etc.

Hint In on Someone That You Like Them Step 3
Hint In on Someone That You Like Them Step 3

Step 3. Laugh as much as you can at all his jokes

Do it, even if they are trivial; everyone is pleased when others laugh at their jokes. Try, however, not to exaggerate. Your laughter doesn't have to be fake, or it would become annoying, more than anything else. A discreet chuckle will do just fine.

Hint In on Someone That You Like Them Step 4
Hint In on Someone That You Like Them Step 4

Step 4. Help her

If you ever need help with your homework, school or other, offer to help her. You don't have to just walk around it doing nothing. Helping someone creates a form of psychological bond that is often mistaken for love. Since you will be aware of what you are doing while she is not, you would be right in thinking that you would be acting a bit like a manipulator, however the trick works. If you still prefer not to use subterfuge, you can always help her indirectly by giving her the information she needs in a casual way, like: "Hey, did you know … etc." Not only will you be helpful to your crush without being out of place, but she will form a good opinion of you by recognizing your knowledge.

Hint In on Someone That You Like Them Step 5
Hint In on Someone That You Like Them Step 5

Step 5. Take an interest in her

Ask her if she likes a particular sport. If so, which sport? Do you have any hobbies? What music do you like to listen to?

Hint In on Someone That You Like Them Step 6
Hint In on Someone That You Like Them Step 6

Step 6. Try to attend her outside of school

If she plays any sports, ask her if you can go see her next game. Throw a party and invite both your friends and hers. Anything that can ease the burden of meeting her outside of school, do it.

Hint In on Someone That You Like Them Step 7
Hint In on Someone That You Like Them Step 7

Step 7. Ask her for her phone number or e-mail address

After you have done so, wait some time before sending her an e-mail or calling her. When you call her or send her an e-mail, try to find a good excuse and be brief.

Hint In on Someone That You Like Them Step 8
Hint In on Someone That You Like Them Step 8

Step 8. Tune in to its frequency

In other words, pay attention to what he says. People love when others give them the attention they deserve.

Hint In on Someone That You Like Them Step 9
Hint In on Someone That You Like Them Step 9

Step 9. Compliment her

If you notice she has a new haircut, tell her it looks great on her. If you notice that she has a new shirt, tell her she is wearing it from God. Everyone likes to receive compliments.

Hint In on Someone That You Like Them Step 10
Hint In on Someone That You Like Them Step 10

Step 10. Invite her to your home to study together

But do not exaggerate. Don't try to provoke it, and don't play romantic music. For best results, ask her if she wants to stay for dinner.

Hint In on Someone That You Like Them Step 11
Hint In on Someone That You Like Them Step 11

Step 11. Take it aside and ask:

"I've heard people say you like me. Is that true? Tell me the truth; I promise you I won't be angry." You can get some good results with this method, but it could also prove disastrous.

Hint In on Someone That You Like Them Step 12
Hint In on Someone That You Like Them Step 12

Step 12. Consider passing her a note in class in which you confess your feelings

Hint In on Someone That You Like Them Step 13
Hint In on Someone That You Like Them Step 13

Step 13. If you don't know her well and are shy, try asking a friend of hers to tell her how you feel

You will feel less embarrassed and finally she will know how you feel about her.

Hint In on Someone That You Like Them Step 14
Hint In on Someone That You Like Them Step 14

Step 14. Become part of his world, perhaps with help from your friends

You will get to know her better and she will get to know you better.

Hint In on Someone That You Like Them Step 15
Hint In on Someone That You Like Them Step 15

Step 15. Ask a friend to eavesdrop as soon as you walk away to see if she makes any comments about you when she thinks you are not hearing her


  • When you have a crush, only confide in your most trusted friends. Others might go around saying it.
  • Be his friend, before anything else.
  • Be yourself. Why on earth should you date someone who doesn't like you for who you are?
  • Get to know her well before dating. You have to know who he really is.
  • If you get caught, you can even admit it. After all, she might like you too.
  • If you ask her out and she refuses, stay calm and ask her if you can still be friends.
  • Dress your best and look after your appearance. The aesthetic aspect is not everything, but it is always helpful as a complement to a beautiful personality.
  • Don't run after your friends' exes.


  • Don't obsess her! People find this behavior disturbing.
  • Don't harass her! TO nobody like stalkers. Don't become one of them.
  • Be prepared for rejection. If she says no, don't whine in front of her. He might agree to go out with you out of pity, and that would be even worse. As mentioned, say that it's okay and tell her that you would still like to be friends with her.
  • If you ask an ex of one of your friends out, you could ruin your friendship forever.
