How to make the person you like fall in love with you

Table of contents:

How to make the person you like fall in love with you
How to make the person you like fall in love with you

Having a crush on someone is normal. Getting to know this person and making him like you takes effort. Some might dispute the fact that you can't force a person to love you, but it works instead!


Make Your Crush Love You Step 1
Make Your Crush Love You Step 1

Step 1. Sit next to us in class, or if not your classmate, sit next to us during the lunch break

If it is possible for you to sit next to the person you like in class, do so. The best position is either next to or in front, sitting in the back is not good as it may ignore you, while this becomes quite difficult if you are in front or next.

Make Your Crush Love You Step 2
Make Your Crush Love You Step 2

Step 2. Talk to us

Be simple enough. Try to understand his interests and if you have any in common, tell him about the family, etc.

Make Your Crush Love You Step 3
Make Your Crush Love You Step 3

Step 3. Befriend his friends

Get to know his friends and hang out with them. This way you can also go out with the person you like.

Make Your Crush Love You Step 4
Make Your Crush Love You Step 4

Step 4. Don't act selflessly

Make sure you focus on this person without being clingy. He'll know he's interested in you when he sees you giving attention to another guy or girl.

Make Your Crush Love You Step 5
Make Your Crush Love You Step 5

Step 5. Dating Alone

Spend time with this person without the presence of his friends to get to know him; often people behave differently without the presence of their friends.

Make Your Crush Love You Step 6
Make Your Crush Love You Step 6

Step 6. Ask for an appointment

Wait until he likes you a little and go for it. At worst you walk away, you will not have lost or even gained anything, then repeat the steps to get closer.
