3 ways to ask a guy out (if you're a girl)

Table of contents:

3 ways to ask a guy out (if you're a girl)
3 ways to ask a guy out (if you're a girl)

You've been flirting for weeks and you're pretty sure he's attracted to you, but he hasn't asked you out yet. Maybe you think you have to wait for him to do it, but you can also take the initiative and be the one to invite him out.


Part 1 of 3: Asking a Guy out

Ask a Guy out (if You're a Girl) Step 1
Ask a Guy out (if You're a Girl) Step 1

Step 1. Be confident

When you feel ready to ask him out, have faith in yourself. Even if you feel scared, don't let fear stop you from fulfilling your wishes. If you don't trust yourself, you may end up giving in to insecurity. Remember that you are wonderful and deserve beautiful things, so tell yourself that you will make it.

Don't worry he doesn't like you inviting him out. Most guys nowadays like girls to take the lead, and if not, chances are they're not the right person for you

Ask a Guy out (if You're a Girl) Step 2
Ask a Guy out (if You're a Girl) Step 2

Step 2. Dress well, but informally

Make sure you look good when you ask him to go out with you, but don't wear clothes you wouldn't normally wear. Choose an outfit in line with your usual way of dressing and put on your makeup as you usually do. The same goes for your hair: make sure it's beautiful, but without upsetting your usual hairstyle. Don't try to modify your look to impress him. Yes, just yourself, wonderful as you are.

For example, don't wear a mini skirt, false eyelashes, and tons of makeup if that's not what you normally do. Otherwise yours may seem like too bold or a desperate attempt

Ask a Guy out (if You're a Girl) Step 3
Ask a Guy out (if You're a Girl) Step 3

Step 3. Keep a low profile

When you ask him out on a date, try to be casual and give the right amount to the stakes. Remember this is a first date and you have yet to get to know each other. Try not to over-emphasize the occasion so as not to appear too involved or desperate. This way you will both feel more comfortable.

Try asking them for a drink or something to eat together in a completely informal way. You might say, "Would you like to go for a coffee?" or "Would you like to have lunch with me?"

Ask a Guy out (if You're a Girl) Step 4
Ask a Guy out (if You're a Girl) Step 4

Step 4. Be specific when inviting him out

When you ask the guy you like to go out with you, you should have a specific time in mind. Saying something like "Sometimes we should go out together" or "We should do something together" is not challenging and could result in nothing. Suggest that they do something together at a specific time so that it is clear that it is a date.

For example, you can say, "Let's go have a smoothie after the gym" or "Let's go to karaoke night on Saturday."

Ask a Guy out (if You're a Girl) Step 5
Ask a Guy out (if You're a Girl) Step 5

Step 5. Don't ask him to hang out with you in front of other people

Taking the initiative in the presence of others, especially his friends, could result in rejection, even if he likes you. Wait for a moment when you are alone to ask him out with you.

If he is surrounded by friends, wait until you are away from the group. Start talking to him naturally so as not to ask him the fateful question out of the blue

Ask a Guy out (if You're a Girl) Step 6
Ask a Guy out (if You're a Girl) Step 6

Step 6. Ask him out only if you think you can handle rejection

Asking the person you like out with you automatically puts you in a vulnerable position. You have to be able to put up with a "no" because there is always a risk of being rejected when making an invitation. If you think you can handle a possible rejection, then step forward!

Some people can't handle romantic rejection. If you think "no" could cause you a lot of pain, maybe it's best to wait for him to invite you out

Part 2 of 3: Finding an Alternative Way to Ask a Guy Out

Ask a Guy out (if You're a Girl) Step 7
Ask a Guy out (if You're a Girl) Step 7

Step 1. Offer an informal date

If you don't want it to be obvious that you're asking him out on a romantic date, you can just ask him to do something together. Find out what his interests are or ask him if he's been doing something fun recently, then suggest doing something like that over the next weekend.

For example, if he loves to play football, you might say "We should go to the game this weekend" or "I've never been to the stadium, let's go on Sunday."

Ask a Guy out (if You're a Girl) Step 8
Ask a Guy out (if You're a Girl) Step 8

Step 2. Invite him out with your friends

If you're too nervous about asking him out on a date alone, try inviting him to join your group of friends. Gather some friends and organize something fun and undemanding that will allow you to connect and talk.

For example, you can suggest that they join your group of friends to go to the movies, have a pizza or have a drink. You can say, "Tomorrow night we're going out for dinner. You should come with us."

Ask a Guy out (if You're a Girl) Step 9
Ask a Guy out (if You're a Girl) Step 9

Step 3. Offer him a drink

If you are out with friends and you notice a nice guy, ask the bartender to bring him a beer (or a Coke if you are not old enough to drink alcohol). This will let him know that you like him and then it's up to him to make the next move.

If he's not interested, you can say you've tried and you won't have wasted your time. This is an undemanding approach that you should be able to do without too much difficulty even if you are a very shy girl

Part 3 of 3: Get to Know the Guy You Like Better Before Asking Him Out

Ask a Guy out (if You're a Girl) Step 10
Ask a Guy out (if You're a Girl) Step 10

Step 1. Start a conversation with him

It's very important to get to know the guy you like before asking him out. You will be able to understand if you have something in common and if he has an interest in you. Speaking to him first will show him that you are confident and that you have interesting things to say. If he listens to you, answers you, or asks you questions, there's a good chance that he, too, has an interest in you.

  • Try starting a conversation about something fun you did over the past weekend, like going for a hike to the mountains or watching a tennis match.
  • The guy in question may have a hard time figuring out if you're interested in him or just trying to make a new friend. By chatting, you will be able to let him know that you are attracted to him.
Ask a Guy out (if You're a Girl) Step 11
Ask a Guy out (if You're a Girl) Step 11

Step 2. Flirt with him

One of the best ways to gauge a guy's interest is to flirt with him. Try to seduce him with small gestures, like touching his arm or letting him touch yours. Smile and laugh with him trying to have fun together. Maintain eye contact and open body language.

Using humor can be a good way to flirt with the guy you like. Make jokes and keep the conversation light-hearted

Ask a Guy out (if You're a Girl) Step 12
Ask a Guy out (if You're a Girl) Step 12

Step 3. Wait for the invitation to come from him

If you want to wait for him to ask you out before stepping forward, give him the chance. Talk to him, flirt with him, and show him your interest in him. If he likes you too, chances are he'll find the courage to ask you out at some point.

If the situation does not clear up, perhaps he is more shy than he seems or is simply not good at interpreting the signals you are sending him. If he likes to hang out with you and talk to you, you can still assume he has an interest in you

Ask a Guy out (if You're a Girl) Step 13
Ask a Guy out (if You're a Girl) Step 13

Step 4. Ask him out if you think he will accept

Evaluate the situation and if you are comfortable with the idea of asking him out on a date. You certainly don't want to come forward with a person who shows no interest in you, so try to carefully analyze your interactions. If you are confident and think he will accept your invitation, go ahead and ask him out.
