To get a guy to ask you out on a date, you need to subtly let him know that you want to get to know him and let him know you're ready for a date. There are a few things to do to make him understand that you want him to ask you out, from using the right body language to letting him know about your plans. If you want to know how to get a guy to ask you out in no time, follow these simple steps.
Method 1 of 3: Let him know that you are interested

Step 1. Use body language
Your body language will let him know that you see him as more than just a friend. There are some useful little tricks to make him understand that he needs to ask you out. Here's what you can do:
- Maintain eye contact. Look him in the eye long enough to make him smile and then look away. Make it clear that he has your full attention.
- Play with your hair from time to time. Make it look sexy, not nervous.
- Whether you are sitting or standing, you should lean slightly towards him and keep your arms at your sides or use them to gesticulate, so he will see that your body is "open" to communication.
- Look at the floor from time to time. This will make you look pretty and demure.

Step 2. Flirt
Flirting is a great way to take your relationship to the next level and let him know you want him to ask you out. You can flirt subtly and let him know you want a date without going overboard.
- Speak in a low voice. This will make you look more seductive and force the guy to come over to talk to you.
- Find a subtle way to compliment him. Let him know that he is cute or that he looks good without being too explicit.
- Be sexy. Show some cleavage or wear something that highlights your strengths. This doesn't mean you have to put elegance aside to get her attention.
- Make fun of him. Playfully mock one of her interests or a piece of clothing she wears.
- Remember not to overdo it. Flirting is a question of subtlety.

Step 3. Get to know him better
If you want to show him that you would like to date, you need to show that you are interested in him as a person. You don't need to organize an interview to make him understand that you are interested in knowing what he is like and what he likes. Here's what to do:
- Ask him a few questions about his interests. This is a minimally invasive method and kids love to talk about what they like.
- Guys love to talk about sports to anyone who wants to hear them. If you like sports or have read about his favorite team, ask him what he thinks about this year's championship. Then you could expand the topic and ask him if he plays any sports.
- Show him that his opinion matters. Ask him what he thinks about a controversial new film or political issue that has been debated in the media. Just don't choose something so controversial that you end up with an argument.
Method 2 of 3: Give him signals

Step 1. Use common interests to your advantage
If you share some interests, you have more than one excuse to go out together. After you meet the guy and find that you have a couple of things in common, you can use them as excuses to take your friendship to the next level.
- Music is the perfect common interest. If you have the same favorite band, you can talk about it and maybe he'll be playing in town soon, and see if he asks you to go with him. But it doesn't really have to be your favorite band. Emphasize your interests a little, so he will have more than one reason to ask you out.
- Try to find out if you support the same team. If you really support the same football team, talk to them and ask them naturally if they've been to any games recently.
- Use food as a conversation piece. If you both love Greek cuisine, you can ask him if he has been to the new Greek place in town.

Step 2. Get your friends to insinuate something
Your friends can also help you get him to ask you out without being too explicit. If a friend of yours makes a comment at the right time, it may prompt them to ask you for a date. Here's how your friends can help you convince the guy you like him:
- One of your friends may tease him a bit and ask him if he will have the courage to ask you out. Just make sure it doesn't sound like your idea.
- If you're always hanging out with that guy, a friend might say, "Oh, here's my favorite couple again." It will be embarrassing, but it will make him realize that people think you are together.
- Have a friend start talking nonchalantly about you to see how they react. If he has a positive reaction, the friend might tell him that you two should get to know each other better.

Step 3. Talk about your plans
If you find a way to talk casually about your projects, whether it's going to a concert, a party or just having a coffee between lessons, this will be an easy way for him to participate. If you talk to him about something that seems interesting to him, it will lead to a meeting where he won't feel pressured, which could eventually turn into a date.
- If you're going to a fun party on the weekend, tell him about it. He may decide to participate, especially if he has mutual friends who will go there.
- If you happen to run into him, try telling him that you are going for a walk or a snack - he may decide to come with you.
- If you're walking back together from a lesson or activity, find a subtle way to tell him you're hungry or need a dose of caffeine; he might ask you for a quick bite or coffee.
- Mention something fun you'll be doing in two weeks. If you have big plans for going to a new bar, to see a movie or to a concert, he may want to join you when the time comes.

Step 4. Let him know your schedule
It is different from talking about your projects. If you tell him what your schedule is, he'll be more likely to ask you out if your schedules coincide or if he knows you have some free time. Try not to look too busy, or she'll think you don't have time for a date. On the other hand, don't show yourself so free that you look desperate.
- If you attend classes together, let them know when you have breaks in your schedule. If he knows you have a couple of hours free between classes, he might ask you to have lunch together.
- If you walk past your favorite bar, you can nonchalantly say, “I love that place. I always go there for happy hour on Wednesdays.” This is a subtle way of telling him he should come.
- If you have a weekend off, let them know. Say something like, "I've been so busy for the past three weekends… I can't wait to do something fun and relaxing this weekend."
- If you have a favorite bar, tell them it's the perfect place to go a couple of nights a week. Attract him by saying he makes the best coffee in town or recommend one of his specialties.
Method 3 of 3: Things to Avoid

Step 1. Avoid the friend zone
Make sure the guy hasn't put you in the "friends only" category and doesn't think that you just see him as a friend. There are a few things you can do to draw the distinction between "just friends" and "friends who want more".
- If he tries to treat you like any other friend, don't let him. Make it clear that you are not there just to be friends with him. If she invites you out with a bunch of guys, make yourself beautiful, dress like for a date.
- Notice how he asks for advice. If he always asks you what he should do with some girl, then he sees you only as a friend. Try changing the subject and letting him know that you are a possible girlfriend.

Step 2. Don't let him know how much you want to go out with him
There's a difference between letting him know you want him to ask you out and being very explicit about how much you want a date. If you are too explicit, you will leave nothing to the imagination and you will not be desirable.
- Don't frantically flood him with messages, calls, or attention. He would be suffocated by it and it is better not to rush too much.
- Don't ask him to hang out all the time. If he doesn't respond, he may not want to.
- Don't talk about how much free time you have over the weekend or how flexible your schedule is. Rather, talk about any fun projects you have planned. He'll have to find a hole in your busy schedule if he wants to see you; he won't have to think you're waiting for something fun to do.

Step 3. Don't wait too long
If you really want that guy to ask you out and you think you have given him the right signals, trying to make him understand it in every way, then there are two things you can do:
- Waiver. If you've made it clear that you want a date and he's not moving, he may not be interested in you and you should find someone more worthy of your affection.
- Ask him out. If he's just very shy, but you feel like he wants to get to know you better, be brave and ask him out. After all, we are in the new millennium: there is no need to wait for the boy to make the first move. If that makes you nervous, ask him to go out with a group of friends for the first time.
- You may not like it. If so, then don't force him to go out with you. On the other hand, there are a lot of other men out there. You never know when your paths might cross again.
- Ask him if there is any girl he likes. If he stays vague, he probably likes you but doesn't know how to say it.
- Don't pester him with texts and phone calls, you will just run him away from you.