3 ways to get a guy who likes you to ask you out

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3 ways to get a guy who likes you to ask you out
3 ways to get a guy who likes you to ask you out

You are sure that you have read the signs correctly and that he is interested in you. So why hasn't he asked you out yet? Here are some useful ideas to give it a nudge in the right direction.


Method 1 of 3: Get your attention

Get a Guy That Likes You to Ask You Out Step 1
Get a Guy That Likes You to Ask You Out Step 1

Step 1. Be confident

You already know this guy likes you, so it's only a matter of time before he asks you out! Let this awareness give you security. Love the splendid, strong woman you are and show that guy that it would be crazy to miss the opportunity to ask you out!

  • Don't be afraid to approach him and start a conversation. Stand straight and make eye contact. Guys love self-confident women.
  • Too much confidence, on the other hand, is not an attractive quality. Be careful not to overdo it.
Get a Guy That Likes You to Ask You Out Step 2
Get a Guy That Likes You to Ask You Out Step 2

Step 2. Be brilliant

Showing a sharp spirit shows that you are intelligent and have a sense of humor, two things that a man looks for in a woman. If he finds you funny, he will be more happy to talk to you and will look forward to spending more time together. If you can make him laugh, you are two steps away from winning.

  • Use self-irony. Show that you are a simple girl and you don't take yourself too seriously.
  • Go easy on sarcasm and don't make jokes at other people's expense. It's not funny.
Get a Guy That Likes You to Ask You Out Step 3
Get a Guy That Likes You to Ask You Out Step 3

Step 3. Value your strengths

You don't have to deny it, physical attraction is an important factor in any potential story. With that in mind, value your strengths. Don't be too modest. We all have something about ourselves that we like. Play it!

  • Nice smile? Show those teeth! Breathtaking curves? Use a belt to highlight the waistline. Beautiful eyes? The right eyeshadow can accentuate the color. Find your strength and use it, girl.
  • Do not overdo it. Heavy makeup, uncomfortable and tight clothes, or high heels could achieve the opposite effect, especially if it is not your usual look. Use what values you and makes you feel more confident.
Get a Guy That Likes You to Ask You Out Step 4
Get a Guy That Likes You to Ask You Out Step 4

Step 4. Compliment him

Breaking news! Guys love compliments as much as girls. Flattering him with a sincere compliment will get you two things: he'll know you're interested in him, and it'll make him feel good, so he'll like you even more. Two birds with one stone.

  • Not sure what to say? Tell him he has a nice smile or looks good with his new haircut. If he plays an instrument, praise his musical prowess. If he's on a sports team, tell him you were in the last game and he played really well.
  • Give him simple and sincere compliments. Soon, it will hang from your lips.
Get a Guy That Likes You to Ask You Out Step 5
Get a Guy That Likes You to Ask You Out Step 5

Step 5. Find common interests

One of the things that keeps a guy from asking you out is the fear that you have nothing in common and nothing to talk about. Show him that he is far from the truth. Ask him about his interests and hobbies, his family, his plans for the future - anything that might help bond you.

  • Don't pretend you care about something just to make him happy. Pretending to know how to play bass well or love horror movies is counterproductive, because he might invite you to play with his band or see the latest Saw.
  • Even if you don't know anything about fishing and don't know how to play mini golf, all you need to do is show interest and let him know you want to learn. You could even give him an idea for your first date!
Get a Guy That Likes You to Ask You Out Step 6
Get a Guy That Likes You to Ask You Out Step 6

Step 6. Listen to it

Everyone loves a good listener, including him. Show him that you care what he has to say. He will be flattered by your attention and you will get to know him even a little better.

  • Many girls make the mistake of telling boys every single detail of their lives. Avoid doing this at all costs, you could overwhelm him, bore him or even scare him. Be mysterious and listen more than talk.
  • Stay engaged in the conversation, even if he talks more. Ask him targeted questions. Maintain eye contact, smile, nod, and use your hands in the way that is best suited to show interest and involvement.
Get a Guy That Likes You to Ask You Out Step 7
Get a Guy That Likes You to Ask You Out Step 7

Step 7. Be a damsel in distress

If you're feeling bold, try being a damsel in distress. Guys can't resist when they see a girl who needs help. Ask him for a hand picking up something on a high shelf, or for advice on the best mechanic in the area. Then thank him and make your most beautiful smile. It works like a charm.

  • Don't play this card too often. If you ask for too many favors, he'll get impatient and lose interest in you.
  • Don't be stupid. It's okay to ask him for help when you need it, but don't act silly just to have an excuse to involve him. Remember: Guys love smart girls, or at least girls who are worth dating.
Get a Guy That Likes You to Ask You Out Step 8
Get a Guy That Likes You to Ask You Out Step 8

Step 8. Be yourself

You may have heard it repeated ad nauseam, but that doesn't change the reality of things. If you want to have any chance of a future with this guy, then he has to fall in love with you - the real you. Don't pretend to be someone else. Go out with your usual friends, dress like you always do, stay consistent with your ideas and principles. Let your winning personality do the talking for you.

Method 2 of 3: Let him know that you are interested

Get a Guy That Likes You to Ask You Out Step 9
Get a Guy That Likes You to Ask You Out Step 9

Step 1. Let him know that you are free

Discreetly let him know that you are not dating anyone at the moment, but that you would love to. The biggest fear that blocks a boy is that of rejection. If you can overcome that fear then there will be no more obstacles between you. So let him know that if he asked you out, you would say yes.

Get a Guy That Likes You to Ask You Out Step 10
Get a Guy That Likes You to Ask You Out Step 10

Step 2. Send clear signals

We all know that men are a bit slow to read the signs. So even if you have the impression that you have sent all the right signals, maybe you need to raise the stakes. Smile at him, laugh at his jokes, touch his arm while you speak, sit next to him when possible - he should quickly understand that he is the object of your attention.

  • Don't underestimate the power of body language! When you are close to him, try to have an open language. Crossing your arms makes you appear unreachable and closed. If you don't know how to get your hands, order something to drink or put it on your lap. Try not to shake them all the time.
  • Always look for eye contact. If you look everywhere but him while he talks to you, you may appear disinterested. Look him straight in the eye and you will look confident and available.
Get a Guy That Likes You to Ask You Out Step 11
Get a Guy That Likes You to Ask You Out Step 11

Step 3. Involve him in what you do

If you're hanging out with your friends or going to a weekend party, invite them over. With a little luck, you will spend all the time together. It's not really an appointment, but it will give you the opportunity to get to know each other better in a relaxing environment.

Get a Guy That Likes You to Ask You Out Step 12
Get a Guy That Likes You to Ask You Out Step 12

Step 4. Involve friends

A friend you trust can be very useful on these occasions. He may investigate or ask him questions that you could never ask him without feeling uncomfortable.

  • Ask her to talk to her friends and investigate when she will decide to ask you out.
  • Have her comment on how you would look good together in front of a lot of people. It might be a little embarrassing at the moment, but at least he'll start considering the idea.
  • Make sure you can count on its discretion. Otherwise, using a friend to do the dirty work will seem immature.
Get a Guy That Likes You to Ask You Out Step 13
Get a Guy That Likes You to Ask You Out Step 13

Step 5. Follow it (just a little)

Find out where she goes out, what her favorite club is or where she goes to the gym. Then, if you meet "by chance", you can take the opportunity to strike up a conversation. Be careful not to turn yourself into a stalker though!

Remember, this tactic should only be used a couple of times. If you do this more often, he will understand that you are following him and you will look creepy. Stalking is a crime

Get a Guy That Likes You to Ask You Out Step 14
Get a Guy That Likes You to Ask You Out Step 14

Step 6. Leave clues

If he hasn't yet found the courage to ask you out, it might be time to take the initiative to give him the opportunity to do so. Try casually mentioning a new venue just opened downtown that you'd like to try, or a freshly released movie you're dying to see. In theory he will catch the ball and propose to go there together. It's not the most romantic of proposals, but at least you'll have your date!

Get a Guy That Likes You to Ask You Out Step 15
Get a Guy That Likes You to Ask You Out Step 15

Step 7. You ask him out

If you are tired of waiting for him to find the courage to ask you out, you take control of the situation. On the other hand, we are in the 21st century. He will be impressed with your confidence and will not be able to say no to you!

Method 3 of 3: Things to Avoid

Get a Guy That Likes You to Ask You Out Step 16
Get a Guy That Likes You to Ask You Out Step 16

Step 1. Don't end up in the friend zone

Nothing kills potential love more than the friend zone. Sure, you want to be the girl he talks and laughs with, but you don't want to become one of "his pack". Show your feminine side to make him understand, with words and body language, that you want to be more than a friend.

Get a Guy That Likes You to Ask You Out Step 17
Get a Guy That Likes You to Ask You Out Step 17

Step 2. Don't be obsessive

Making him understand that you are interested in him is fine, but don't overdo it. Sprouting from around the corner in every place he goes, hanging on his lips and bombarding him with calls and messages is not the right way to behave. Maintain an aura of mystery and make him want you more and more.

Get a Guy That Likes You to Ask You Out Step 18
Get a Guy That Likes You to Ask You Out Step 18

Step 3. Don't be fake

Never try to be who you are not, just to get his attention. You won't be able to continue playing that part, and if the girl on the third date isn't the same as the first one, she'll be pretty confused. If he doesn't like you the way you are, then he doesn't deserve your attention.

Get a Guy That Likes You to Ask You Out Step 19
Get a Guy That Likes You to Ask You Out Step 19

Step 4. Don't be impatient

Boys are afraid of feeling rejected and hurt just like girls. Give him time to take courage. Make yourself known and seen for that great person you are, and it won't take long for you to figure out what to do.

Get a Guy That Likes You to Ask You Out Step 20
Get a Guy That Likes You to Ask You Out Step 20

Step 5. Don't be afraid of rejection

Maybe you are afraid that you have misinterpreted the signs or that he will change his mind once he gets to know you better. Try not to think about these things. If you feel you like it, then it will. Be positive - it could be the beginning of something beautiful!


  • If he lets you know in MANY ways that he likes you, like touching you often or trying to look great when you're in range, then just smile. He'll fall in love with your smile and maybe he'll realize you like him too.
  • Do not remind him of the girl he just broke up with, especially if it was a painful breakup. In these cases, one of your best qualities may be that you "don't" remind him of his ex.
  • Communication is essential. If he can't talk to you quietly, then it's not time for you to go out together yet. Wait until you get to know him a little better and have more confidence. Don't rush things because it could break his heart if you download it later, or the opposite could happen.
  • Become good friends before dating. This way, you will be able to be yourself and be comfortable with him. Plus you'll have a fun and happy relationship!
  • Be careful when you play "the precious". In some cases it may appear that you are not interested.
  • Don't be too pushy or you will discourage him.
  • You are perfect just the way you are.
  • If he doesn't ask you out right away, don't give up. Maybe he has had bad experiences in the past or he is not ready yet.
  • If he likes you, and asks you out, don't make a silent scene!
  • Befriend her before taking things to another level. If he doesn't know who you are, he'll never ask you to go out with him!


  • Guys sometimes talk to girls to be nice, so be careful: maybe he's not flirting and you're just a friend to him.
  • He may not be ready for a story, so don't push yourself or you'll end up getting the opposite. If he rejects you, forget him and go on with your life.
  • If a guy asks you to choose between him and your friends, think hard if it's worth it.
  • Don't flirt with him too much until he feels uncomfortable. He might change his mind.
