You can be a gym guy who has a crush on that pretty smart girl, or a nerd who doesn't know how to break the ice, it doesn't matter. Capturing the attention of a nerdy girl always gives a certain sense of satisfaction.

Step 1. Find out what his interests are
There are many types of nerdy girls, and it's important to understand which category they belong to (you'll find a more in-depth explanation at the end of this article). It could belong to one or more of the categories proposed below:
- If she's wearing a black t-shirt and neon accessories, listening to techno music or playing the Tetris theme on her musical instrument, then she's probably a geek, obsessed with technology.
- If she has a T-shirt that says "Roll the dice for initiative", and prefers to be called "Adora" Eladrin's Paladin devoted to the Raven Queen, then she is definitely someone who likes RPGs.
- If she wears pleated skirts, is fluent in Japanese, and likes to talk enthusiastically about "Soul Eater", "Death Note" or "Naruto", then she is an anime fanatic, or "otaku" girl.
- If she spends day and night organizing her science project or working on it, then she's a science nerd.
- If she is happy to play on old consoles and spends most of her free time playing video games, then she is a gamer.
- If she's a numbers genius, and she's first in the Math Olympics, then she's a math nerd.
- If you always see her walking around with a book or two under her arm, then she's a bookworm.

Step 2. Do a little research
Once you identify what her passions are, you can learn more about some of the things she likes:
- If she's a geek, you can listen to some Daft Punk songs.
- If you are into RPGs, try WoW or other MMORPGs (Online RPGs) like Star Wars The Old Republic or Runescape for free, and see if you like them.
- If she's an otaku, figure out which anime she's in love with and watch an episode or two of them online.
- If she's into science, find out about Schroedinger's cat paradox.
- If you are a gamer, try playing some video games.
- If you love math, then it's time to brush up on your number skills.
- If he's a bookworm, start getting hooked on reading. If he sees you with a book in his hand, he may ask you what you are reading, and what the book is like. Also try to figure out which genre you prefer.

Step 3. Smile and be friendly
Wave your hand in the hallway, or give her a nod when she sits next to you in class. Just let him notice your face so when he sees you again he will remember you.

Step 4. Break the ice
You can do it. A four-letter word is enough: “Hello”. You could say something else, for example "I couldn't help but notice your …" (as long as you don't say anything perverse!).

Step 5. "Roll a die for initiative"
If you are not familiar with the Dungeons & Dragons game, the act of rolling an initiative die is where all players roll a d20 (a twenty-sided die) and the person with the highest score goes first. Wait for me to say something. If he smiles at you, "take" the initiative and start with a "How are you?"

Step 6. Try to understand his way of thinking
Maybe she is an optimist (in which case she tries not to be pessimistic), she may be cynical of the human race (try not to make her too angry, and take it right), or she is a reflective-minded person. open, but is also likely to be arrogant and snobbish. If you learn what kind of person they are, it will be easier to determine the right approach.

Step 7. Ask her for friendship on Facebook, if she has an account
Recently Facebook has become a popular platform even in the nerd community. You can use Facebook chat to have casual conversations, and check her information (as long as you don't become a stalker!) To find out what she likes. You could also follow her on Twitter.

Step 8. Ask for her phone number
If he does not have a mobile phone, ask for his email address, or the username he uses on Play Station and Xbox. Find a way to contact her, even if by post.

Step 9. Follow his blog, if he has one
It's always a nice thing to see new followers on your personal blog. So you show her that you care what she says. Comment on his posts, and give an evaluation (if there is this function). If you have a Twitter or Facebook account, share his posts on your wall. This kind of action will be very welcome, especially if she is a geek, or if you are friends on Facebook.

Step 10. Be fun
You can decide to flirt with some nerdy jokes ( Save the cheerleader, save the world!) Or tell elaborate stories about the latest episode of Doctor Who; it doesn't matter, the important thing is that you are fun. Being funny is the best way to win a girl's heart.

Step 11. Join her D&D team, join her in a WOW raid, watch your favorite Star Trek series together while whispering words of love in your ear (in Klingon
). Go out of your way to enter his life.
Method 1 of 1: Nerd Types

Step 1. Explore the variety of nerdy girls
As mentioned, there are many types of nerds. Some girls belong to several groups at the same time, while others only belong to one. The following groups represent the most common categories:
- The geek, or the technology addict: loves everything that has to do with the world of Hi-Tech. He often listens to techno music, but not necessarily. Almost always he knows a programming language and runs a website and / or a blog. Usually he has a great passion for small gadgets and always tries to have the latest model of his favorite mobile phone. The geek is usually also a gamer. The best way to be able to bond with a geek is to learn some HTML (it's not hard), listen to techno, and join an online forum or community about something you're passionate about.
- The sci-fi nerd: loves Star Trek, Star Wars, Doctor Who, Battlestar Galactica, Stargate, and everything to do with science fiction. The nerd of this type often discusses certain topics: which is the best TV series, which is the best season, and which Star Wars saga is the best… the first three films or the last ones?
- The comics fan: he spends all his free time in the comic shop, reading the latest issue of his favorite series. She has already been or plans to go to Comic-Con wearing her favorite character's costume. It takes care of the comic pages, keeps them smooth and tidy, keeping them for years as if they had just been printed. Take this type of girl to a comic store (a "serious" one) and let her complain about the imperfections of the latest Marvel movie.
- The film buff: loves films, especially those from the 1930s to 1960s. She loves making films, writing screenplays, being an actress in amateur productions and has probably taken part in some quizzes about films. This type of girl will be delighted to go to the movies with you, but don't be surprised if she pays more attention to the movie.
- Theater lover: usually she is the girl who wants to become a musical actress and tends to be independent. She is often very theatrical, she speaks loudly even if she is not on stage, and she likes to make a grand entrance. Normally she can sing, and she often does it while washing dishes. Take this girl to see some beautiful theatrical productions, like the "Rocky Horror Picture Show".
- The science addict: It seems that he spends all his time working on his science projects and studying quantum mechanics or marine biology. Love learning new things. Take her to visit an aquarium or museum.
- The math addict: she is passionate about numbers. She likes to stimulate her mind with long equations and impossible problems. It is difficult to find a place to spend the evening with this girl, but a dinner and a movie are definitely a great idea. You can also end the evening with a challenging game, such as chess, or you can take her to a lecture on mathematics and listen to some interesting lessons on K theory or partial differential equations.
- The bookworm: she's smart and smart. He has a passion for knowledge, and his mind is filled with peculiar information he has learned from reading. If you want to get noticed "accidentally", you better go to the library or bookstore. If you happen to take her out, always try to include a visit to the bookstore in the evening. For example, you could go there after dinner, or before the start of a movie.
- The RPG: Spends all her time playing Word of Warcraft, Dungeons and Dragons, or other RPGs with a group of people about once a month. He lives in a fantasy world, and sometimes takes it to the extreme, taking part in live role-playing games. Take this girl to a medieval fair.
- The otaku: she is passionate about anime, and often delights in cosplay (she wears the clothes of her favorite characters). She is normally obsessed with this passion and would jump on every Naruto she meets at otaku gatherings. This girl is usually very friendly and happy. Take her to a gathering of anime lovers and buy her lots of Japanese treats.
- Be yourself! You don't want him to fall in love with someone you're not!
- If the girl you like is a bookworm, she's probably very shy of people she doesn't know well. Try to break the ice by asking her questions about her favorite book, and don't miss any details.
- Try to have an open mind and be patient. Try to understand what he is talking about, even if it sounds "stupid".
- Learn to take care of your brain. Often the smart (and not conceited) guy is attractive, and not just for nerdy girls. Even if the girl you like is very good at math or science, she will still be attracted to someone who can, to a certain extent, talk about a lot of topics, and who can understand her.
- Watch out for those nerds who are only able to talk about what matters to them. With her you have to have fun, not be bored!
- You can use so many different and creative ways to say this, but the truth is that to conquer a woman you just need to tell her that she is pretty, intelligent and nice.
- Don't ask her to do your homework, make another girl jealous or other things like that. It's cruel, and it could take revenge.
- Don't think that just because she's a nerd, it means she's easy to conquer. It may be true for some, but it is not the rule. Each girl is different.
- DO NOT call a girl by the nickname "nerd", unless you know her well or use the term to emphasize her intelligence. Also, and this applies to every woman, never tell her she deserves better and, if she asks you a question, never answer by saying “I don't know”.
- Don't freak out about her, especially if she's an ordinary crush. While it may be nice to take an interest in her passions, visiting her at home wearing suspenders, oversized glasses, and a flashy bow tie might make her think you're weird. Especially if you dress like this every day.