You've had a crush on a guy, but you're pretty sure he doesn't even know you exist. You've decided you want to get his attention to point out how special you are and to see what happens next. Getting noticed by a guy can be easier than you think, all you have to do is let him know how awesome you are, without exposing yourself too much about your feelings, and be able to engage and interest him when you finally get to talk to him. If you want the guy of your dreams to notice you in no time, follow these simple tips.
Part 1 of 3: Love Yourself

Step 1. Be happy with yourself
The odds of a guy noticing a woman who loves herself are much higher. If you seem like someone who is already happy with themselves and their life, the kids will most likely want to be a part of it. If you give the impression that you are desperately looking for someone to finally make your life complete, you are unlikely to be irresistible in the eyes of any man you meet.
- Learn to love yourself, don't try to abide by others' beauty standards, and don't act like others think you should.
- Love everything you do, whether it's talking to a friend or being careful in class. A guy will be able to tell if you are satisfied with your life, and he will want to join in your enthusiasm.

Step 2. Love your appearance
Even when you think it's really impossible, it's easier than you think. Find three aspects of yourself that you truly adore and focus on emphasizing them through your outfits. If you don't like your body, you can do some exercise to burn fat and tone your muscles. Soon you will also feel more positive and full of energy. Work hard and do whatever it takes to truly love your appearance, you will see that all men will do the same.
- You don't need to completely redo your wardrobe to feel good in your clothes, just wearing those pieces that can make you feel and look your best in any situation.
- You don't need to hide under three layers of makeup. Limit yourself to using those products that make you feel beautiful and comfortable.
- Take care of your hygiene by taking a daily shower and washing your hair whenever you need it; these simple steps will make you feel better about yourself.
- Don't try to conform to others. If you have gorgeous curly hair, or cute, small breasts, don't try to hide your unique features or emphasize something you don't have.
- Don't keep looking in the mirror or reflected in the shop windows when you are away from home. Guys will think you are insecure about your appearance. Just 'scrutinize yourself' when you're in the ladies' room.

Step 3. Have fun wherever you go
You will have a much better chance of being noticed by a guy while having fun. While it may not be easy to exude good humor during your math test or while sitting in the dentist's waiting room, try to always stay positive and smile whenever possible and laugh often.
- If a guy meets you in the company of your friends, he'll be much more attracted to you seeing you laugh out loud while you're having fun.
- Don't spend all your time looking for a new interlocutor to talk to or constantly checking your phone; if you give the impression that you want to be somewhere else, those in front of you may take it as a suggestion to leave you alone.

Step 4. Don't desperately seek attention
It's okay to make eye contact with the guy you like every now and then, and then keep having fun with your friends. Instead, avoid staring into his eyes, smiling at him too enthusiastically, and walking away from friends in the hope that he will get close to you. Don't wear makeup while in public, don't adjust your clothes all the time, and don't try to walk around him hundreds of times waiting for him to speak to you. It would certainly force him to notice you, but not with the desired results.
If he doesn't notice you right away, don't insist in an awkward or annoying way, you'll just push him away
Part 2 of 3: Grabbing his attention

Step 1. Walk past him
Try to get his attention by walking in front of him, keep your head up and back and shoulders straight. Be confident, like you have a purpose, and don't linger like you don't know where you are going. Likewise, do not ride too rigidly. Walk at the right speed, to allow him to notice you, to observe your pretty outfit, and to understand that he would like to see you closely and get to know you better.
If you are walking towards a friend while smiling openly, it will be easier to get the attention of the guy you like

Step 2. Meet his gaze
If you want the guy to notice you, you should be able to catch his eye for the right amount of time. Don't stare longingly into his eyes, just make eye contact for a few seconds to show him your interest. Don't sound too eager, but let him know you're ready to talk to him if he gets close. If you want, give a little smile to see his reaction.
When he approaches you, greet him with a reserved but perceptible smile to let him know you'd like to chat

Step 3. Make the first impression pleasing
There is only one first impression, so you should make it important. After the guy notices you and approaches you, you should behave in a friendly and natural way. Make him comfortable with a funny or self-deprecating joke, and avoid negative or controversial arguments to show him that you are someone who is pleasant to chat with.
- Just smile and talk about simple things. You will be able to tackle the more challenging topics later.
- Don't start complaining right away. Guys want to date girls who like to have fun rather than being petulant or negative. By being negative right away, you will scare him off by sending him a nasty message about your possible future encounters.

Step 4. Make sure your body language is not rigid
Your body should show that you have confidence in yourself and that you are ready for the conversation. Keep your head up, shoulders straight, and don't cross your arms across your chest. Avoid fiddling with clothes and accessories all the time, otherwise you will look nervous and uncomfortable. Tilt your head to hear the boy speak and lightly tap him on the arm or knee if things seem to be going well.
Don't lose his attention. Keep making eye contact and avoid looking around for your friends' gaze, or checking your phone every five minutes. Otherwise he will think you have something better to do than talk to him

Step 5. Flirt
When you feel more comfortable, you can start flirting with the guy. Tease him lightly and let him do the same. Show him that you are comfortable enough to play along with him. You can play with your hair or lips for even more attention. Flirting is all about having fun and creating a light and pleasant atmosphere, you won't need to tell him that you find him sexy or get too close to him to understand your message.
Speak in a slightly lower tone of voice than usual. He will be forced to approach you to hear what you say
Part 3 of 3: Maintain His Interest

Step 1. Be positive
Now that the guy has noticed you, you need to make sure he wants to keep talking to you and that you appreciate the unique and fabulous person you are. You don't have to avoid being yourself, but you do have to commit to maintaining a positive atmosphere and sticking to constructive, fun, and light-hearted topics. Surely this is not the time to talk about your grandmother's funeral, or how much you hate traffic, you can do it later in time, when you have more confidence.
- If he complains about something, then you can join in to bond with him. Remember the rule though, don't complain too much in the opening bars.
- Talk about things that make you happy, like your hobbies, friends, or pets. He will get involved in your enthusiasm.
- Don't be overly grumpy, even when you disagree on the subject. You don't have to hide your true feelings, but if you feel you disagree on something important, such as your political ideals, avoid sparking an immediate discussion about it.
- Ask him questions about what he likes to keep the conversation pleasant. For example, What do you love to do on the weekend?, rather than What is the thing you hate most about school?

Step 2. Be engaging
You shouldn't just be positive, flirtatious and funny, you should also pique her interest. Keep the conversation going by showing him your sense of humor, by being slightly ridiculous, or by mentioning something interesting that you have read or seen that could lead to an engaging discussion.
- To get the guy involved, ask him a few questions about himself to make him feel special. Ask him about his interests and passions, but don't go too personal.
- Just say yes. If he asks if you've ever seen a certain movie, don't just answer No, you prefer No, but I've heard it's really fabulous. What is it about? Don't cut out every possible conversation topic just because you don't have enough information about it.
- Be witty. Impress him with a sharp and funny exchange of jokes. Don't just say it's funny if he says something that makes you laugh, respond with an even nicer comment.

Step 3. Show him what makes you special
Being noticed is great, but guys notice a lot of girls. You will need to be able to show him what makes you special by opening up and telling him something about yourself and what you like, without overdoing it. Let them know what you love to do in your free time, how much you love your pets, or mention a bit of a crazy experience you had, such as climbing Kilimanjaro or studying in a foreign country.
- Whatever the topic is, let a glimpse of your passion for life and your interests.
- You should be able to show him that you are someone special without hogging the conversation by talking about how wonderful you are. Make sure you are both contributing to the conversation in equal parts.

Step 4. Identify common interests
A common interest will allow you to keep talking for a long time. Whether it's love or hate for the same sports team, a holiday spent in the same place, or a passion for the same band, this topic will allow you to chat for a long time and can open up new channels for discussion.
If you keep an eye on him for some time, you may have identified what his interests are. Try to cleverly insert them into the conversation to extend your chat over time

Step 5. Have him ask you out
If all goes well, it's time to move on to the next step: get him to ask you to go out with him. The best pretext is to use your common interests; for example, mentioning your favorite band's gig next week, or opening a new sushi bar if he mentions you that he loves Japanese cuisine. You could also give him a veiled compliment to let him know that you would like to spend time with him.
- You can also be more direct and let him know that you'd like to do something fun on the weekend even if you don't know what. In any case, try not to be too explicit.
- Now that the guy has noticed you, it's up to you to keep his attention. If you're yourself and stay positive and fun, she'll ask you for a date in no time.

Step 6. Use social media
Find her social media pages and follow them - not all at once though!
- Make sure you like and comment on his posts. The face with the little hearts always works. Seeing your comments will make him think about you.
- Avoid bombarding it with messages and comments; that would be a little too much.

Step 7. If you feel daring, ask him for his phone number
So send him a message during the holidays or during the classic anniversaries.
- You don't have to look desperate or clingy. Get his attention, but don't always be close to him. Let him know that you have other commitments. It will allow him to get to know you and to know what you like to do.
- Always be yourself. Don't act like a different person just to get noticed by a guy. If he only likes you after you've changed it means he's not the right person for you.
- Don't ask him personal questions when you speak for the first time.
- Be outgoing and converse naturally and spontaneously without monopolizing the discussion and without being overly curious and meddlesome.
- Being too explicit could mean boring him. One way to get someone's attention is to make them curious by raising questions in their mind.
- Learn to play down. Just be yourself. Don't be eccentric, learn to always have some humor, guys like it. Whether it's humor or sarcasm, wit or wit, being peculiar or telling jokes, still be yourself and learn to laugh. Don't take life too seriously.
- Speak with your heart in hand, he will like to know that you are not afraid to express your emotions and your inner thoughts. Don't be repetitive, any interested guy will love it. Don't intimidate him by getting into heavy talk. Seeing a girl who loves her mind is always a stimulus, as long as she doesn't want to dominate the world. Likewise, don't complain about yourself, as it will dull her enthusiasm. No guy likes a girl who says she's dissatisfied with herself, so trust who you are! Negativity pushes others away and lowers your self-esteem. Sometimes you may even have a reason to complain, but if you don't, don't.
- Behave spontaneously and show him that you like him.
- If you don't already know him, look for him in public places and make eye contact. If you catch him looking at you more than three times, there's a chance he'll like you; if he stares at you, there can be no other reason! Start smiling or greeting him when you walk by. That way he'll notice and remember you and maybe return the favor. Soon you can talk to him.
- If you find that he needs help, you can give him a hand. For example: he drops a book near you, you can bend down and pick it up for him. In this way, he will understand that you are a good and selfless person. Guys love girls like that.
- Keep some mystery but don't overdo it so as not to frustrate it.
- Remember, if your endeavors aren't successful, it's not the end of the world - the ocean is full of fish, so try to keep going anyway. Maybe it wasn't just fate.
- If he seems to have no reaction towards you, he may be shy or withdrawn (guys aren't all the same). 25% of people are introverted and therefore difficult to understand. Observe his degree of interaction with others (or IF he interacts with others). If he is a restrained type, or one who speaks little and with few people, he could belong to this category. If so, being open and direct is the best alternative. Many rules always have exceptions.
- If a guy likes you and you like him, there is NO need for all these crazy tactics at all, get right to the point!
- Be careful not to change to impress. Find someone who knows how to appreciate you for who you are and if they don't, forget it!
- Don't ask him personal questions too soon; if you have just met him, you better get to know him first!
- Remember who you are, a guy is never the same as you! Always be honest with yourself!
- Don't let a guy dominate your life. There are equally wonderful things in the world.
- Don't be too invasive; if you show too much interest, he might put some distance between you.
- Never act like a desperate one! If you do, he will walk away. Don't force things if they aren't moving forward.
- If a guy gets in the way between you and your friends, it becomes a problem. Never allow anyone to jeopardize your best friendships.
- Become friends with his friends, it will be easier for you and will make him feel more comfortable when you are around!