Becoming the lover of a married man is not something to be taken lightly. In fact, there is no "right reason" to induce a person to have a clandestine relationship. If the person in question truly loves you, and is loved in return, then they should simply divorce to be with you. In case he is not ready to do so, don't go looking for "perfectly logical" explanations: the truth is that he is still in love with his wife and that you are just his toy. In fact, equating sex with love is often a mistake. You should never assume that because he sleeps with you, he loves you and has stopped having feelings for his partner. Men are capable of loving their wives and, in the meantime, sleeping with someone else: yes, we know very well the differences that exist between the two sexes. Having a lover is not a game: it is a commitment that, in most cases, is expensive. And everyone can get hurt.

Step 1. What is your motivation?
If you find a married man attractive, ask yourself if you really want to pursue a relationship by being perfectly aware that you will be spending your holidays alone and that his family will always come before you.

Step 2. Be discreet
Remember that if you try to let your wife know, he will end up hating you and you may lose him.

Step 3. Prepare to have to work more than your wife to keep interest alive:
he can do without you, she can't. If they get divorced, you can get some of your assets. Surely he has made a lot of sacrifices to get what he has and would hate the very thought of giving it up. Do you have children? The situation is even more complicated: if he is the man you think you know, he probably won't want to hurt him.

Step 4. Make the time you spend together unforgettable
Have fun, create the right conditions for experiencing incredible intimacy, satisfy his desires and listen to him when he needs to talk. These are the things he wants from you. You should embody his fantasy. He already has enough reality in his life.

Step 5. Grant him the unconditional love he desires
If you want to hold onto it, you should accept the fact that you are "the other". But that doesn't mean you're his doormat. Lasting relationships are based on trust, intimacy and respect.

Step 6. Try to carve out some time and space for yourself
He should respect your needs: you are not his maid, you are the person he loves and trusts.

Step 7. Manipulation, threats, and childish tricks will make you look immature and untrustworthy and certainly won't make you attractive, making him question why he ever cared about such a person

Step 8. Most likely, you are very jealous of his wife; however, do not give in to the temptation to speak ill of it in front of him
First of all, you do not have the right: you are the one who is trying to take something that does not belong to her; secondly, this will make you appear malicious and insecure. You have no reason to be angry with his partner just because he knew her BEFORE you.

Step 9. Imagine how you would feel if someone else slept with your husband, the father of your children; put yourself in the shoes of the betrayed person and ask yourself if it is really worth destroying a family

Step 10. Look for the love you want and deserve in a relationship that is HEALTHY and that truly has a FUTURE
Don't forget that it is almost impossible for him to leave his wife for you; the sooner you accept it, the faster you can rebuild a life. Also, a person who has easy betrayal may someday do the same to you.

Step 11. Don't break anyone's heart
- Being an independent woman who loves challenges and being alone will help you recover if the relationship doesn't work out.
- Try to pamper his ego. Don't criticize him for any reason in the world.
- What you have can't be called a relationship - it's more of an agreement. You can't ask him to be your boyfriend and you'll have to agree to share it.
- To send them emails and images that can't be tracked, create a web-based shared email address.
- If during the relationship you meet a man who you may like (and who is single!), Take the opportunity to get to know him better and end the relationship you have with your lover.
- Leave no trace: Reading and rereading letters, emails and messages is nice but you could run the risk of getting caught.
- The chances of suffering are extremely high. Generally, men do not leave their wives unless they are caught red-handed. And, even in these cases, they try to solve the problem with the companions, leaving the lovers. If you try everything to break their relationship, you will become the enemy even in his eyes, losing him in any case.
- The more you expect from an affair, the more disappointed you will be.
- Be careful: maybe you are not as strong and independent as you think you are. You too could get burned by it.