The discovery that you are a Diaper Lover can be difficult to accept, and it can even become traumatic at times. However, you can learn to accept yourself by giving yourself some time to think.

Step 1. You are not alone
It is important that you realize that you are not the only one with these sensations. Nothing is "strange" or "abnormal" in what you feel, although some people probably struggle to understand it. Forget what other people say or think if they find out what you feel.

Step 2. Learn to understand your feelings
Do a search on the Internet and above all look at the pages reported at the end of this page. You will better understand how you feel and realize that you are not alone in this situation. However:
- Pay attention to the sources of your online research. There are sites designed to make you feel guilty about your feelings.
- People are afraid and don't understand Diaper Lovers, so take this into account and react positively to sites that talk about it as a problem. They don't understand, so don't take what is written on those sites too seriously. The same goes for books and many people in real life.

Step 3. Accept yourself for who you are
If you don't accept yourself, it will be difficult to lead a peaceful life. It will take you a long time to understand it, so don't get frustrated if you don't change from day to day.

Step 4. Make friends with people who have the same interest and feelings as you
Online you can find large communities of diaper lovers and adult-children. Try joining some community and getting to know someone (please, always be careful when you meet people virtually).

Step 5. When you feel the need, act by listening to your feelings
These won't go away, and suppressing them will only harm you. There is nothing wrong with wearing diapers for any reason.

Step 6. Hide your diapers or the ones you plan to buy if you live with your parents or often have company
Always make an excuse in case someone finds them.
- Keep a low profile. The Diaper Lovers, despite being a large group, still remain in secret, because people are not yet ready to understand their feelings and often see them as a danger.
- Wear comfortable clothes when in public to hide the diaper and keep the noise it causes low.
- Behave normally. If you are nervous, people will try to understand why and notice you more.
- It is not an "all or nothing" life. It's true that some people wear diapers 24/7, but most are content to use them every now and then. Many, for example, wear them when they go to sleep.
- Hide your diapers or the ones you plan to buy if you live with your parents or often have company. Always make an excuse in case someone finds them.
- It is not an "all or nothing" life. It's true that some people wear diapers 24/7, but most are content to use them every now and then. Many, for example, wear them when they go to sleep.
- Keep a low profile. The Diaper Lovers, despite being a large group, still remain in secret, because people are not yet ready to understand their feelings and often see them as a danger.
- Behave normally. If you are nervous, people will try to understand why and notice you more.
- Wear comfortable clothes when in public to hide the diaper and keep the noise it causes low.
- Buy your diapers outside of town, or in a neighborhood where you don't live - someone you know will be less likely to see you.
- If you feel the need to talk to someone about it, choose someone you trust and who is open-minded.
- Try to get your friends involved (without forcing them though). It will help them understand if you want to let them know how you feel.
- It is more difficult to remain anonymous if you live with your parents. Sooner or later they will find out. The best thing is therefore to talk to him about it (better if you first talk to the most understanding).
- If you still live with your parents, tell them about it. If you are united, then, it is definitely the best thing to do. You need to feel comfortable talking to them, because talking to the people closest to you will make you feel good, and they can help you overcome the discomfort.
- Many people despise or fear diaper lovers. Be aware of what they are and be careful when you listen to them talking about the subject, because they often have a distorted view of it.
- Like most diaper lovers, you will probably want to start using your diapers "physiologically". At first it will seem strange to "let things go down", because you are no longer used to using them. It's a normal reaction for the body, and you'll have to relearn to love that relaxing feeling of not having to go to the bathroom every time.
- There is the possibility of being discovered. If this happens to you, remember that it's not the end of the world, life goes on. Don't take it too seriously.