Do you want to surprise that certain girl? While you can't control her feelings and make her fall in love with you, you can put yourself in a good light. Here are two ways to impress a girl: the first to follow if you don't know the girl, the second for someone who says she is only interested in your friendship.
Method 1 of 2: Impress a girl you don't know well

Step 1. Dress to impress
Taking care of your appearance will not only make you look more attractive, but it will make her realize that you are mature and capable of carrying on the small tasks of everyday life. Pay particular attention to these areas:
- Shower at least once a day. It's probably best to do it in the morning so you can start the day feeling clean and fresh. Wash your hair, scrub it thoroughly and rinse.
- Maintain your dental hygiene. Brush your teeth twice a day, floss and mouthwash. Help yourself with mints throughout the day.
- Take care of your beard. Shave every day. If you're growing a beard, make sure it's an even length and doesn't look scruffy and unruly. If you are prone to unibrow, consider plucking the space above the nose.
- Use an antiperspirant deodorant. Put it on in the morning right after a shower.
- Go easy on the colony. Two sprays of cologne or body spray are enough; do not exceed three applications.
- Wear clean clothes. If you often find yourself short of clean laundry, think about establishing a regular laundry schedule; for example you could decide to do the washing machine every Sunday evening.

Step 2. Be courteous
Being polite doesn't mean being boring, but knowing how to treat people with respect. It is a quality that many girls look for in their boyfriend. Show her that you can be considerate of everyone and not just her.
- Say "please", "thank you" and "please."
- If someone is entering after you, hold the door for them as they pass.
- Avoid swearing or being abusive in public or around other people. It's okay to relax a bit with friends, but try to show your best side when you are with people you don't know well.
- If you still need help, read How to Behave Polite.

Step 3. Think before you speak
We all make blunders or talk nonsense, but you have to do your best to minimize them when the girl you like is around. Take a few seconds to think about what you are about to say before you speak.
- Don't talk about other girls. Even if you think making her jealous is a good idea, don't. Making comments about other girls in front of her will make you look superficial and fickle. As far as she knows, she is the only girl that interests you.
- Avoid bullying. As good as your intentions may be, don't speak ill of people and don't indulge in gratuitous insults. She might miss the humor and take you seriously.
- Don't tell dirty jokes. The right time and place to do this is when you are with your male friends and not when you are with her. Check yourself in his presence.

Step 4. Give her sincere compliments
One thing you shouldn't fail to do to her when she is with you is a sincere and genuine compliment. It's not as difficult as it sounds! Here's what you need to do:
- Think about what you like best about her. It could be her smile, her laugh, her intelligence - whatever strikes you the most. (The only warning is not to compliment her on her physical appearance unless it is her eyes or smile. It may well be that she has a beautiful body, but this is not the right time to tell her).
- Do it almost in private. You don't have to wait until she is completely alone to pay her a compliment. At the same time, you don't have to do it in front of all of his (or your) friends. You could also tell them via text message or chat.
- Be concise and sweet. There is no need to pour out poems about its merits for three or four minutes. A simple sentence will suffice.
- Pay attention to how you formulate the compliment. Instead of saying "What a beautiful dress" or "I like how you dressed", say "You look great in this dress". Compliment the woman, not the item of clothing.
- Use the right body language. You smile! And look into her eyes as you talk to her.

Step 5. Make her feel special
Find some little tricks to let her know that you think she is an amazing person and she will surely notice.
- Don't ignore it and don't be difficult. If she writes you a message, reply to her. If she wants to talk, take the time to listen to her even if it's not the right time for you.
- Go out of your way to help her. If she needs a hand, offer your help! Whether it's moving heavy or bulky items, going on errands with her, or listening to her if she wants to let off steam.
- Let me speak. Mistake # 1 when talking to a girl is being focused on yourself. Girls are more relaxed if they can talk about common interests. Ask her what her favorite interests, hobbies, books and music are, etc. If she asks you a question, answer it in a few short sentences and then turn the question around. This will involve her in the conversation.
- Make jokes that only the two of you understand! Sharing a secret bond with you will make her feel special; she will feel close to you and part of your life. This complicity will also provide you with a good starting point for a conversation. Remember, though, that abusing the same lines can be boring, so use them sparingly.
Method 2 of 2: Don't be regarded as just a friend anymore

Step 1. Work on improving yourself
Spend the hours you would spend with her (or thinking about her) getting better about yourself. At the end of the day you will feel like a better person and have more confidence in yourself whether she is interested or not. Remember that you are not doing it for her - you are doing it for yourself, so that you can feel your best.
- Take it to the next level of looking after your appearance. Try to make your routine a little more rigorous and notice how this affects your self-esteem. Take better care of your skin, try a new hairstyle, wash more often, test a new perfume and so on.
- Take control of your life. If at this moment there is some aspect of your life that you do not have under control - whether it is study, work, or money - it is time to take matters into your own hands. Try to understand what you need to make your life stable and think that you are still on track. Then, take action - don't waste any more time thinking. Yes, girls are attracted to men who have their life under control. Also, you will feel more confident and confident because if things are going the way you want it is only because of you.
- Cultivate new hobbies or interests. Is there a sport you have always wanted to try? Or a topic you've always wanted to investigate? It's time to start! Dedicate yourself to any extra-curricular activity that strikes you and make it your new center of interest. Girls are attracted to curious people, so having hobbies and outside activities will make you interesting.

Step 2. Take a little distance from her
It's the hardest thing to do when a girl likes you so much, but it's the only way to stop her from seeing you just as a friend. If you want me to see you in a different light, you have to move away from her a bit so that your relationship starts from scratch when you start seeing each other again.
- Make an effort to have as little contact with her as possible for at least 3 to 4 weeks. It might seem like an eternity, but you can do it! Be nice when you see her, but don't go out with her, don't hang out with her for long, don't make appointments, and respond to her messages concisely and directly.
- If she asks why you are so distant, tell her that you took the time to focus on your priorities. Tell her that there is nothing personal, it's just that you are working to achieve your goals in other areas of your life. Most girls appreciate motivated and ambitious people. While she's upset that you're not spending time with her, she knows you have good reasons for doing so.

Step 3. Make a new first impression
After being away for some time, you will have the opportunity to make another "first" impression when you get back in touch with her. If you know how to play it well, it will begin to see you with new eyes.
- Take care of your appearance as well as possible. Make a greater effort to look your best when you feel that the day you will meet again is approaching. That way, your next date won't catch you unprepared.
- Make your intentions clear. If you want me to see you as a potential boyfriend, act like one! Flirt with her. Maintain eye contact. Give her an intense compliment. Do not fall into the old ways and do not act as if you worship the ground on which he walks. Make her feel special, but not at the cost of belittling you.

Step 4. Don't give her your time easily
Instead of always being available whenever she asks you, make her sweat a little to get your attention. For example, you are unwilling to go to her house to watch a romantic comedy while she complains about her ex. On the contrary, you will be available to go out for dinner on a Friday night if she wants it.
Draw a clear line between what you used to do as a friend and what you would be willing to do for her if you were her boyfriend. Be careful to stick to this distinction

Step 5. Don't waste time
After regaining contact with her, don't wait months before asking her out and take your relationship to the next level. Do it within the same week.
- Ask her on a date that is clearly romantic. This involves: a dinner, on the weekend, just you and her. He will understand the hint.
- State your feelings clearly and confidently. Let her know that you care more than just friendship. Tell her that you will accept her decision, whatever it is, but that you cannot continue to be just her friend.
- Break the ice. Take her hand, hug her, cuddle her, or switch to physical contact while you are at the table. It's a pretty clear way to get the message across, especially if physical contact has always been a hindrance between you.
- Remember that line from an old movie starring Sean Connery: "The key to a woman's heart is an unexpected gift at an unexpected moment." The gift doesn't have to be extravagant - try something as simple as a flower or her favorite dessert. Don't make too many fuss about giving her the gift, just smile at it, and accept her thanks with elegance.

Step 6. Accept his decision
If you've tried everything to impress her but failed to make a date, back off smartly. Sometimes the spark just doesn't go off. You did your best. And then there are other girls around who will like you for who you are. Go ahead and be sure of yourself!
- Play sports and stay fit.
- Make her feel wanted / appreciated and let her know you like her; is the best compliment you can give her.
- Behave like a gentleman.
- If you wear braces, glasses or have acne, don't be discouraged! Many girls don't mind appearances, but don't let yourself go. Girls spend a lot of time getting beautiful; maybe you should too. Don't think that just because you have braces, glasses and pimples, you have no hope. Sometimes it still works! Many girls find braces and glasses to be fascinating and go beyond skin defects.
- Don't follow it everywhere. You will immediately be seen as a stalker and scare her away. Even following her for a while could earn you a reputation as a stalker. The way you behave will make her want to be close to you or not want to stay away from you. If you know he thinks you are a stalker, just step back because just trying to repair the damage could make things worse. Rather, seek the help of his or her friend to help you solve the problem.
- Stay in touch with her.
- Always be nice to her. When you see her, smile at her. Make her laugh.
- Give her a gift.
- If you've followed all these steps and it didn't work, don't be discouraged. There are other girls out there who will appreciate you more than the one who dumped you.
- If she's in a bad mood, comfort her and take care of her.
- Show her understanding and affection. If the girl you like is sad or hurt, hug her. Don't just tell her you're sorry and hope it will get better. It works great because she understands that you care about her.
- Some girls like to flirt even if they don't like the guy in front of them. Just because she's always with you, hugs you, and has seductive attitudes doesn't mean she likes you. Take your time to have time to understand his true intentions.